Saturday, May 13, 2006

We'd do it subtly slow.

Earwax: Thirsty Merc - When the Weather is fine

It's nice to wake up to your father yelling at you to get up and eat the Big Breakfast he bought for you. Beats being woken up to no breakfast right?

I woke up too early, at ten o' clock. There's nothing to do but study, and then I need to get a Mother's Day present. Big booboo. I don't know what to get, and I have nobody to go with. Seeing that I have no ideas, it's better to go with someone because I'll look like a pervert stalking somebody or some crafty shoplifter looking around for when nobody's around so that I can sneak something into my tote. Haha, or maybe I'm just being paranoid and overimaginative.

I think it's the latter.

I really don't want to study, just feel like burning my books at the stake. But then I still need them for Secondary Three and Sec Four. Ah, Cheryl and I were talking about the silliest thing on the face of the planet last night for an hour. We were dying of boredom - resulting in the siIanx ahhx liians coPiicattx nerh. Yeah. I think you get what mean.

Honestly I feel like the exams are over.

Oh and I'll send my condolences to the Secondary Fours going to have their Chinese O Level. What a drag. It's 2 weeks away.

She moves fast, takes control
And like a heart attack I know I can't turn back
And the time just passed, nights moved slow
And she was all I had, I thought I’d never last
Can’t let her go, it's who you know

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