Friday, March 17, 2006

Time travel & girlfriend matters.

It's difficult to phantom how holidays always fly past so quickly, while school days just seem to take longer to end. It's Friday today, and school's reopening on Monday, three short days later. I'm not looking forward to the June holidays, because that means I get to spend less time with you, yeah, but I'm telling you that, because of that, time will seemingly speed up during this March period to the June holidays.

Why does Time always do that? Speed up when you don't want it to, ah, that reminds me of Nanny McPhee "When you need me, but don't want me, I'll be here, but when you don't need me, but want me, that's when it's my time to go" Haha, that was so random but you see the small link right?

So my holidays was just drab. There's synergiz, yeah, besides that, it's just plain, old, holidays. My girlfriends are all in camp, I'm not exactly feeling lonely but it just feels different without them around, like Michelle bothering me on MSN, Cheryl and I talking about emotional stuff, Jeralyn to 'materialise' around (aha) and go shopping with, Jolene to poke her, and Jinghan, to boost my ego and burst it as well and then get me annoyed. Lol. See, every one of my friends fills up my gap in my heart! Yeah, so they're extremely loved. Especially since I've been with Jinghan, Jeralyn, Cheryl and Michelle since birth, if not more than 12 years. That's long, longer than any other friendship I've had so far.

I miss going to Church, and there's no church this Saturday. :( At least there's synergiz! :) Yeah.

I'm pretty much passive, secretive and optimistic in a pessimistic way. Yeah, that's who I am, and tell you what, I feel unloved 80% of the time. Yeah. I've said it out, and please, I meant general family love, general friend love and some other misc love. Ha, if that even exists.

I love my dad and Lynette, and I know they love me too.

On a lighter note, I thank God that God loves me (YEAH!) and my girlfriends' love me, and I love all of them too.

I am, that easy to please. It's just because I'm passive over this kind of things, that's why nobody knows.

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