Tuesday, July 05, 2005

[ mood - confused ]
[ music - Backstreet Boys - Incomplete ]

School was kinda fun today, we had dance education for an hour today. It's gonna last us for five weeks, cool! It's pretty interesting, although the boys were so not cooperating and laughing non-stop. Oh immature brats. Had triple DT, I nearly died, ran all over the school to get an apron, and in the end, we didn't even use it, OH GREAT.

After school, I went home and changed then met Michelle Q at Dhoby Ghaut, so we plaza sing-ed to look for Michelle T's b'day present. Ayee, couldn't find anything, so oh wells. Then later met Cheryl and we sat at Mos and chatted [as usual, we are such good companions!]. I was freezing to death in my shorts and slippers [and of course shirt la!]. Darnit, I was moaning non-stop and she was calming me down, ahaha. Great girl she is I'll say.

Oh well, boring, I just reached home and I don't wanna do Mr Gay's assignment, yeah he's gonna pump us right. PUH-LEASE.

I know you well enough to know that you never loved me.

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