Thursday, March 23, 2006

Silly girlayes.

It was raining cats and dogs this morning, and I was quite annoyed with my maid because she was pretending to be so helpful and all. Geez, in the end I walked out of my house with no umbrella in a very, very light drizzle, and she was nagging that I should let her shade me out. Haha. I said no. You see, I'm really fussy and I hate people who walk with their slippers/feet dragging with a tsk-tlik-tlak sound. It's just so, irritating especially when the atmosphere in the morning is really cool and quiet and nice, and then the quiet air is broken by some idiot with a tsking-walking-style.

Well school started off weirdly, there was no assembly even though I thought there would be assembly because it wasn't really raining from what I could see from the interior of my classroom. Lessons usually start at 7.45am and the teacher normally comes in late, so start late, end early. But my chinese teacher, my god, and I'm talking about the trainee. She came in 16 minutes earlier and was clad in totally pink. Like my god la! We were laughing our heads off that she already looked like a pig, and the whole pink outfit made it even worse, like she's really a pig as an occupation. Lol.

Erica and I were slacking and talking rubbish the entire lesson, and I don't know why but she (the trainee teacher) loves pinpointing us, because she happens to remember both our names pretty well, and her first impression of Erica was bad. Hahaha, the first lesson Erica was sleeping and the second lesson Erica was eating sweets and lollipops non-stop. Haha. Yeah, and she keeps picking on Alanna too, and hit Alanna's head with her worksheets today.

Double Lit! Song En, Darren and Zihui were busy insulting our co-form teacher and the chinese trainee teacher, hahaha, we laughed like mad. Mel and I have our lit assignment due tomorrow, I've done my part, but Mel has no computer at home, and she refused to stay back today to do it in the library, so I don't know whether, we should just pass up my portion of the character analysis.

Double History! (: Mr Chia was so funny. Heh heh. 3/7 history students want Mr Chia as form teacher next year!

The rest of the day was boring, although we did the cheap version of the Johari window on paper. -_- Therefore it's the 'cheap version'. Lina and Song En just asked me to do their Johari windows on the net. Hahaha. Oh yeah, my group was Glande, Jiayun, Erica and Melissa! They were so cute! Glande was matter-of-factly saying she is fat and short! Silly girl. ;D Never got to talk to Jiayun much but when I talked to her today she was so amusing! Hahaha, another silly girl. We were writing each other's blind area and Erica's view of me was super funny, and she added some extra thing which I cancelled away after Hiew said he was going to check it! Yikes. Lol. Then Erica started drawing retarded smilies and pig faces. Erh. Hahaha.

Went for Math Remedial! Haha, Mel was drawing ninja turtles on Jolene's table, I think Jolene will freak tomorrow. Hohoho. =D

Well, sorry for my boring post. I don't feel like writing tonight. (:

You count the hours before you see me again

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