Sunday, May 21, 2006

I'm fed up, with you and your ridiculous insecurity.

This is the last straw, perhaps only now you'll know how much patience I had with you. I try to be nice, I try not to flare up, I try not to be rude, but you're not trying to not piss me off. I don't know what sort of eccentric mind you have that what you think is a way of being so called concerned/being nice/being understanding (as much as you insist, I am still doubtful)

How many times do I have to remind myself "Forgive & Forget"? You make it such a chore to tell myself that at times, because I have to tell myself that everytime I'm forced (refer to next paragraph) into a conversation with you.

I know I never refuse conversations on MSN, because I'm an online person, and I'm more patient online. I can't keep doing that because you never seem to know when to stop.

Just stop, go away, and leave me alone, and if you don't, I'll just say I can play "I don't know you, stranger" really, really well.

You make me turn green with disease.

But as consolation, you are okay to talk to, you just have to watch how you, talk to people. You're seriously lacking in PR skills.

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