Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Friedster. So darn fried.

You know, I always make this typo error, from to Imagine how would it be like we all had fried friends for friends. Lol, okay, that's like so paralyzed.

School was okay. I was glad not to hear my name again - to get detention. The whole idea of it makes me queasy. Melissa didn't come to school today! Aw man.

School ends late on Wednesday, instead of one-thirty, it ends at two. -_- And the last two periods are Chemistry, which is so freaking boring. Blech. Don't know why, but 3/5 and 3/6 end at 1.30pm but 3/7, 3/8, 3/9 end at 2, I'm not sure about the sec fours, but it's so unfair, especially if you have to spend the extra time with freckleface. I just thank God that she isn't my form teacher, unlike ke lian (pathetic/poor thing) 3/6, who has gotten her as form teacher. Egh.

Hiew populated our notebooks with math homework during double A Math, I don't like the thought of Indices, Surds and Logarithms. I think I'm gonna suck at it. Shit, got back my common test, and I failed by half a mark! Geez, still feeling quite peeved with myself, I made a lame mistake on the first question! All it needed was "simultaneous equation" method, and I went to do something else.

Double Chinese and English were so boring. Erica again came to sit with me during Chinese and we crapped and ate lollipops during the teacher's lesson outrightly, but Erica got caught by the teacher while I didn't, and she was making sore faces at me. Lol. She's a good sport. Crosby and Jonathan were damn funny throughout the Chinese lesson (Crosby threw our rubbish like, out of the window), then English, we had to do a summary, to be counted in our CA marks. Boring!

Then Math again, then History, then Chem.

After History, Crosby, Andy, Nurul, Jiayun and I were going to pon as much of Chemistry as we could, by walking around the school, going down to the third level, loitering around and walking one round before going back to class, and all the effort went down the drain, because that lame-o didn't even come to the class before we came back. She came 5 minutes later, but we had to rush back also because Mrs Cheam was questioning Wei Jie (3/8 people wanted to pon their chem tests) Lol.

FF was soooo annoyed with us. Freaking fun!

Lit presentation to be done tomorrow, Melissa better not disappear and not come like today! Ah, miss her!

Sec Three is so full of tests!

I got a funeral service to go to tonight, ah, was supposed to go out with my sister, but she's napping now (She didn't sleep at all last night, preparing her assignments and such) My closest cousin's (CHERYL!) maternal grandma passed away. Last night, I was just thinking, "how is she ah" to myself, and the next day I hear she's dead. She passed away yesterday morning, sorry for sounding rude.

Well, got a load of A Math to do, but I'm not going to do them because I have absolutely no idea how to do it! Geez.

Prominently you, let's watch the hill from afar! Oh basketballs and ankle socks. Let's see what else comes to my mind on the hill? Rulebreaker, you ponner.

I was surprised they've started work on the wall already, so soon. Einitar and I were saying that the wall was nice (the four diamonds) and we were saying that we should just leave it be, as I knew that Alanna and et cetera had spent the entire afternoon yesterday drawing and pasting the masking tape. Yeah, and it's kinda painful to see it just get painted over. I'm also shocked at how quickly Erica can get the job done her way. Mm.
Yeah, and Alanna was quite pissed and upset at the same time. I know, the painful feeling of all your efforts running down the drain, but it's okay guys! (Cindy, Xinyi, Joyce, Lydia, Alanna and whoever who had a part in that diamond-ed wall ;D) I'm sure you guys will get a chance to do it up your way on another wall. Lol.
Einitar commented that Erica was being selfish. Ah, I think both designs are nice la! ;D Although I find the entire notice board, like er, painted purple seems odd.
Guys, it's okay okay? I know you guys think that I'm on Erica's side, but I don't want to take sides, because I think you guys really took the effort to do up the wall, and it's selfish of Erica to want it her way, but since I've known her since Sec One, I think it's her character to be more of a perfectionist and to want her way. I've never gotten around it either ha. We'll just accept each other then?

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