Sunday, March 19, 2006


I bought two tops today, one green and one yellow, and I'm feeling quite broke, finally. My sister has been chanting to me all day "Wha, somebody very rich huh" and I'm going "Nono, not anymore", seriously my money's just running away from me. I either top up my ez-link and $5 disappears in that second, and I'll eat some fat food and spend another $10, in another few seconds. Gee.

But now I'm really good with putting up with the itchy-mouth problem. I've always got a itchy mouth, and I don't mean it literally, like itchy-scratchy kind of itchy, but just the kind that I keep wanting to put anything edible in my mouth, candies, lollipops, pasta, food, anything! Just to fulfil my itchy-mouth-ness, which never really gets fulfilled anyway.

So good, one problem of mine solved, so now I also spend less money on itchy-mouth food and snacks. I'm beginning to make no sense, but pardon me here.

I just had prata with Thomas, Lynette and Daddy. ;D Then we bought some tidbits after that. Thank goodness the prata place is so near to my house, then we can quickly rush home in the car and bathe and sleep! Seriously I'm like so tired, sleeping at 3.30am last night and waking up at 8am. Shucks, my biological clock is always getting me up at unearthly hours like 8. -_- Holidays are so not holidays if you wake up that early, haha, but that means you can get Macdonald's breakfast, which is after all quite comforting, ah, that hot cake syrup. Love it!

Synergiz was good, although I only went for the 3rd night's service which is also the last night. Ah, the altar call got all of us crying like madwomen/males. Haha, but it was refreshing in a way. Yeah. You'll know what I mean if you were there. The worship was pretty good, and cool too. Love those colourful lights, call me childhood deprived but I kinda like flashing neon lights and pretty flowery designs on the light machine. (You know they switch those flower shaped cards to get the effect?)

Cheryl and I were quite amused with somebody. Hahahahaha. We nearly hooted our heads off (I mean, laughed. Hahaha)

I still want to shop. Retail therapy uhm.

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