Friday, March 10, 2006

Lenses, running and apollians.

Birthday wishes:
Happy Birthday to ...
March 8 - Cathy
March 13 - Kevin
March 14 - Glenn
March 14 - Meixuan
March 18 - Andy
March 21 - Nurul
March 21 - Grace
March 22 - Michelle
March 23 - Desmond
March 26 - Jason

Huihui, Lou, James.
In train.
"Eh stop putting your arms on someone taller than you!
Pick on someone your own size."

Huihui, Lou & James.
In train.

Huihui and Louisa!
I look so old!
@ City Hall MRT

Geraldine the Cam-whore.
@ Assembly Area

Geraldine and I - haha, I look like I'm playing hide and seek.

Yeah la, the picture is pathetic. They're of the two dragonboats.

Hui hui, Lou and Michelle
@ Macs for dinner.


School was fun. House meeting in the morning, and Lydia and I were trying to escape Mrs Hogan, Alanna and Zhenru didn't come at all, to school and UDC, so they didn't have trouble escaping. Mirliana was so cute during the cheer thing, but she couldn't go in the afternoon 'cause she had Crime Prevention project to present at somewhere. Haha, forgot where! Had a pathetic 40 minutes english lesson, and Miss Chan went through this Vocab worksheet that I didn't bring. Hahaha.

Went to Mel's house to get money, then went to my house with Mel to get my money, then we went thomson plaza just to eat giant churros! ;D $2.80! Super expensive, but heck it's super nice, and then we had meiji milk too. Yum. That was my lunch! =(

Went to meet Huihui and Michelle at AMK station, then met James too, so hung around for a while to wait for them to top up their cards and get standard tickets, then headed to Lavender, we reached at 1308 - super early when we're not even dragonboaters. Later on, some of Apollo's dragonboaters came at like 1420 when they are supposed to report at the assembly area at 1330! Hahaha, latecomers.

Slacked around, watched cheer teams, were banned off the railings. The teachers were so afraid we'd fall into the water and die. -_- So we couldn't really watch the whole dragonboat race in peace, besides I had to go for the 2km run, which I walked all the way, and missed the Upper Sec dragonboat races. I wanted to watch the Upper Sec one 'cause the Lower Secs were so weak and slow la. -_- Not fun to watch!

Saw the Upper Sec guys after they finished. So poor thing la. Some fainted or nearly died, some vomited. I was like "What is the school doing?!" And those lousy SJAB people were quite lost at what to do with Agnes, who had an asthma attack or something and got sent to the hospital later.

My skin is feeling itchy - I've got sunburns, on the face and arms, damn. Ah, tomorrow I'm going with Mel and Sam to St Nick's funfair. Coolness ;D ! I heard Huihui and her primary school friend are going too ;D Yeah, prepare for more camwhoreness. Hahahahahahaha. I love the camera's lens. Hahahaha. Yeah, sound super bimbo. Whatever! (:(: Just so happy.

Yup, that's about all, my contact lenses are annoying me 'cause they keep blurring up, so toodles, I shall go wash them.

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