Friday, July 08, 2005


Okay, to my disgust, I didn't live up to my word yesterday, I was supposed to wake up early and do my schooldna stuff and hurrah! because, I've just woken up.

I had a shock of my life when I opened my bedroom door as I heard one of the most familiar voices I've always heard [either on the phone or in person]. After a long 3-second period of brain processing, I realised that my maternal grandma was here [a.k.a granny po po], okay, so I changed out of my ugly clothes into some presentable clothes and said "Hello!" to her. She sounded delighted and replied with a "Harlow ah!" [Well, she is chinese and cantonese orientated and speaks 'okay' english for an old woman, hurhur.]

Next, I went to the back of my house, which is the kitchen and backyard and asked my maid whether I could have breakfast and I had the next shock of my life, Cheryl's maid was sitting on the chair and she gave me that "Oh, you're finally awake" expression AND, my kitchen was 'stripped' from head to toe, I suppose my maid's doing the cleaning so she moved everything to the floor or onto the stove, so, guess I can't have french toast for today...

Hopefully, I am going shopping with the spasmodic Cheryl, okay, she's not that spasmodic, but close to that. [Cheryl, you can kill me!] But I know for sure one thing's gonna happen, I'm going to be screaming half my head off because she walks as slow as a tortoise. YEAH, I didn't know the speed of walking was hereditary. Well now it is, her mom walks twice as slow as her. I bet Cheryl would be just like her when she's that age already!

If I could get a transfer out, it would really be imperceptibly surreal. Seriously, but I'm still hoping?

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