Thursday, March 30, 2006


My gleefulness is wearing off. I'm feeling tired, worn out, and most of all, feeling annoyed that the weekends are coming.

I'm really turned off by weekends. I'm just so stressed, in a way. I know I'm a slacker and all, but weekends packed like that is too routine already, I feel like I'm like a robot. The same old things happen every single week.

My piano teacher calls me a premature grandmother because I go to her lesson with a grouchy face every week, because I'm so worn-out. I take a freaking 1hr and 15 mins bus ride to and fro from her house, why must she stay so freaking far? She used to stay in Hougang. I like music lessons and all, but now I feel like I'm a slave to the piano instead of something else.

Okay I feel like a whiny spoilt brat. Shan't rant anymore about how routine and robotic my life goes, every single week.

Like lsdkoiasdoihjweorijsovijwejkflwiejfolsidjf! Grr.

Clarence tells me to relax, and I get more agitated with how much my life sucks right now. Talk about reverse psychology. Hah.

Haha, and I'm not irritated with anyone, just moody and being totally anal. I was fine in the afternoon, hopefully I'll cool by the end of the night, sleeping with a mood is a no-no for me.

You are, so anal.

I realise this song is, very timely -
Click Five's Time Machine
I think I need some time by myself
Without anybody else
I just need to unwind
In my time machine
I need to go far away
A few years back would be okay
I just need to unwind
In my time machine

Baby just say goodnight
'cause I'll be gone tomorrow.

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