Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Earwax: Yellowcard - Rough Landing Holly

Had my E Math Paper 1 & my History Elective paper today. All was good, E maths was pretty easy and I thank Hiew for the super-long-winded-revision yesterday afternoon. History was pretty tough, and for the first time, you see me stressing that I cannot finish the paper.

You can say that I didn't really 'finish' finish the paper, I just quickly summed up everything during the last 3 minutes, so that I didn't have to deal with the rush and all, like Meixuan does, and I still had time to look around, observe the other classes from what I can see from my window and basically stone away.

And I used to have too much spare time to look around, sleep and observe other people's furiously scribbling hands and concentrated faces, I guess those times are gone.

I sleep pretty early, and I wake up more tired than the night before, how ironic.

I'm glad I took a nap this afternoon, I have finished reading the whole of Macbeth from 8-10pm, incredible! I told myself to finish the book in like 2 weeks and I finish it in 2 hours instead, on the eve of the exam. Ran through my Macbeth stuff, honestly I'm so frickin' stressed over the Macbeth section of Lit, it's hard to expect what's going to come out, and all that skills involved just makes my head spin.

My sister says I always claim I'm stressed
- I don't act like it.
- I'm so happy and jumpy that you wouldn't even think I have exams.
- I'm playing/shopping with all my exam-over friends.

Haha, do not be fooled! Although I don't seem like it, I can suddenly settle into this mode that I'll be grouchy if I can't do anything, start stomping my feet on the ground and my eyes will just threaten torrential rain. (Okay, this is such an attempt at being descriptive, but you've got to admit that the effect is cool uh! Haha)

Yeah, but that hardly happens, unless I'm really unprepared, lost and I don't know what more. I don't work around stress well, or stressed people. I think they just annoy me and make me lose my concentration on what I'm studying. My parents should know that - if they were to stress me and or try to make me study, I'll just sit back, throw my books on the table, put my hands behind my head and watch them fume. Yup, I'm a big example of obnoxious rebellion. Oh and presently they never get to know when my exams are because I don't want them to stress me, and they feel insulted that they are not informed. My mom mainly. Dads don't really care about the dates, they care about the results. Which is good!

Fathers are practical. Mothers are just kiasu, pessimistic, and always think of stupid things for you to do.

I need to teach Mel how to do Lit quotations, with all that square bracketing for change of subjects. See! Lit sounds like Math! Ugh.

We came down to watch the world walk by
And all she found was trouble in my eyes
From the sky she pulled me down tonight
Let her go

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