Friday, July 15, 2005

[ Spinning - Nichole Nordeman - Wide Eyed ]

I wanna change my template, but I'll only start on it tomorrow. I guess I'm far too lazy right now. My ever-so-nice dad bought me a bar of milkybar for me, without me telling him myself! Great! I guess my dad's learning how to be my personal chocolate supplier! [It was Michelle previously]

Just read a friend's friend's blog, and I tell you, she's an interesting girl. (:

I made a blog account for my mom, after much pestering from her and ohmigoodness, after reading her first post, I just laughed right out, very loudly. She sounded so silly and contradictingly young, even for her old age. Well, we all know that my mom is a little of a sick woman [not as in mentally] as her jokes can be quite 'off', but she's a funny woman, and a childish prat at times! [My whole family's pratty eh?]

I've got Abigail's birthday party to go to after church service tomorrow. However reluctant I am, it is my duty to go. Well, looking at the good side, there's free food for me to eat, as much as I can [since most of them are the neighbours' kids and kids and they can't eat that much, can they?] If I decided to go to Michelle's ESS earlier, I could've escaped her birthday party. YES, not to mention their house is a frickin sauna! All they have is one sick portable fan which it's air can't be felt from 2 metres away and four windows to supply the whole living room with fresh air. The house is elongated, which means the inner area doesn't get any air at all! Oh ma gad! I think Joel, Jon, Cheryl, Lyn and I will confine ourselves to Ben and Abigail's room, which is first at all and most importantly, free from those meddling kids, since they would be playing those silly puerile games Auntie Shirley organized. Gosh, let's just hope that they don't get involved with the room, if not like last year, we had to sit in the living room and watch the small kids try to chew an apple dangling on a string and I was forced to play that too, because Gerald and Ben refused even though they were the youngest, not to mention Ben's her irritating brother! Eeeagh. They better not get me to participate in any of their roll-eyes games, especially with all the people I don't know. Like small kids I can't even see from my eye's view and they like to look at you with a weird look like you're Goliath or something, and that happens exceptionally with Joel. You'll understand why soon enough.

Church tomorrow is gonna be quiet. Jeralyn is not coming, which actually I don't really mind since it doesn't really matter to me now and I agree that she isn't what you call, all that spiritual. She's a naughty girl who went for CIP last week [which I still until now, don't believe her, but shh.] and tomorrow she's going for a band concert. Can you believe her?! She could've just missed it! But anyway, I have no power to say such things, she is a temperamental girl only I can stand, besides her schoolmates [which she is absolutely nice to, I don't know why.] You should understand that nobody dares to talk back to her when she starts her whiny nonsense, and I for one, hate girls always indulging in either, soap operas or plain complaining, whining and frowny faces. And when she's in a bad mood, she expects you to be nice to her and pardon her for her attitude problem like it's a natural protocol. I'm so sorry, but I don't do such things. -

Enough about the PMSing, I doubt I am, but say whatever you like, she can't read blogs anyway. [Ha, ha, ha!] I am so mean, but I know some people agree with me but they just keep quiet because they don't want to offend the great-and-mighty Jeralyn. Gee, I haven't seen or talked to her for three whole weeks. Amazing. So are you finally convinced I'm not lesbian, whether with Jeralyn or with some other girl? I guess not.

Darling ole Cheryl, with all her blurness, is not actually that blur, I don't know how do you put it, but she's not all that she portrays herself to be. Well, she is another meanass, but I shan't expose her ever-so-innocent front! HAHAHA! Gee.

Talkative, the terrible rub-in-the-facts person! Rah! But an awfully nice person I shall say, even for her unstoppable mouth. (: No offence dar.

Michelle T;
One word to say, GAY! She's getting prettier and prettier y'know and guys have come up to ask her for her number [like twice], even I don't get that, hahahahaha, but I don't mind 'cause I don't wanna be put in the position of disgustedness-yet-act polite-ness. Well, I got that thrice, but twice was because they wanted Jeralyn's number but they said "Can we have both your numbers?" then after they got Jer's one, they just skip off happily. Okaye, haha, it never fails to amuse me though, I mean, I know that they don't want my number at all, but hey, don't lie through your teeth alright? In the first place you ask 'us' but you're only looking at and concentrating on one of 'em. Gee, guys are so dumb at times, oh yeah and they're lousy liars too!

Moral of the story: Girls are good liars, and we know it.
Okay maybe not all girls, maybe only ME. Hahahaha. =p

Cute, blur, sweet, funny and silly! She loves to argue with me over silly stuff though. Haha, what a cow! =p

Oh how we love to antagonize people and complain about the whole school's choice of music they listen to : Chinese songs. Hahahaha! Love ya.

Hahahaha, this one makes me laugh. I love watching her eat because she eats so funnily! HAHAHA, I shan't write it here, it's far too embarrassing, and by the way, I am not eccentric! I only watch her eat when I happen not to be eating.

Jasmine A;
The childish and silly pig, who is my wife, how unfortunate! [Proof's the blog address! Hawhaw.]

Happy and silly! Love your phone! Queen of funny faces. !

Okay lah. I end here. Smoochyas!

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