Thursday, July 14, 2005

[ mood - sickened ]

Projects, tests, projects, tests etc. etc. etc. When can I finally heave a huge sigh of relief and say "I'm free and I don't have to study for a long, long time til...yada"? That'll be in 2 years, and is not worth talking about because, 2 YEARS IS EQUIVALENT TO HUNDREDS OF BLOGPOSTS FOR ME, that is if I don't close down my blog. But anyway, yup, my point is, 2 years and that huge sigh of relief is still a long way to go, so I can continue sitting here and dreaming whether I'll be going to a JC, poly, NAFA or Laselle.

But before I start dreaming that, I think I'd probably end up stabbing myself with my fist after the 'O's and regretting that I didn't study well. Ain't that so cliche? Dang.

I've got lots of tests coming up, and my Chinese teacher is not making it easier by rushing our syllabus from one week a chapter to one day a chapter, piling us with workbook homework, essays and stuff like that. Argh!

By the way,
Happy Birthday Michelle - 11th July
Happy Birthday Timothy - 16 July
Happy Birthday Dad - 22 July
Happy Birthday Peishan - 26 July

I am gonna be so broke buying presents for all these people! Gosh, not to mention Michelle's b'day's already over but I haven't given her her present! Anyhows, I'm gonna have my dinner now. Ciao!

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