Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Hmm, I was off to observing ugly or 'interesting' people in the bus, which was pretty fun, besides the point that the bus was packed because I was five minutes late in leaving the house. See what five minutes can do? I happen to always try to get the earlier buses so that I don't have to squeeze with a thousand and one sweaty and stinky people.

Miss Patriotic:
Let's call her Sally.
Miss Sally was sitting at the seat right at the door, the one facing the staircase in the 74 double decker bus. I was standing at the staircase [hey, it was so crowded I couldn't get in more so I was stuck at the door] So you could say that I was being pervertic as I was observing her. She had a pretty mismatched combination of clothings, which was sending sniggers out of my throat as who goes laughing in a bus? Right.

She was wearing a knee-length khaki skirt, a red and white horizontal stripey three quarter sleeved top, a very old-fashioned gold chain, and white pumps which looked awfully too teenage-ly or young for her. Hurhur. Oh yeah, she had shoulder length hair, PERMED, it was so funny 'cause it was neither short nor long and it just looked funny, like it's not an afro, neither is it nice and long permed hair. By the way, it looked like a wig anyway, so the shape's pretty good for a wig already. HAHA. After much scrutiny, I realised that she was wearing red and white! Silly, but she genuinely looked like she was very supportive of Singapore, and I could just imagine her during National Day at the National Stadium screaming her lungs out and waving those cute but dumb thingamagigs they give in those goodie bags of theirs. Yeah, and by the end of the whole parade and stuff, she has a heart attack after screaming too much [Too excited lah]. But that's my imagination. Let's just sit here and hope that doesn't happen on National Day. But anyhows, we should just watch out for the headlines on 10 or 11th August. Heh.

There were tons of smelly people coming up the bus, I was infuriated! Some guy who wanted to come down the bus was like pushing and shoving everyone, and he was holding those metal bars above everybody's heads, it was already sickening that he was pushing everybody, and oh my god, his armpit stunk of duh, body odour, yeah, and he was literally shoving his armpits at my face. Ew.

And some FAT Peirce girl was being irritating 'cause che didn't want to move in, and if you're fat, you're gonna be blocking and taking up a lot of space so you better move in right? [But I don't know how she's gonna alight though. Heh.] I was standing behind her, fine, she blocked all my oxygen AND emitted a very asinine smell. Yuck, when everyone piled up the bus, she just stood there, occasionally glancing behind to see if people hit her fat ass. And I behind, was being squashed to death by the oncoming traffic, I couldn't move in 'cause there was no space, but everybody was attempting to squeeze their fats past me to get upstairs, and I was pretty positive that the upper deck was full, but anyway, I THANK GOD I'M SKINNIER THAN AVERAGE, if not one fat girl and one average sized girl would have blocked the whole entrance. Haha!

Anyway, enough of disgusting people, I'm too traumatised to describe anymore, but basically today's bus journey was filled with lots of nice smelling people [!]. Yeah.

Mrs Lim is on one week MC, gosh, I miss her Lit lessons, Mr Nicholas Tay is such a bossy MCP. Chee.

Had Chinese Spelling today, haha, I can't believe we still have it, but anyway, I've got Chinese test tomorrow! And I don't know how am I going to remember anything, seriously.

Had Year Head 2 Assembly, all Sec Twos went to the Hall during the one hour PC period to learn their batch song which is unfortunately not Gabrielle's Sunshine, but fat Hilary Duff's Fly! Yuck! Spare me the horror, Councillors, PSLs, Choir members, M&D members were called up to the stage to help in singing, which was pretty lame 'cause it didn't make a difference. Michelle was saying to Rachel that Rachel, herself and me were safe because we were cca-less, but they called councillors then! All thanks to Michelle's rather BIG MOUTH. Hahaha!

Enough about the silly stuff. I've gotta mug for Chinese. EEERRGHH.


I tried to get in my taxi
A man in a tracksuit attacked me
He said that he saw it before me
Wants to get things a bit gory
Girls run around with no clothes on
To borrow a pound for a condom
If it wasn't for chip fat, well they'd be frozen
They're not very sensible

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