Saturday, July 23, 2005


I went to school, did my duties, I happened to be appointed to be at the Normal Technical Registration Table and I was half stabbing myself with Liyan, Kushini & Nurimah. Beiyu & Julia popped by later, but got chased away by the President [Nurimah, mind you!]. So we marked attendance, gave the Feedback forms and programme sheets out.

The NT people were so infuriating, in a morbid & silly way. They were terrorizing us, thank god they came earlier, so we wouldn't have to be stuck with them too long because Mr Goh chased them into the I-Space, so okay. Nurimah, Kushini & Liyan went in to help with the Q&A session, while I sat outside at the registration table myself, waiting for latecomers, one girl came along, haha! I didn't know Idayah's outta school. Aww, she was sucha sweet girl last time, irritating but really nice. I think she probably quit school to work. Hmm. Hayati's mum is super cute! (:

Went back to the hall and attended my own streaming briefing. Yeah, my mom was being so irritating. Ugh, Raba'ah and Eveline was sitting in front of me, and they found my mum pretty funny. Hurhur, okay. The 2/6 guys came late. Haha.

Cabbed to church, was fifteen minutes early. Lydia tickled me! RAR. =p

OKAY, had service, spent one hour deciding where to eat, wanted to town but Jeralyn and I were complaining that we were so broke. Yup, and waited so long for 145, about twenty-five minutes to thirty minutes and it never came, so we took 21 to Novena and ate there. Messed up the table. Cheryl ate like a PIG!

I ate U mian while they ate some hot n spicy mifen and watermelon and honeydew sago. Michelle and I played a prank on Cheryl, running off leaving her stuff and went up to the Novena Office Towers. HAHA. Cheryl was so silly la, being such an auntie chasing after us.

HOME. Had a nice chat with Cheryl, as usual.

I'm running outta things to write. Yeah.

Gotta run!

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