Sunday, May 07, 2006

Life is unfair, honey.

Trusted you too much? I don't know, somehow I don't feel so.

And I'll say "Life is unfair, honey."

"Wow, I feel like slapping you man, what mentality is that! If they ask you why you didn't help, you say life is unfair, you see how many people are gonna slap you"
"You want me to get slapped right?"
"No la heh. Just joking around ok."

Mr Want-To-Please-Everyone, you make me go "Oh please". It's the vicious cycle where 1 stabs 2 & complains to 3 & 3 tells 2 when 2 asks about it and 2 stabs 1. So basically 3 knows everything, but then 1+2 stabs 3.

Let's backstab everyone and then we'd all be in equilibrium.

I'll blame it on the weatherman.

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