Friday, March 31, 2006

Anna Nalick - Just Breathe

2 AM and she calls me cause I'm still awake
Can you help me unravel my latest mistake?
I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season.
Yeah we walk through the doors so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize
Hypocrites, you're all here for the very same reason.

Cause you can't jump the track
We're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass glued to the table,
No one can find the rewind button, girl
So cradle your head in your hands.
And breathe, just breathe, whoa breathe, just breathe

May he turned 21 on the base of Fort Bliss
"Just a day," he said down to the flask in his fist
Ain't been sober since maybe October of last year
Here in town you can tell he's been down for awhile
But my God it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
Wanna hold him maybe I'll just sing about it

There's a light at each end of this tunnel
You shout cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
And these mistakes you've made
You'll just make them again if you'll only try turnin' around

2 AM and I'm still awake writing this song
If I get it all down on paper it's no longer inside of me
Threatening the life it belongs to.
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.

But you can't jump the track
We're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass glued to the table,
No one can find the rewind button now
Sing it if you understand, yeah breathe
Just breathe, oh oh breathe, just breathe,
Oh breathe,just breathe, oh breathe, just breathe


I haven't gone out with Jeralyn for months, and we haven't really got the time to go tanning or to the beach or anything. Aah. Both of us are just way caught up in school activities and all, like I'm just so into finishing my homework on time (our due dates are always days later) and then revising my stuff (yeah la, I'm a loser lol) and just having fun on Saturdays with them, and she's caught up with all that cheerleading, band and popularity stuff. Yeah, she's one popular ladeh.

I really hate this about me, I'm lazy, therefore I hate crowded places (jostling with people) and noisy places (yeah I love music, but many music put together is noise). Yeah, so let's be lifeless. Although I kinda like shopping alone now, I get things done, way faster.

School went past in a blur, really. I guess when we have such a short day (on Fridays) and all, it's cool. Aces was so lame, the sec threes have to bear with skipping (Like what the- So Pre school! Not even Primary school. Hahaha.) I don't understand why. Haha, I know that we're taking turns, like one cohort will do jogging, then physical training, then aerobics and skipping. It's swopped once a term. How unfair. The Sec ones are doing aerobics, the sec 2s are doing jogging, the sec 3s are doing skipping. -_- And the sec 4s are doing PT, and boy, Erica and I watched the sec fours/fives doing PT, it was hell! When we did PT, it was Mr Lee, and he just let us play lame games with the medicine ball. But their teacher-in-charge was Mr Zaman and he was torturing them like, I don't know what. Maybe the beginning was fine. Lol.

Oh yeah, skipping is so embarrassing. Those mocking sec twos were watching us from the 2nd/3rd/4th storey. Aye.

Miss Chan got really peeved with us today. I rushed my English work during recess ;D

A Math was funny, but Hiew checked our books and most of us had empty books, thankfully I had the old textbook, so my questions were different. -_- Yup.

Were supposed to have an extra one-hour lesson, and it got cancelled yeah. In the end rushed my EM homework and handed it up. Dah, had to reach him by 5pm if not trouble.

Mel did her nails in black & green stripes. Coool. Watermelon fingers. Haha!

Do you know I have a date tomorrow, but I don't know who I'm going with. Haha. Crap.

I'm two quarters and a heart down
And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds
These words are all I have so I'll write them
So you need them just to get by

I heard, I heard, I heard.

Girlfriend #1: He thinks he's such a bigshot la.
Girlfriend #2: Please, ask him to buy a mirror.
Girlfriend #3: Oh my god -faints
Girlfriend #4 cum boyfriend: Eh, that psycho!
Girlfriend #5:
Eeeeeee! So gross.

You just got to accept it that I'm not the only person who thinks you're way too egoistic & revolting.

Bang shika snap boom.

I'm gonna waste another Friday away. I've got a lot of work to do. Aye.

I'll blog later. I'm life-less. -_-

'Boyfriend went out with boyfriend and then girlfriend went out with girlfriends'- Go figure ;D

Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a shoebox of photographs with sepia tone loving

Thursday, March 30, 2006


My gleefulness is wearing off. I'm feeling tired, worn out, and most of all, feeling annoyed that the weekends are coming.

I'm really turned off by weekends. I'm just so stressed, in a way. I know I'm a slacker and all, but weekends packed like that is too routine already, I feel like I'm like a robot. The same old things happen every single week.

My piano teacher calls me a premature grandmother because I go to her lesson with a grouchy face every week, because I'm so worn-out. I take a freaking 1hr and 15 mins bus ride to and fro from her house, why must she stay so freaking far? She used to stay in Hougang. I like music lessons and all, but now I feel like I'm a slave to the piano instead of something else.

Okay I feel like a whiny spoilt brat. Shan't rant anymore about how routine and robotic my life goes, every single week.

Like lsdkoiasdoihjweorijsovijwejkflwiejfolsidjf! Grr.

Clarence tells me to relax, and I get more agitated with how much my life sucks right now. Talk about reverse psychology. Hah.

Haha, and I'm not irritated with anyone, just moody and being totally anal. I was fine in the afternoon, hopefully I'll cool by the end of the night, sleeping with a mood is a no-no for me.

You are, so anal.

I realise this song is, very timely -
Click Five's Time Machine
I think I need some time by myself
Without anybody else
I just need to unwind
In my time machine
I need to go far away
A few years back would be okay
I just need to unwind
In my time machine

Baby just say goodnight
'cause I'll be gone tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

You think you know me?

I still like plain layouts. Say I'm a boring fellow, but I kinda hate colours, especially if I have to see it everyday. I like basic colours, and I hate pink when it gets into overdose mode.

And don't say that the contents of my bag are in total pink, because they're all gifts. The small hot pink purse, that purple pencilcase, the pink file, yada. Except for my roxy pencilcase, which I'm not carrying now 'cause it's so big. Plus-sized you know.

I'm a boy stuck in a girl's body.

Honestly, Erica & Song En even thought I was gay.

Chem Monsters & Kel' Thuzad. Cheeky thoughts.

The moment I saw Melissa today I pointed at her and said "Hey, are you happy today?!"
Mel: -grins
Louisa. Me too. ;D

Silly Us.

Wednesdays are long days. That's why I don't like it, and the last period sucks too. I keep getting picked on by that chocolate chip cookie, it's starting to really get on my nerves. I'm practically nameless in her sight, all she does is call me "Councillorrrrrr" and then do some eye-batting thing.

Darren got picked on as well. Haha, and he got punished to do 20 jumping jacks. What creative punishment huh. (MSN Conversation)
Darren: I where got look sleepy just now >.< I looked so attentive
Louisa: Your head was on the table right.
Darren: Kinda. True, true.
Darren: But I was trying to find out if sound travels faster in solids or not.
Louisa: Omg. That's lame.
Darren: Obviously they're the same after she came to the table and shouted at me.
Louisa: Ahuh.


I just added Kennard on MSN, and then his nickname contained "Kel' Thuzad". I've seen 4 people on my list who have that name in their Msn nicks already, and I was awfully curious. I asked one of them, and he told me to find out from Leonard and Zhanglin. -_- Not very helpful eh?

So I asked Kennard, and he gave me, a very, hahaha, long-winded but indepth explanation of what/who Kel' Thuzad is. Hahahaha.

Oh dota/warcraft freaks.

So, from my understanding. I get it that. Kel' Thuzad wears a cape and it comes with a hood. He serves the Lich King because he's a Lich. His birthdate or place is unknown and he stayed by the Lich King's side when the dark minions rebelled against the Lich King. He helped Arthas on his journey to save the Lich King. He is a hero in the undead legion and is basically a skeleton. He floats to move and is a mage type. He is a hero in dota of the scrouge side. He holds the power of ice and he is, still a pile of bones - But in dota, his cape has upgraded and it comes with a 'fur coat' made from floating snowflakes that emerge from his hands. He is quite a strong hero if you know how to use him. He's quite popular too, and you get to irritate people in the beginning of the game because his early game spells, are well, irritating. He shoots blocks of ice at enemies, and for his normal attack, his eyes are just 2 beams of shiny blue light. His cape moves well with the wind.

Kennard: See my display pic? That's him.
Louisa: What? That doesn't even look like a person!
Kennard: Well, that's warcraft. Come on, it's a game.
Kennard: Oh well, that's what little I have to say about Kel Thuzad.
Louisa: That's A LOT.

Why am I even posting this when I don't even play dota/warcraft? (Hahaha, so actually I don't really understand all that mage stuff) Heh.

Oh well. I've got homework to do, but I didn't bring home my exercise book. =p

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Pits of the heart.

Mel and I went BK for lunch after school,
and I concluded after all our chatter about
how much we felt about our school and our current lives.

I'm a happy girl.
And I love these guys the most!
Erica, Melissa, Glande, Lina, Joyce, Lydia, Shafain.
Boy do they make my day.

It was numbness, now it's love! :D Heh.

Footnote: I'm not lesbian, Song En. Hurhurhur. ;D

Click Five - Time Machine

Oh what a mess
You've got the best of my heart it broke
And now it's just a joke
Cause you're moving right along
I'm still here and you're gone

Oh what a scene
You know I didn't mean for the winds to change
Won't ever be the same
Cause the kisses that you blew
Could never improve

I think I need some time by myself
Without anybody else
I just need to unwind
In my time machine
I need to go far away
A few years back would be okay
I just need to unwind
In my time machine

Hey you yeah I'm talking to you
You lost your love in bed
And now it's just dead
Because it didn't mean a thing
But you're waiting for a ring

Hey it's a game and aint it a shame
I was just a show I thought that this was love
But I can't be fooled again
I'm crying out but I can't give in

Sunday, March 26, 2006

=/ Crazy.

Earwax: Hillsong United - Take It All

I suddenly feel a bit deaf in my right ear. Eegh.

I just finished mugging for my Physics test & my A Math common test tomorrow. I don't think I'm ready for my A Math common test. Hiew said it's gonna be hard, LLT also said it's gonna be hard, and I'm really, really afraid. I mean, it's my weakest topic, and I was revising and going through all the examples, mostly getting all wrong when I tried them anyway. I feel really stressed! I don't wanna fail math, I don't wanna fail Chinese, I don't wanna fail anything!

I haven't done my chinese letter-writing, and obviously I'm not planning to do it. Guess I have to put my trust in God that I WILL pass. Ah, my sister says for once I'm like feeling quite stressed, although it contradicts that I still dare to come online to blog for a short while, hey, just to take my mind off the whole 'stress!' thing.

Lyn says that I'm the very happy-go-lucky type of person, knowing that I have a lot to do but I'll still be happy, happy, and I will finish the assignments on time. Really? Haha. I think so too, she's the exact opposite, being such a kanchiongmama like Lydia. Heh heh.

I was playing Bridge - until 9 o'clock yeah, then I realised that I got a Physics test along with my Math, so I got really stressed and rushed in and out of the bathroom to bathe. For once, I am not taking my own sweet time to bathe. Ah, I'm such a lazy bum that bathing time is practically like, sleeping-time, just that it's done in the toilet. Hurhurhur. ;D

Study-study-study. I've GOT to be disciplined, and also not ignore my mom this week.


Oh shucks, I haven't finished my Newsweek assignment. Eh. I hate the weekends when the teachers pile the homework stack high. I've got church on Sat from 2-10pm, including transport time, dinner and fellowship time, then Sundays are packed full too, from 10-6pm. I have care group, then lunch, then rangers, then piano class.

I'm really busy on weekends, but my weekdays are like holidays. -_- Warped calendar eh?

I shall go sleep now. Early, and then take essence of chicken tomorrow. YES. I will be awake and not sleepy tomorrow! YESYESYES.

*What is wrong with me today? Being all enthusiastic about school & tests.

By the way, Sign Language drove me crazy because I suck at such stuff. =/

Feel so fat, feel like a piece of shit.

Hillsong United - From God Above

As I look at the world
I begin to dream of the future
What's next to be
Your love so strong for everyone
You made us all in Your image

And You saved the day
When Jesus came
And You took away all my sin and shame
And You made us right again

You came from God above
The Father's only Son
Saved my soul
Made me new
Now I live for You

My heart is alive and my spirit free
In the Saviour
Gave His life for me
By Your Word
We will be the light of the world
My Father
Shine Your light in me

I'll stand on the Word
Be a light in the world
When Your praises are heard
We'll be singing

Bad hair day.

Hello! It's time for me to go to church. Mmmhmmhmm!

Wilderness Survival & Sign Language. Uhuh.

Music later.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Pop goes the weasel.

What a day! Woke up at around 9 plus to do my homework, slacked around, and then couldn't resist the temptation to use the computer, and then went to play Yahoo! Pool. Haha, I love that game, been playing it since Primary 5, 'cause my eldest sister always played it. Heh heh. :D

Church. We had CE about Abortion today, not very applicable to me, considering that I wouldn't even come into contact with people who will/has gone through abortion and yada yada, but well, yeah, just general knowledge.

Went for dinner at United Square, and after we ate at food junction, we went to Mccafe (We met a lot of the church people on the way there) and Subway. I ate two Subway cookies. Double Yum! ;D Heh.

Went home straight after that, what a surprise, we always slack around until 10 plus, 11. Haha.

Oh well. I'm so, so tired.

Feeling itchy too.

Rebellious Tendencies.

I've been thinking of the most warped things the whole morning before I really woke up and got out of bed.

Let's get up, go play, and stage a rebellion by throwing away our homeworks!

Now that's what I like. Rebellion.

And if you're bored, you can help me do this. Heh heh.
My Johari Window:
My Nohari Window:
I know I'll have more people doing the Nohari. =/

Ervin said I was humourless. Haha. But it's okay, 'cause I'm quite humourless to people who I don't really know. ;D

Hahaha. Oh well. I'm prepared to see really horrible stuff on the Nohari anyway, 'cause people have got bad impressions of me.

Carry your heart in mine

Friday, March 24, 2006

Randomness with Msn nicks.

I realise a lot of people on my MSN contact list use square brackets to bracket up their names, haha, including Marcus, who's on Mobile. Lol.

What is so nice about square brackets? Perhaps I should try.
[Louisa] No, it just doesn't look right. Haha.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Silly girlayes.

It was raining cats and dogs this morning, and I was quite annoyed with my maid because she was pretending to be so helpful and all. Geez, in the end I walked out of my house with no umbrella in a very, very light drizzle, and she was nagging that I should let her shade me out. Haha. I said no. You see, I'm really fussy and I hate people who walk with their slippers/feet dragging with a tsk-tlik-tlak sound. It's just so, irritating especially when the atmosphere in the morning is really cool and quiet and nice, and then the quiet air is broken by some idiot with a tsking-walking-style.

Well school started off weirdly, there was no assembly even though I thought there would be assembly because it wasn't really raining from what I could see from the interior of my classroom. Lessons usually start at 7.45am and the teacher normally comes in late, so start late, end early. But my chinese teacher, my god, and I'm talking about the trainee. She came in 16 minutes earlier and was clad in totally pink. Like my god la! We were laughing our heads off that she already looked like a pig, and the whole pink outfit made it even worse, like she's really a pig as an occupation. Lol.

Erica and I were slacking and talking rubbish the entire lesson, and I don't know why but she (the trainee teacher) loves pinpointing us, because she happens to remember both our names pretty well, and her first impression of Erica was bad. Hahaha, the first lesson Erica was sleeping and the second lesson Erica was eating sweets and lollipops non-stop. Haha. Yeah, and she keeps picking on Alanna too, and hit Alanna's head with her worksheets today.

Double Lit! Song En, Darren and Zihui were busy insulting our co-form teacher and the chinese trainee teacher, hahaha, we laughed like mad. Mel and I have our lit assignment due tomorrow, I've done my part, but Mel has no computer at home, and she refused to stay back today to do it in the library, so I don't know whether, we should just pass up my portion of the character analysis.

Double History! (: Mr Chia was so funny. Heh heh. 3/7 history students want Mr Chia as form teacher next year!

The rest of the day was boring, although we did the cheap version of the Johari window on paper. -_- Therefore it's the 'cheap version'. Lina and Song En just asked me to do their Johari windows on the net. Hahaha. Oh yeah, my group was Glande, Jiayun, Erica and Melissa! They were so cute! Glande was matter-of-factly saying she is fat and short! Silly girl. ;D Never got to talk to Jiayun much but when I talked to her today she was so amusing! Hahaha, another silly girl. We were writing each other's blind area and Erica's view of me was super funny, and she added some extra thing which I cancelled away after Hiew said he was going to check it! Yikes. Lol. Then Erica started drawing retarded smilies and pig faces. Erh. Hahaha.

Went for Math Remedial! Haha, Mel was drawing ninja turtles on Jolene's table, I think Jolene will freak tomorrow. Hohoho. =D

Well, sorry for my boring post. I don't feel like writing tonight. (:

You count the hours before you see me again


I'll post later babeh. ;D I wanna rest and relax and slack and watch some teevee.

You've got a really sweet smile dee.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Happiness captured in a bottle.

Ah I'm feeling happy! (: I just did a lame 'routine' with my arms, in front of my sister, haha, so embarrassing, it was one of those random moments when you suddenly lose control of your limbs.

My grin is wider than a pervert right now. Hahaha, I'm really going mad. I need to revise for my Math. I like the new buddy system for Math 'cause I'm with Erica!

Skye Sweetnam - Just the Way I Am

I'm fly
The original
I'm sly
I'm nearly irresistible
And I don't even try

I'm easily excitable
Completely undeniable
And sometimes
Don't ask me why
Don't ask me why

I'm strange and I like it
That's just the way I am
I can't change I can't hide it
That's just the way I am
You might as well get over it
Don't try to understand
I'm strange and I like it
Just the way I am

From a whisper to a shout
I'm what the buzz is all about
Everybody buggin' out
And I've only just begun

They can't rain on my parade
I'm sunshine on a cloudy day
Make lemons into lemonade
I'm just havin' fun
I'm havin' fun


The pop princess song is still stuck in my head. Haha. Einitar says it's techno with a twist. What a cute way to describe it.

School really rocks when you're awake and not struggling to stay awake. I enjoyed school today, except for the Target Setting period (assembly) that Song En was interrogating me about Timothy.

Triple Lit was frickin' fun. :D How can you hate it! I'm doing Macbeth and Macduff's character analysis with Melissa. Haha, we had to vie for it!

My lovely daddy gave me a lift home, and I saw MichelleQ, Rachel, Cindy, Zhenru, Alanna, Xinyi walking out of school near the flats, hurhur.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Humanities I want.

Clarence takes pure lit, pure geog, ss/history, phy/chem. That's so bloody unfair. I'm only good at humanities and I'm taking Phy/Chem, pure lit, ss/history and A math. So I realised that he doesn't need to take A Math. =( I wouldn't mind this combination eh.


I feel like a fool because in the end there was english workshop. I hope Hiew does not take it that we're trying to pon class, and then I'll land myself in detention again. Geez.

Alanna said I made a black face and rolled my eyes at Hiew when he caught Erica, Melissa and I for our skirts this morning. Aha, I actually unfolded my skirt one bit before I stood up, therefore I didn't get into trouble. Hey come on, my skirt is 3 sizes too big for me, and it's so long, so I have to fold to ensure it doesn't fall off okay!

I really need to finish reading Macbeth tonight, because there's triple lit tomorrow, and there's a fill-in-the-blank test on Macbeth. ;( I don't like lit tests, they are super stressful.

The Click Five - Pop Princess.

I lost myself at your show last night
Looking at the sparkling eyes
In the middle of a fresher crowd
You keep living like you're a movie star
But tell me who you really are
When the lights go down

Baby you're a glitter doll(On the radio)
I dissolve(In my stereo)
You've got me
You've got me coming back for more

Pop princess hold my hand
Pop princess I'm a fan
Pop princess I need you now
Freak me out turn me inside out
Pop princess make me smile
Pop princess drive me wild
Pop princess I need you now
So baby turn your love up loud

You were hiding in a darkened stall
Waiting on your curtain call
Getting your piece of mind
But I was looking past the glossy stare
I knew who was really there
And I'd like to spend some time

Baby girl I think you're radical
But you're a star and I'm fanatical
Can we start something new
Just between me and you

So baby turn your love up loud
Pop princess I need you now
So baby turn your love up loud

Like Michelle said, this song is so frickin addictive and cute! 'Pop princess hold my handdd' -sings. My, my, my!

Runaway babies in cradles.

Earwax: Franz Ferdinand - Take me out

Gone are those days when I can outrightly take out my mobile, press keys and pretend to look absorbed in math. My place has been changed, since 2 weeks ago, but I never moved over to the new residence because the girl I was swopping with had her glasses broken by Darren, so she was partially blind. Her glasses are back in shape, or she has gotten a new pair, and Hiew had politely shooed us to our new places, my lovely residence right at the back of the class, where I used to look out of the back door of the class and admire, uhm, other classes and some hdb blocks while I was drifting away from schoolwork, yes, that's all gone.

I'm sitting in the second row now, behind Kennard, next to Denise and in front of Jiaxin and Lina. Thank God Lina is there, I love that girl! (:

Ah, our English workshop got cancelled! Only my class. Yes, my class! Every class's having their debate workshop now, and we are gonna have one extra lesson more. Well, our workshop got cancelled because Miss Chan was not in school. Then I can come back and rest.

Went for lunch with Melissa at Macs, ah, she wanted to go Ang Mo Kio Central, so I agreed.

We speak few words to each other
We run away when we see each other
We gossip when no one's looking
We injure each other purposefully when we kick soccer
We love each other when we're together
We hate each other when we're not.
That's us, hypocrites-
Not, that's you to us.

Zombie, freaks and tikos.

I think I'm gonna look like a zombie tomorrow. I just finished my english essay, and it sounds really corny. Ah.

There's debate course tomorrow after sch, which means I have to stay back. :(

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Oh oh, scandalous pairree.

I've been keeping my eyes shut the entire holiday so that I don't have to look at the calendar and exclaim that the week's over, so soon, too soon. Don't take this literally.

Yeah, the week is over, and I'm going to bathe, right about now. Went to church this morning at 9.30am instead of one-hour later because I wanted to catch the car. Lol. Don't take this literally as well. (: So went there early to have breakfast (Sooooon kueh) at the Food Fair. I heard today's the last day of the alternate-week food fair. Bleah, then I won't have lunch paid for by my parents anymore. Ha.

I feel this need to go shopping, again. Why, why, why! All these sudden material wants. -_- It's annoying me to ashes, like I'm only happy when I'm shopping. The weekends for me are always booked full, with church and stuff.

CG was funny. There was only Sam, Jamin, Jinghan, Cheryl, Michelle and I. Haha, yup a really small group and Shawn was overslept (and he had soundman duty) naughty naughty. Lol! Okay, but everybody was really exhausted, especially those who went for Synergiz after their JTC. Yeah, it was terrible. Rachel Wong, Bernice and Michelle had extremely bad goldfish eyes. Okay, but some people have them like, for a facial feature, so they jolly be happy for themselves and count themselves lucky! Hahaha.

Michelle's goldfishies were the worse. Man, I wanted to pop them with safety pins. You guys ah, go rest okay? ;D

After that, went for a short lunch with Cheryl, while the others were at Loy Kee. Haha and we were at the food fair feasting off our parents, nah, it was pathetic, both of us sharing another soon kueh... not exactly, feasting eh?

Haha, rangers was cool. Was supposed to have bible debate but Yogi changed it to another activity, share about our experiences in JTC/Synergiz and then we had an entanglement game and then prayer for the MissionTrippers and stuff. Yup.

The Entanglement game was funny. You know that simple game where you guys stand in a circle and reach out and grab any hand and then later unentangle yourself from each other. But this time, we had to do it blindfolded, gee, so not easy lo. Hohoho, neither patrol finished unentangling, but elpizo lost, again. Lol. We started first, and the Synesis people were laughing at Jamin/Valencia and Me/Samuel, but mostly Samuel and I, 'cause we four were in positions that the guy was 'hugging' the girl. Ahuh. Mind you, at the beginning of the game until the time when our blindfolds were taken off, my arm was permanently fixed under Samuel's pits, not a good place to start a game eh! Lol!

Oh then it was Synesis's turn. OHOHOHOHO. CHERYL AND CHRIS CHONG WERE SOOOO SCANDALOUS WHEN THEY WERE BLINDFOLDED. HAHA, I will not elaborate. We'll just keep it amongst ourselves and laugh everytime we need a kickstart. LOL.

Oh scandalous pair! After that went for music class, was late by fifteen minutes, but I was so bushed that I slept the entire hour and few minutes on the bus. Geez. The bed welcomes me, right now! Well, I think I'm going off now, 'cause I've got my Eng essay to do. -_- Geez, I hate narratives.

Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not the One

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side


I bought two tops today, one green and one yellow, and I'm feeling quite broke, finally. My sister has been chanting to me all day "Wha, somebody very rich huh" and I'm going "Nono, not anymore", seriously my money's just running away from me. I either top up my ez-link and $5 disappears in that second, and I'll eat some fat food and spend another $10, in another few seconds. Gee.

But now I'm really good with putting up with the itchy-mouth problem. I've always got a itchy mouth, and I don't mean it literally, like itchy-scratchy kind of itchy, but just the kind that I keep wanting to put anything edible in my mouth, candies, lollipops, pasta, food, anything! Just to fulfil my itchy-mouth-ness, which never really gets fulfilled anyway.

So good, one problem of mine solved, so now I also spend less money on itchy-mouth food and snacks. I'm beginning to make no sense, but pardon me here.

I just had prata with Thomas, Lynette and Daddy. ;D Then we bought some tidbits after that. Thank goodness the prata place is so near to my house, then we can quickly rush home in the car and bathe and sleep! Seriously I'm like so tired, sleeping at 3.30am last night and waking up at 8am. Shucks, my biological clock is always getting me up at unearthly hours like 8. -_- Holidays are so not holidays if you wake up that early, haha, but that means you can get Macdonald's breakfast, which is after all quite comforting, ah, that hot cake syrup. Love it!

Synergiz was good, although I only went for the 3rd night's service which is also the last night. Ah, the altar call got all of us crying like madwomen/males. Haha, but it was refreshing in a way. Yeah. You'll know what I mean if you were there. The worship was pretty good, and cool too. Love those colourful lights, call me childhood deprived but I kinda like flashing neon lights and pretty flowery designs on the light machine. (You know they switch those flower shaped cards to get the effect?)

Cheryl and I were quite amused with somebody. Hahahahaha. We nearly hooted our heads off (I mean, laughed. Hahaha)

I still want to shop. Retail therapy uhm.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


So I'm going to meet JH later, before Synergiz, together with Leon. I was supposed to go out with her alone and all the while I thought we were you know, alone, and suddenly she tells me that Leon is coming along. Ahuh, hurray. Thankfully only for Synergiz. Yay.

I feel like I have a life, finally. ;D

JH: Eh I gave Leon your number, so can contact.
Lou: What the, eh my number's sacred, guys are dying to get it and he gets it effortlessly.
JH: Haha, he's dang lucky he's going out with 2 gorgeous babes.
Lou: One more gorgeous than the other.
JH: One more spunky than the other.
Lou: The one which is more spunky is more gorgeous, yeah that's me.

You see, I think Nigel's bhb-ness has rubbed off on me. Terrible, terrible, terrible.

Ah I have to go bathe soon. The weather's hothothot.

Sims 2, anonymous males & cancelled breakfast.

Oh, there's a new expansion pack out for the Sims 2. Cool, although I'm not a big-fan of effort-ful games. Sure, thinking skills must be used to manage the entire family (or cheat your entire way through), yup, but making them talented, young, creative sims who become dazzling entrepreneurs is not as easy as you think. Definitely. It's hard just getting the Sims 2 University college kids/adults to get Platinum Aspiration, I haven't even got one sim who has achieved Platinum Aspiration, hmm I should shut up then.

I LOVE SIMS 2 NIGHTLIFE, Michelle, when can I go over to your house to play? Hurhur. I deleted the Nightlife off my computer, that's why I have to go over to play now. (: I miss my favourite sim Babe Brigettanon. Haha, what a unique name (It's a name of a pig. Haha!) I hope you didn't kill her by drowning her in the pool/by keeping old dishes until she dies by flies! Lol! Okay I'm ranting like a mad cow. Eh, cows don't rant.

I think a week ago, this guy added me on friendster, and he's of no relation at all, no connection to any of my friends and stuff, so okay. I was just thinking "Hmm, check out his friends lor" and I went to View his Friends, and gosh, see this screenshot? They're all narcissistic act-cute ah lians (perhaps I generalise) with alternate caps in their names, and lots of unnecessary punctuations and dashes. Haha, so nope, I didn't accept his friend request. Lol. Honestly I got quite a shock.

Cancelled Macdonald breakfast date with sister 'cause I was way too lazy to walk out and my money, you know, I'll get more broke. Lol. But now I'm going to ask my daddy to get it for us, and it's free for us then. :D Hahahahahaha. Such evilness.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Nono, homosexuality.

I remember myself having a dream/nightmare about myself being gay. Oh my, so gay to have such gay dreams. Haha.

I'm pretty annoyed, after OYL came over to fix up my mom's computer last Sunday, my computer's getting a bit bonkers - it's like telling me some web pages are forbidden from me, and they're my friends' blogs, not pornographic websites if that's what you're thinking. Geez, I hate it when he comes over, some things happen to just go wrong after he does, darn jinxed eh.

Erg, yesyes, getting him over is like cheap, firstly, 'cause he's only 17 and he's as good as a 35-year-old professional, yeahyeah, but he's too jinxed for my liking. But my mum is like in love with him.

Personally I feel he just makes my mom spend my dad's money, because she listens to whatever he says (ahem, I repeat he is 17, such power over my mother eh?), not that it's his fault, but she forces suggestions out of him. Haha.

And Jason, you better not tell OYL any of this. ;D My trust is in you.

I'm feeling quite hungry, and I'm craving for Creamy Chicken @ Pastamania. Mmmm, glorious food.

Time travel & girlfriend matters.

It's difficult to phantom how holidays always fly past so quickly, while school days just seem to take longer to end. It's Friday today, and school's reopening on Monday, three short days later. I'm not looking forward to the June holidays, because that means I get to spend less time with you, yeah, but I'm telling you that, because of that, time will seemingly speed up during this March period to the June holidays.

Why does Time always do that? Speed up when you don't want it to, ah, that reminds me of Nanny McPhee "When you need me, but don't want me, I'll be here, but when you don't need me, but want me, that's when it's my time to go" Haha, that was so random but you see the small link right?

So my holidays was just drab. There's synergiz, yeah, besides that, it's just plain, old, holidays. My girlfriends are all in camp, I'm not exactly feeling lonely but it just feels different without them around, like Michelle bothering me on MSN, Cheryl and I talking about emotional stuff, Jeralyn to 'materialise' around (aha) and go shopping with, Jolene to poke her, and Jinghan, to boost my ego and burst it as well and then get me annoyed. Lol. See, every one of my friends fills up my gap in my heart! Yeah, so they're extremely loved. Especially since I've been with Jinghan, Jeralyn, Cheryl and Michelle since birth, if not more than 12 years. That's long, longer than any other friendship I've had so far.

I miss going to Church, and there's no church this Saturday. :( At least there's synergiz! :) Yeah.

I'm pretty much passive, secretive and optimistic in a pessimistic way. Yeah, that's who I am, and tell you what, I feel unloved 80% of the time. Yeah. I've said it out, and please, I meant general family love, general friend love and some other misc love. Ha, if that even exists.

I love my dad and Lynette, and I know they love me too.

On a lighter note, I thank God that God loves me (YEAH!) and my girlfriends' love me, and I love all of them too.

I am, that easy to please. It's just because I'm passive over this kind of things, that's why nobody knows.

Relient K - Who I am hates who I've been.

I watched the proverbial sunrise
Coming up over the Pacific and
You might think I'm losing my mind
But I will shy away from the specifics

Cause I don't want you to know where I am
Cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been
This is no place to try and live my life

Stop right there
That's exactly where I lost it
See that line
Well I never should've crossed it
Stop right there
Well I never should've said that
It's the very moment that I wish that I could take back

I'm sorry for the person I became
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change
I'm ready to make sure I never become that way again
Cause who I am hates who I've been
Who I am hates who I've been

I talk to absolutely no one
Couldn't keep to myself enough
And the things bottled inside
Have finally begun to create so much pressure
That I'd soon blow up and

I heard the reverberating footsteps
Sinking up to the beating of my heart
And I was positive that unless I got myself together
I would watch me fall apart
And I can't let that happen again

Cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been
This is no place to try and live my life

Oh what candy colours.

Jason: Did you watch it? Ha.
Nurul: Mm, I happen to dislike the fact that the holidays are ending soon.
Dacia: Hahahahahah, high five babeh, high five.
Nurul: Oh Nurul the great-math-expert doesn't know how to do too! What a comfort.
Julia: You know, sometimes I don't know whether you're Bensily or Kwan. Haha. But hohoho, both of you are towering humans! Actually it's only our sch, other schs are quite okay, but of course, there are always short ones in every school. -_- We won't look like fools, they will! Haha
Jinghan: No la, the fats go straight down to my thighs. Yuck.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

"Nanny McPhee, please, we need you"

Woke up at 8am this morning, it's really unusual of me, ha, but I think I've got weird sleeping patterns.

Played Sims for a short while, and got ready to go out, I was in quite a rush, but I was punctual, and Melissa was late. Geez, I shouldn't have rushed, then maybe I won't meet some idiot on the street. -_- Good Heavens.

Yesyes, Mel and I were dressed in almost identical stuff! A top, denim skirt, slip-ons and a tote. ;D So went to Lido to get our tickets for Nanny McPhee. I don't know how she convinced me to watch that! Waste my monayyy. But never mind, since I went with her, so it's okay. Yeah, see, I love her so much.

Smuggled Long John's into the theatre, hoho. Overall, the show was pretty nice, but really fairy-tale styled. And I hate fairy tales. Hahaha. The kids are so adorable! Especially Simon. Went out of the theatre with a lot of kids trailing along behind us. Geez. Children's movie.

Slacked around with Mel, then I left for Bugis myself to get my bag and she went to Sembawang for BS. Yeah. That's about all.

Yup. I'm eating a home-made hamburger now, with cheese and ham filling. Eh, fattening!

If only life was as easy as whamming a stick on the ground.


It's amazing how most of them have this annoying tinge
in their body to want to piss you off.
But I can't seem to get angry with them.
What luck.

Well, that's for some.
Ah, you know that day ah, somebody ah, saw somebody ah, and dragged me along to run after somebody eh, then now I'm in a misunderstanding eh, some people think that i like this other somebody, which is actually so super impossible 'cause the other somebody is really so gross and ugly, but anyway, I've got a lot of misunderstandings on my back now. This sucks la. Then later the somebody ran away eh! Damn, then make me look so lame, and my other friend, somebody was so happy 'cause she saw somebody.
You see, I'm like so nice, always helping girls to see their guys.
Why doesn't anyone help me?
'Cause I'm so independent.

Who needs guys in this new century where girls are taller than guys
and guys are just getting shorter?
I'm starting to feel a bit feministic, all over again.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


My day was pretty much wasted, I told myself to finish up my holiday homework so that my day will not be wasted, but hell, I didn't finish it anyway. I really hate myself for my total lack of self-discipline, but that's not the main point, I haven't cleared up my table, which I'm going to be so screwed. My mum will nag her face off, and proceed to take all my things and slide them into recycling bags and throw them all away/recycle 'em. Unreasonable, but that's life for me. Then again, I have until Saturday to clear up my table, so why am I feeling screwed so soon? Lol.

Ah, I hate the sight of Math, it just drives me bonkers. Yeah, until now, I've only done the first question because I don't know how to do the second question, and I was far too lazy to skip the question since I didn't know the rest as well. Some secondary four should teach me to help themselves revise for their 'O's. Yeah man, I'm so awfully nice, yes in the most morbid manner.

You know, I was actually using the computer and doing my homework at the same time. Haha.

I'm all set. Tomorrow I'm going out myself, that is if Melissa doesn't confirm with me, we're supposed to go out together, but hmm. She's lost in cyberspace. Heh.

Poor Jeralyn has cheerleading practice or band every other day. She'd better have lots of sleep! ;D

Heh. Love!

Broken phonecalls with cavemen.

I'm really dying to go shopping. I have three specific things to buy from one specific place, so someone please date me. Haha, my girlayes are all at JTC, :( and I need to get out there and breathe.

How about I go there myself?

Aye, I would very much want to go Bangkok right now, but obviously that's not the place I'm talking about because I can buy A LOT of stuff from Bangkok at one-third price of Singapore's. Singapore sucks 'cause everything's so expensive. Besides that, I'm a proud, loyal Singaporean and I wouldn't even move one bit or be ever in the process of migration! ;D

In addition, I'm a really lazy bum and I hate mooving. So, yeah, I would never migrate. =D

I know this is really random but I think Tingfong and Erica look really cute together. Haha.


Singapore Chinese Girls' school

which secondary school (singapore) should you be in?
brought to you by Quizilla.

Cool eh?

Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles.

Making my way downtown
Walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound
Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making a way through the crowd

And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder

If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you tonight
It's always times like these
When I think of you
And wonder if you ever think of me
Cause everything's so wrong and I don't belong
Living in your precious memory

And I, I don't wanna let you know
I, I drown in your memory
I, I don't wanna let this go
I, I don't

If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you
If I could just hold you tonight

Relient K - Mood Rings.

We all know the girls that I am talking about,
Well they are time bombs and they are ticking,
And the only question's when they'll blow up,
And they'll blow up; we know that without a doubt
Cause they're those girls, yeah
You know those girls that let their emotions get the best of them,

And I've contrived some sort of a plan to help my fellow man,
Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings,
So we'll be tipped off, to when they're ticked off,
'Cause we'll know just what they're thinking,
'Cause what they're thinking

She's so pretty but she but doesn't always act that way,
Her mood's out swinging on the swing set almost every day,
She said to me that she's so happy it's depressing,
And all i said was "Someone get that girl a mood ring"
If it's drama you want then look no further,
They're like the real world,
Meets boy meets world,
meets days of our lives,
And it just kills me how they get away with murder,
They'll anger you then bat their eyes;
those pretty eyes that watch you sympathize.

'Cause when it's black, means watch your back
Because you're probably the last person in the world right now she wants to see,
And when it's blue it means that you should call her up immediately
And ask her out because she'll most likely agree,
And when it's green it simply means that she is really stressed,
And when it's clear it means she's completely emotionless
And that's all right I must confess.

We all know the girls that I am talking about,
She likes you Wednesday, but now it's Friday,
And she has to wash her hair,
And it just figures that we'll never figure them out,
Well, first she's Jekyll and then she's Hyde
At least she makes a lovely pair.

Mood ring, oh mood ring,
Oh tell me will you bring,
The key to unlock this mystery,
Of girls and their emotions,
Play it back in slow motion,
So I may understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind.

Heh that's terrible.


This song is so freaking funny. Girls! Ladies! Read it.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A conversation with Jinghan!

jing guilt-stricken says:
lol. (; ain't i evil.
jing guilt-stricken says:
im so AHH at my mum,
jing guilt-stricken says:
feel like boxing her seriously.
louisa let me give you a kick. says:
louisa let me give you a kick. says:
i feel like boxing you la seriously (she didn't want to go out with me because her friend was going to her house. -_-)
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
sorry la. box my mum instead.
jing guilt-stricken says:
then maybe i got chance to escape. (it rhymes!)
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
okay. thats seriously lame
louisa let me give you a kick. says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
im really getting evil.
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
must repent
louisa let me give you a kick. says:
louisa let me give you a kick. says:
i must post that on my blog hahahahaa (watch her cringe with fear! hahaha!)
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
jing guilt-stricken says:
luckily my mum dont know OUR Blog.
jing guilt-stricken says:
if not..


Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There.

Last time I talked to you
You were lonely and out of place
You were looking down on me
Lost out in space
We laid underneath the stars
Strung out and feeling brave

I watched the red orange glow
I watched you float away

Down here in the atmosphere
Garbage and city lights
You've gone to save your tired soul
You've gone to save our lives
I turned on the radio
To find you on satellite
I'm waiting for this sky to fall
I'm waiting for a sign
And all we are
Is all so far

You're falling back to me
The star that I can see, yeah
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
You're falling out of reach
Defying gravity, yeah
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there

Hope you remember me
When you're homesick and need a change
I miss your purple hair
I miss the way you taste
I know you'll come back someday
On a bed of nails I'll wait
I'm praying that you don't burn out
Or fade away
And all we are
Is all so far

You're falling back to me
I know , I know
You're falling out of reach
I know

Smile, bish.

You've got me smitten with you!

I had to do a dare last night and I get money if I do it, and thank God it was a successful dare. ;D Heh, quick bucks, but okay! I'm going to meet Michelle later at Bishan. Ah, don't really like that place, but she doesn't feel like moving so okay then! Hahaha.

For your info, I woke up at 8.30am and the rubberbands in my mouth really hurt, the pressure it's putting on my gums is like asdijsofvgiuhoseifhosidnf pain! ):


Aye, went out with Michelle yeah, and she brought her camera, so we took some pictures.

We went to Swensen's for Ice Cream and coool fries. They're so so so so yummy.

Oh don't act surprised.
She's really still a child at heart.

Nature at its best. ;D
A peacock and a, um, pig.


There's still quite a few pictures, but I'm too lazy to upload them here, perhaps Michelle will upload it on her blog.

Ah I'm feeling quite tired now. So bed, welcome me!

Hahaha, the week is passing so fast. =(

I got quite shocked when I saw this on friendster.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Think, thought, thoughts.

I was just thinking about how I would like my kids next time to be, to belong in what schools, to look like little child prodigies, have amazing talents, to be beautiful, to be friendly, to have friends and stuff. Yeah, and then I realise, what I want them to be, is what I want to be, but something I cannot achieve, so that's not right, I seem so, domineering and dictator-ish.

I hate parents who do that.

Secrets of one anti-social kid.
#1 I used to have no friends in the current school.
#2 I hate my school, I still do.
#3 I can get quite gay.
#4 I'm all about first impressions.
#5 I like shy or goofy guys. Darn cute. That's why I'm softer to them.

I don't want my kids to be like that, mainly #1.

That's why I thank God for Melissa. I really do.

Rocks, stones and pebbles. Pick one for me to throw at you.

Practically wasted my day away today, stoning. Lol.

I woke up at 1130, and I immediately leapt up when I saw the time! I had a dental appointment for my braces at 12! MY GOD, and I have to travel to Outram too.

Aha. But God blessed me, and sent my daddy knocking on my door to wake me up, and of course I forced him to fetch me there, but in the end, they postponed my appointment to 1330 because my piggish dentist went for lunch already. Gah, made me sit there and sleep for one hour. Lol!

I was so tired eh.

Went home after the appointment. Now I've got rubberbands in my mouth. -_- I've got to change them every day, yeah. New source of entertainment - I'll just start stretching it when I'm bored.

Ah, slacked around the whole day. ;D

I love BEEP.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Pulau Ubin.

Haha, I think you'll get a shock from seeing two gargatuan faces staring right at you in the previous post! Well, that's Melissa and I at the St Nick's fair.

My contact lenses are blurry again. -_- I'm really exhausted you know!

Woke up super early this morning and one hour after my alarm clock + time supposed to wake up. Damn, I rushed like a siaogeenang. Lol. I was supposed to wake up at 730 and leave the house at 830, but I woke up at 815! My god! Thank goodness, Cheryl's dad gave us a lift to Aljunied instead of Bishan Mrt, and then we reached Tampines at 915, one hour earlier. -_- Okay, so it's better to be early than to be late, since if you're late you have to get coconuts for your patrol. Well, one for the whole patrol!

Waited quite a while for everyone to appear. Leon came by to say hi! ;D Hellooo!

Took 29 to Changi Jetty, took the boat, and reached Pulau Ubin. Rented bikes and cycled around and went to Chek Jawa to slack, eat our lunches, share devotion and catch fizzler crabs and et cetera. Jamin, Chris Chong, Cow (?) and Lucas were busy playing with the seaweed. -_- Lol! The uphill tracks were madness man. I was like superwoman. Haha! Forcing myself up the hills on the bike, and whizzing down the downhill slopes! ;D Yup. Fun!

Jinghan had a lot of problems on the bike. Hohoho. Jamin, "She should have gotten a tendon."

Many of them fell down, but thankfully, I didn't. Ah, I hate wounds. Although I'm like feeling a tad bit itchy right now, somehow the dirt from Pulau Ubin seems to stay on my skin, I have to keep rubbing it.

Later on, went on to Memam Beach and slacked there and played a 'orientation game', got drinks! It was so, so heavenly! ;D Yeah.

Cycled back to Jetty, returned bikes and headed off back to mainland. Ate dinner at Changi Village.

*The routes between each place to another is farrrr!

Yeah I'M SO FREAKING TIRED LA. =( Byebye. Pictures when Val uploads them.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Every boy's the same, since I’ve been in seventh grade
They been tryin’ to get with me, tryin’ to (hahaha hahaha)
They always got a plan, to be my one ‘n’ only man
Wanna hold me with their hands, wanna (hahaha hahaha)

I keep turnin’ them down, but they always come around
Askin’ me to go around, that’s not the way it’s goin’ down
‘Cos they only want, only want, my (nahaha nahaha)
Only want what they want, but (nahaha nahaha)

Freaking obscene but cute sounding song! ;D

Black spiders on the piano.

Are you greeen with envy?

St Nick's Fiesta! ;DDDDD All smiles!

Mel and I met early this morning and went to St Nicholas's. Man, I really explored the school today (I can't really run around exploring if I'm having M.E.P right?), it's really huge and all. I love their stadium and the giant chess area - adorable!

I had Henna done. ;D and black nails. Omg, so effin goth la. -_- But if you think it's goth, wait till you see Hyacinth! So unlike me, but whatever. Let's try new stuff for the march holidays! You see, I just wanna have fun this week. I've never really went all out to have fun during the hols 'cause I'm like laden with work and you know, band three tiems a week, but this week - I'm so wee-wee free! 'Cause I finished all my homework, cept for reading of the whole chinese supp book and macbeth & quit band last year (: . Freedom feels good, smells good and rocks! Macbeth is interesting - easy peasy, it's in English anyway - Chinese? Oh who cares la, just guess the stuff in the story test on Monday! Yeah.

My whole family will freak if they see my dirty black nails. (They're not dirty la, just because it's black)


Haha, after the St Nick's thingy, Mel and I went to Mos and slacked for a while (there's where I think I saw Jason. Hawhawhaw, I know I look scary with black nails and all, if you saw) yup, then we went to the bus stop, saw A LOT of school people. But we ignored them. ;D Lol.

Decided to go home instead of go church earlier because I was soooo tired. You know, my sister woke up early to go for the Keep Fit for Jesus games day thingy with my church people, and she woke me up too with her noise, and the light on. Ah, sometimes sharing rooms sucks.

Slept for a while, then took a bath and went to church in Aaron's car, but with Clar driving though.

CHURCH! We had a special speaker, the worship was good and all, yeah. Went to United Sq for dinner, and saw Jamin, Val, Clark, Daniel, Huifen and a couple more people there too for dinner from church. Was supposed to go Jinghan's place to sleepover, but I was lazy and decided to go home and go with Cheryl to tampines tomorrow. Ah, have to go meet the rangers there! Argh.

Nooo, I'm feeling so lazy again.

Pulau Ubin tomorrow! All day. Ah, I want to go to the library to borrow a book. Bored.

There was this flying cockroach that couldn't die flying around my room 10 minutes ago. And my sister whacked it like mad and sprayed it with pesticide like mad. Even with its body broken up in two, it was still trying to get up and fly la! Gross. Until my sister had to SQUISH it to stop it from even attempting to resurrect! Lol!

I'm so tired. Tomorrow then.

I'm so lazy to moooove.

The Clique ; Jinghan, Michelle, Louisa & Jeralyn
Doing the "Superman, Spasticman and whatever man." Haha.

Jeralyn and I
Oh she's gonna shoot you with the banana!

Charlie's Angels at your service.

Take a queue number

Friday, March 10, 2006

Lenses, running and apollians.

Birthday wishes:
Happy Birthday to ...
March 8 - Cathy
March 13 - Kevin
March 14 - Glenn
March 14 - Meixuan
March 18 - Andy
March 21 - Nurul
March 21 - Grace
March 22 - Michelle
March 23 - Desmond
March 26 - Jason

Huihui, Lou, James.
In train.
"Eh stop putting your arms on someone taller than you!
Pick on someone your own size."

Huihui, Lou & James.
In train.

Huihui and Louisa!
I look so old!
@ City Hall MRT

Geraldine the Cam-whore.
@ Assembly Area

Geraldine and I - haha, I look like I'm playing hide and seek.

Yeah la, the picture is pathetic. They're of the two dragonboats.

Hui hui, Lou and Michelle
@ Macs for dinner.


School was fun. House meeting in the morning, and Lydia and I were trying to escape Mrs Hogan, Alanna and Zhenru didn't come at all, to school and UDC, so they didn't have trouble escaping. Mirliana was so cute during the cheer thing, but she couldn't go in the afternoon 'cause she had Crime Prevention project to present at somewhere. Haha, forgot where! Had a pathetic 40 minutes english lesson, and Miss Chan went through this Vocab worksheet that I didn't bring. Hahaha.

Went to Mel's house to get money, then went to my house with Mel to get my money, then we went thomson plaza just to eat giant churros! ;D $2.80! Super expensive, but heck it's super nice, and then we had meiji milk too. Yum. That was my lunch! =(

Went to meet Huihui and Michelle at AMK station, then met James too, so hung around for a while to wait for them to top up their cards and get standard tickets, then headed to Lavender, we reached at 1308 - super early when we're not even dragonboaters. Later on, some of Apollo's dragonboaters came at like 1420 when they are supposed to report at the assembly area at 1330! Hahaha, latecomers.

Slacked around, watched cheer teams, were banned off the railings. The teachers were so afraid we'd fall into the water and die. -_- So we couldn't really watch the whole dragonboat race in peace, besides I had to go for the 2km run, which I walked all the way, and missed the Upper Sec dragonboat races. I wanted to watch the Upper Sec one 'cause the Lower Secs were so weak and slow la. -_- Not fun to watch!

Saw the Upper Sec guys after they finished. So poor thing la. Some fainted or nearly died, some vomited. I was like "What is the school doing?!" And those lousy SJAB people were quite lost at what to do with Agnes, who had an asthma attack or something and got sent to the hospital later.

My skin is feeling itchy - I've got sunburns, on the face and arms, damn. Ah, tomorrow I'm going with Mel and Sam to St Nick's funfair. Coolness ;D ! I heard Huihui and her primary school friend are going too ;D Yeah, prepare for more camwhoreness. Hahahahahahaha. I love the camera's lens. Hahahaha. Yeah, sound super bimbo. Whatever! (:(: Just so happy.

Yup, that's about all, my contact lenses are annoying me 'cause they keep blurring up, so toodles, I shall go wash them.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


At first I thought this picture was just Clark grinning at something/sombody, then I looked on (You see, I was clearing pictures so I'll scrutinize the pictures).

Do you see Kevin yawning? And Jael grinning at the ceiling.

A camera is an object of entertainment, don't you agree with me? By the way, these were taken by Nicholas so go kill him. Lol!

Haha, take that Kevin! You like to laugh at people hor? ;D

Be without you.

Too strong, for too long
And I can't be without you baby
And I'll be waitin' up untill you get home
Cause I can't sleep without you baby
Anybody who's ever loved you knows just what I feel
Too hard to fake it, Nothin' can replace it
Call the radio, If you just can't be without your baby

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hey love! Grr maid.

My super paralyzed maid put my handphone in the drawers of my table, and I was calling and calling, and then wth?! Why's the sound so soft and coming from the floor? -_-



I'm so freaking mad that I wanna say this!


Love, like, see, to live.

Ah, I've done up a shopping list for the month of March and April, and man, it's estimated cost for all the items on 'the list' is $250. I hope this disciplines me to save, save, save (mother zui bang! oh that was so lame! lol. )

School was fun, although my eyebags were showing so badly this morning - I looked so pale and on the verge of fainting. Slept quite late last night. Haha, although I was pretty awake. I'm not going to take an afternoon nap forevermore, so that I won't be so lazy and in want to sleep every single minute of the day.

Haha, for once, during assembly 3/8 or the usual classes didn't get to stay back (because they were last class) after school. Today it was 4/8! Because of three girlayes. Pei Ching and I don't know the rest. Hahaha, I'm not singling her out la.

3/8 played a prank on Mrs Rajah today, superifically horribile! Yeah man, and she found out she got scammed half hour later. Go find out from the 3/8ers yourself! History was fun!

Ah Lit tomorrow, we've started on Macbeth already. It's pretty stressful to read that old english book, it's pretty interesting after I've read the first section twice. Yeah, I've read up to Act 1 Scene 5, haha okay la, I'm slow! But I bet there are many others in my class who hasn't even started on reading. For example, definitely Zihui!

J8ed with Melissa after school today. We just went over there to have lunch, I was supposed to go out with Cheryl, but I cancelled on her, then wanted to go again, but she said she wanted to go home :( Well, my fault!

Clarence wrote such a sweet testimonial! I like! ;D Lol.

Keep having to accompany Mella to the third floor to put her stuff in her lockerr. That troublesome carebear, landed up bumping into people I didn't want to 'bump' into. Yuck!

Hmm, I think I'm going town tomorrow with Melissa, not with our school uniforms yeah! Stalk us theree.

I'm suddenly so eager to do all my homework and keep myself away from homework for the rest of the March holidays, I've finished my English Compre hw which is due on Friday and am gonna start on the holiday compre homework although it's due the week after the holidays. Yeah! I still got the freaking book reiew to do (due 3rd Jan) which was last holiday's assignment. Heh heh.

Well I'm feeling pretty sticky right now, so it's time to bathe! Ah, the weather's so hot nowadays.

It's different yet exactly the same.

Play - Us Against The World

There is no one else that I can say this to
And there is nothing better than to talk to you
If you have a problem, I'll be here for you.
'Cause girl you'll always know that it's us against the world

I met someone the other night
Someone I really started to like
How will I know if he's right for me?
I wonder if we are meant to be

Don't start to like him too much, too soon

You know that guy I started to see
He thinks he can have it all for free
I wonder if he's still one for me?
I try to talk to myself and to see

Don't start to like him too much, too soon.

Whenever you're near there is no fear
It feels like there's nothing I can't do
You make me feel strong cause it's here with you that I belong

There is no one else that I can say this to
And there is nothing better than to talk to you (there's nothing better)
If you have a problem I'll be here for you (for you)
Cause girl you always know that
There ain't nobody else but you
That makes me feel the way that I do
There ain't nobody else but you
It's us against the world.

Michelle Q sent me this song, sounds cute! ;D But totally girl band-ish. Lol.

Lesbian Tendencies ;D

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Elmo's whores.

We are, but elmo's whores,
with the letter 'a' to our tails,
we are so, so similar, aren't we?

I've been thinking about a lot of silly things in the bathroom, and now I can't remember them. Ah, I don't want to run for UDC. -_- But I'm in too much trouble to even think of ponning the entire thing including school in the morning. Bleagh.

I'm kinda looking forward to Monday; Erica and Melissa!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday blues, Sunday sleepless.

Got quite a shock when I went to school this morning, there was a crowd (you see, three's already a crowd, haha) at the back of the class, where I sit, and I was immediately asked if I'd done my Social Studies essay by Joyce. Haha. Apparently, most of us were rushing our essays in the morning, and Jonathan happily said he wasn't going to do it at all, but in the end he did it together with Yichao at Shafain's table. Haha, liarrr.

School was okay, I was so, so tired! And I only slept at 12am. My my my, I'm really a swine. Putting on weight like a fatso, and sleeping all day, all night. Hahaha. Nurul slept at 2.30am and she wasn't really tired - therefore I'm like such a swine. A Math period was the worst, my eyes were struggling to stay open and I think Hiew saw that I was going to fall asleep. I couldn't even get the new topic he just started, ah. I got a C6 for A Math :( and an A2 for E Math, well, I think it sucks. Erica got both As! She was happily bragging too and I was trying to shut her up.

Mella got the prize for the Total Defence Day reflections. Ah, and we wrote the same stuff. Lol.

Hiew was so nice to rob us of another $4.70 by buying for us a 'O' Level assessment book without even informing us. Great, now I just get broker and broker.

Had Buzzbits meeting, yeah, and we've got to write an article before the school holidays end if I'm not wrong, 'cause the first issue of Buzzbits have to come out before the end of March. So we got to see the other Buzzbitters from other classes. Ah, it was pretty obvious who was who, besides Meixuan and Liyen. Genevieve & Angelina are in Buzzbits too, together with Melissa and I. ;D Coolness.

Had House meeting, checked out the room, and decided not to go, because it was all sec ones?! Besides, only Jiaxin and Serene went, while Alanna, Zhenru and Lydia ponned. Naughty girlayes. Yeah, so I didn't go as well.

My name is going to get read out tomorrow for CCA detention, damn! I forgot to find some teacher after school today to get my name into the CCA records. Oh, embarrassment and more dirt on my clean slate. Well, it's not clean anymore anyway. :(

Haha, I was just making fun of Chervonne on MSN, they've got their PSL Investiture tomorrow, and it's time for the councillors to laugh! Nah, just kidding, we're awfully nice people y'know. The only difference is that the senior PSLs are doing a dance, with chairs. I hope none of them fall off the chairs, after watching their rehearsals, some look quite prone.

Michelle is being so annoying! Coming up with new nicknames which are actually variations of our names. Gah, and she wants to call me Lactosa & Lataxsa. Sounds like lactose & laksa right? Ah, that woman is always thinking about food, after all lactose has gotta do with dairy products = cheese! Am I right? Ha, I'm not quite sure myself.

My ears are currently blocked now. Ah, I'm trying to get that ringing sound out of my ear, it's driving me crazy. Am talking to Lemuel on Msn now. Aha, I knew somebody was getting a wrong idea all this while.

Poor guy.

I feel so utterly accomplished! I've tidied up my Lit file, both Math files, although I trust that I'm quite organized in filing, I've got 2 missing worksheets, darn, I shall question Hiew tomorrow, and my English file. Boy, is that English file old! I've been using it since Sec One for English you know? Amazing. I'm good at keeping my stuff new, yeah, such a freak for new stuff and wrapping my books. In fact, my Secondary ONE History textbook is still in such a pretty state. Wanna see? Perhaps I'll get some pictures taken then, my digicam's batt's flat. Lol.

I'd learnt something today, about myself. I've known I've got a really sensitive nose, but I really abhor and hate guys who have body odour (and not after PE that kind of sweatiness, that I can understand). Stinkbombs! and their total lack of knowledge that they DO have B.O. Although I know some still live in self-denial. I hate smelly things, girls and guys alike, with B.O I cannot stand, thanks to my ultra-sensitive nose. Yikes.

Aye, Erica asked me to go for the 2/6 class outing on Monday, and she says that I can ask Melissa along. Ha, I doubt Mella wants to go, and neither will I if I don't have someone to accompany me, namely Miss Mella. Haha, I'm not broke, but I don't want to spend money to see animals in their 'natural habitat', besides, it's the zoo, yikes, nice atmosphere and all, but I don't like the sound of cow manure. Lol. Mel and I are saving money. Whatever man MichelleQ, I never said anybody was forcing me. -_- Erica is pretty nice now, with all that cold war, it's as though like she transformed back to her secondary one version. Coolness?

I like the neutrals : Joyce, Glande and Dacia. (:

Time to bathe! ;D

Sunday, March 05, 2006


It feels good, going to church, hanging around and doing stuff with the church people, it feels different, it feels unjudged, it feels pure. It's as if we don't feel controlled and every single bit of hyena laughter is genuine, we don't have to fake stuff. Realism. I like people to be real, honest, genuine. It feels nice, and the time we spend together is more enjoyable than the time spent with people pretending to like you.

I mean, in school/work/outside-friends-activities, no matter how much we presume people like us, and how good their acting skills are to act like they do like is, there is always this watchful behaviour and we're always on our toes, we are afraid of what people think of us, our classmates, friends and other acquaintances. Whereas in church, nobody judges each other, whether we're smart, not-so-smart, in a junior college, in a top secondary school, in a neighbourhood school, rich, poor, whatsoever. The feeling is like liberation of the Jews after Hitler, something like that (: Okay, that's like so exaggerated, but you get the gist. Haha.

Yeah, so caregroup was good, we did bible study, as usual. Before that, Constance was thinning Cheryl's hair! Cool. (: Then we finished off at 12 and rushed to get into our rangers uniforms, Jinghan was missing her skirt, and Michelle couldn't find her skirt. Uh, we had a problem there. Then everyone later had their skirts/bolo ties and stuff they needed. Yeah, and when I asked for a bolo tie, Jamin offered me a pair of headphones to put on my neck. -_- Geez! Hahaha, such lame humour - it cripples me!

Rangers was good with worship and all. Gui Hong is like so open with all of us, quite amazing. I'm just curious to know why he's attending Sec 1/2's caregroup instead of the Sec 3/4's one when he's sixteen! Hahahaha. I always thought he was 14 until today he introduced himself to the rangers and also his age (the previous time, he did not intro his age) haha, and Mark, Yogi and Aggie exposed their ages to us! Hahahaha. ;D

Daddy fetched me to piano lesson. Great!

Kinda looking forward to going back to school tomorrow, 'cept for the fact that I have to finish my homework. Yeah.

Going Pulau Ubin next Sunday for cycling and activities! Who wants to come along with me? ;D It's from 11am - 6pm... Yeap, I anticipate funnn.

You know, I'm a changed person. I like the new-improved. No more the cynic! I hope. =D

Things to do tonight:
  1. Social Studies Essay on Merger
  2. A Math Indices, Surds & Logarithms work
  3. Read at least Act One of Macbeth

Calendar call!

10th March - UDC
10-11 March - Sleepoverrr!
11th March -
Keep Fit For Jesus!
11th March - JTC Briefing
12th March - Pulau Ubin Cycling!
15-18 March - JTC

I kinda like the fact that I'm gonna be quite busy. ;D
Oh my god, Apollo house cheer team.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Cam-whoring night.

I started off shy. So I had my wallet as my face.

Michelle, Jolene & ME!
Michelle's fringe is like swept to the left,
while mine is to the right, cute!

We're little missies @ Pastamania!.

Oh chilli, pepper & Tabasco sauce.
My, look at Cheryl's expression!

Michelle I get the point that your eyes are big and
that you're enjoying MY lemon tea.

My warm milk with marshmallows @ McCafe.

Me, Jolene and Cheryl @ McCafe

Oh so -.-

Watch out for those lips!
We know who they wanna kiss. Hahaha.

A view from the bottom.
My tongue is spastic.

We had the whole of Genki Sushi staring at us when they did this.
Michelle apparently forced them to imitate the Oompha Lumphas in Willy Wonka's
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
Thank goodness I refused to pose and volunteered to take the photo. Haha.

Almost 90% of girls/guys take a photo of their reflection on the MRT glass.
Don't you agree? So we shall be annoying and be part of this cliched trend. ;D


I had a wonderful night with them! Although we had two of us missing; namely Jeralyn and Jinghan, it was still nice! Yeahhh. Camwhoring rocks, esp with your good friends.
I LOVE THE MONKEY, Jolene - Miss Jolly.
And last of all, I LOVE THE PEACOCK - Myself!


Michelle: I think your head is too big.
MEL: you tagged me for four minutes consecutively. You must really miss me. Please don't log in once a month, it's like being just like him la. -_- Lameeee. Miss ya.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Stick-thin Mannequins.

Nurul: I'm not sure! Hahaha. Hope not, but weren't Greek Gods kinda like warriors too? Lol. They probably fought amongst themselves.
Thet: Haha, but it's a cool name, compared to like 'Hercules', 'Zeus' or 'APOLLO' ?! Still am speechless that you're in dragon boat with so many other girls!
Jason: Honestly I think Xena and Zelda would sound nicer anytime.
Dacia: I doubt our class will split apart so easily. After all, we're soooo united! Lol. ;D


School was alright, despite the fact that we had house meeting first period of the day, and oh, do I absolutely dread house meetings. I know they're few and all, but still, every single one or two house meetings in a year drive me half out of my mind already, what more a whole week next week?! (Ahem, I have a phobia of house meetings since Jan, because on the first house meeting, Mr Zaman sabotaged Angelina and I, just because we were wearing ties, you know we didn't pay the school to be councillors, so it's not our fault, bleagh, so we're Sec three reps) Read on to find out - When I went for the house comm meeting yesterday + PSLs and Councillors, they said that those 3o girlayes in the cheer team have to stay back everyday of the week for the next week for about half an hour to an hour after school, and man! I forgot about it and Zhenru, Alanna, Peishan, Lydia, Mirliana, Rachel and Michelle(?) went to put down our names for the cheer team. We were forced to, so we didn't have much of a choice anyway and we had to stay back today, but I had yayness, music lesson so I didn't go. Yeah but I think Mrs Yusoff will nag at me.

So many girls from my class are going for the dragonboat race. Coolness. ;D

Had such a short period of Social Studies after the house meeting. It was like, less than 15 minutes, yeah and within that time Rafi gave us an assignment for the weekend, for once we don't have a chinese essay to write! Haha, maybe that's the bright side of having a trainee teacher for Chinese. Things are so beginning to look up eh?

Triple English - I used to love English lessons, because they were slightly more fun than other subjects, but now, they just bore me stupid. Half the time I fall asleep during the lesson, or have absolutely no interest in doing some exposition essay because I'm lazy to write or just have no inspiration to write some interesting essay, so my essays all come out, sounding bored. Really, it's quite obvious I'm being obnoxious and basically just writing some crap there.

! I forgot to hand up my english assignment which Miss Chan returned to us for corrections - curses. Oh joined Buzz bits.

Break! Had a great time bitching with XY and Mel. Lol. Mean!

Double A Math, learnt about Exponential Equations and Hiew went through the previous day's homework, gah, I need to buck up on my E and A Math, in fact, I don't even know what how to differenciate E and A Math sometimes. Lol.

Went off to piano lesson.

Dacia is so funny ; do you think I have large pupils (black area) and smaller white area? Weird.

I miss MJLC, and JH isn't coming tomorrow, J is probs gonna be late, I'm sure M and C are coming though, but M is not coming for our Moral Choices workshop. Booooo.

Well, I need to start saving money again, just saved $20, and just spent $42 yesterday. So, that's like a loss and not a profit. Oh this sucks.

Ha, but next week's coming, so that means allowance too! Aye, need to sew my patches onto my rangers uniform. Egh, home econs put to use. -_-

Ah, lots of homework to do, need to study too.

Lanyard you!
Can you decode 32-182/3-17<3?

Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue

There's a place off Ocean Avenue
Where I used to sit and talk with you
We were both sixteen and it felt so right
Sleeping all day, staying up all night
Staying up all night

There's a place on the corner of Cherry Street
We would walk on the beach in our bare feet
We were both eighteen and it felt so right
Sleeping all day, staying up all night
Staying up all night

If I could find you now, things would get better
We could leave this town and run forever
Let your waves crash down on me and take me away

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Shopping Queen.

Oh my god. My house name is like Apollo. Like ajsjgirwejfwheouhtgnkn !!! -no vulgarities there-

Extreme grossness.

Aye, house meeting tomorrow, gonna have to embarrass myself doing cheers in front of the whole house. Geez.

Wth, Angelina, Joonwei and I were saying that it's a biscuit brand, while others said it was a sweet brand. Like gosh. Angelina says that we should use an Apollo biscuit as our mascot. Sheeeesh! ;D

Like yucks!


School was fun, had loads of laughter, ah, love my class! They're such cheerful and humourous people.

After school, hung around for a while, then was forced by Angelina to go for house meeting! Went to meet Mrs Yusoff and discussed some cheers, then Angelina, Joonwei and I left earlier, leaving one retarded sec two, and another normal sec two there with the vice house captain, ah, Cherish was busy with some debate thing.

Rushed home, then went out with my sister. We saw Jingting - working! LOL.

Spent a total of $42. Mm, quite satisfied with my buy, but I still need to get more stuff, the essentials I mean. (Oh fashion, trends, clothes!) Okay, I'm not that obnoxiously spoilt to follow trends.

Hmm, yeap that's all for today.

Don't trip yourself over me

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ashlee Simpson - Shadow.

I was six years old
When my parents went away
I was stuck inside a broken life
I couldn't wish away
She was beautiful
She had everything and more
And my escape was hiding out and running for the door
Somebody listen please
It used to be so hard being me

Living in the shadow
Of someone else's dream
Trying to find a hand to hold but every touch felt cold to me
Living in a nightmare
A never ending sleep
But now that I am wide awake
My chains are finally free
Don't feel sorry for me