Sunday, March 19, 2006

Oh oh, scandalous pairree.

I've been keeping my eyes shut the entire holiday so that I don't have to look at the calendar and exclaim that the week's over, so soon, too soon. Don't take this literally.

Yeah, the week is over, and I'm going to bathe, right about now. Went to church this morning at 9.30am instead of one-hour later because I wanted to catch the car. Lol. Don't take this literally as well. (: So went there early to have breakfast (Sooooon kueh) at the Food Fair. I heard today's the last day of the alternate-week food fair. Bleah, then I won't have lunch paid for by my parents anymore. Ha.

I feel this need to go shopping, again. Why, why, why! All these sudden material wants. -_- It's annoying me to ashes, like I'm only happy when I'm shopping. The weekends for me are always booked full, with church and stuff.

CG was funny. There was only Sam, Jamin, Jinghan, Cheryl, Michelle and I. Haha, yup a really small group and Shawn was overslept (and he had soundman duty) naughty naughty. Lol! Okay, but everybody was really exhausted, especially those who went for Synergiz after their JTC. Yeah, it was terrible. Rachel Wong, Bernice and Michelle had extremely bad goldfish eyes. Okay, but some people have them like, for a facial feature, so they jolly be happy for themselves and count themselves lucky! Hahaha.

Michelle's goldfishies were the worse. Man, I wanted to pop them with safety pins. You guys ah, go rest okay? ;D

After that, went for a short lunch with Cheryl, while the others were at Loy Kee. Haha and we were at the food fair feasting off our parents, nah, it was pathetic, both of us sharing another soon kueh... not exactly, feasting eh?

Haha, rangers was cool. Was supposed to have bible debate but Yogi changed it to another activity, share about our experiences in JTC/Synergiz and then we had an entanglement game and then prayer for the MissionTrippers and stuff. Yup.

The Entanglement game was funny. You know that simple game where you guys stand in a circle and reach out and grab any hand and then later unentangle yourself from each other. But this time, we had to do it blindfolded, gee, so not easy lo. Hohoho, neither patrol finished unentangling, but elpizo lost, again. Lol. We started first, and the Synesis people were laughing at Jamin/Valencia and Me/Samuel, but mostly Samuel and I, 'cause we four were in positions that the guy was 'hugging' the girl. Ahuh. Mind you, at the beginning of the game until the time when our blindfolds were taken off, my arm was permanently fixed under Samuel's pits, not a good place to start a game eh! Lol!

Oh then it was Synesis's turn. OHOHOHOHO. CHERYL AND CHRIS CHONG WERE SOOOO SCANDALOUS WHEN THEY WERE BLINDFOLDED. HAHA, I will not elaborate. We'll just keep it amongst ourselves and laugh everytime we need a kickstart. LOL.

Oh scandalous pair! After that went for music class, was late by fifteen minutes, but I was so bushed that I slept the entire hour and few minutes on the bus. Geez. The bed welcomes me, right now! Well, I think I'm going off now, 'cause I've got my Eng essay to do. -_- Geez, I hate narratives.

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