Monday, July 11, 2005


[ mood - stressed ]
[ music - Good Charlotte - The Anthem ]

How interesting can School Life be for a typical hip teenager? Haha, that's so totally buay hiao bai. Oh well I am, hip i mean. =p

Anyhow I begin with my school day, ...
As usual, I take the bus to school and this morning, it was no different from other days. [although I wanted to get my dad to fetch me...] But unfortunately, I happened to take the same bus as, let's call him -- botak. Botak was being irritating and was trying to irritate me but I just shrugged my way through and made demeaning expressions on my face to express my annoyance, but as I've always been shrugging at him and making demeaning looks at him everytime he tries to poke fun at me, my expressions don't take on any mean-ness in them at all, instead it takes on the look of resignation!

But since none of you would know who 'Botak' is unless I describe him to you [He IS famous for irritating people alright, even people he doesn't know like me!]. I shall now describe him to you --
Introduction on 'Botak!' or as Michelle calls him, "Wu Ming" [No name]
1. Botak is Secondary One.
2. Botak is in class 1/3 NA.
3. Botak is only up to my shoulders [short!]
4. Botak takes pride in annoying the lower sec councillors and PSLs. [and people he doesn't know, mind you]
5. Likes to cut queue [although it makes no difference, he can't be seen =p]

You know, I don't even know his name, and he refuses to tell anybody but definitely I know one thing, that is that he is an annoying brat! RAR. So he supposedly walks with me to school, until after talking a whole load of rubbish which I couldn't really answer properly because I couldn't speak properly 'cause of a sore throat [and sucky chinese] when he walked off, so I just walked behind and messed with his mind by 'following' him, I wasn't exactly following him 'cause I take the same route to school everyday, but that's what he thought anyway.

Rushed out my Geography E-Learning work, thinking that there was Geog today, but in the end I forgot that there was a change in timetable. Gee.

Went with Beiyu to the General Office to do our PA duties, I got arranged to do PA, which is ten times more interesting than guarding staircases and stuff like that. Yeah, and I got put with Beiyu by Nicholas. Well, it was pretty alright, but Beiyu is supposedly more skilful than me, but I ended up doing the more difficult stuff! We spent such a long time plugging in and out the mic, and I did it! Oh, am I great! Yep, we slacked around in the office with Cheryl, Ye Sheng, Daryl and Larry, Cheryl was so funny! Guess all Cheryls' have a funny way of making people fun be it blur-ness or laughable jokes. =p

Back to class. Double Maths! Oh my god. Started off with Mr Jo literally stomping in and smile-less [well you see, Mr Jo is always smiling when he goes into any class]. "Those names not read out, be prepared to go detention. I will arrange the date." So he read out the names, those who didn't pass up their holiday assignments after three weeks into the term, he gave a talk about deducting marks, but in the end, everything was fine-and-dandy. I think the deduction of marks still stands but I doubt the detention stands lah. He's not so mean but one giggly old man! Rahhas!

Triple Science! Gosh, it was so boring. We did SPA, went to the chem lab and lamed with the bunsen burner. Bleagh. How interesting.

The rest of the lessons went on in a blur because all our eyes were so badly closing on their own. Gosh, I nearly conked out in History. Eeks! Mr Tay is back for Lit lessons. We're so bound to fail Lit man, he taught us last year. GOD, save us.

After school, disappeared almost straight after school. Yep, Beiyu dragged me around just because I was being nice and all, she dragged me up to the 3rd floor, and the entire floor was crawling with Sec Three boys, [maybe that's another reason why she's there, haha] but anyway, she went to look for X.W and Lucius, but X.W was helpless unhelpful because Lucius was still having lessons. After much struggle from the wrangly hands of hers [man, her grip is tight!], I got out while Daryl was distracting her. Great, so I just pissed off and bus-ed home.

Slept. Tuition-ed! [Tuition was a horror.]


So the next one came with a bag of treats
She smelt like sugar and spoke like the sea
She told me "Don't trust them, trust me"
Then she pulled at my stitches one by one
Looked at my insides clicking her tongue and said
"This will all have to come undone"

A triangle try'na squeeze through a circle
She tried to plug me so I'd fit
And doesn't that sound familiar?
Doesn't that hit too close to home?
Doesn't that make you shiver?
The way things could have gone
And doesn't it feel peculiar,
When everyone wants a little more?
So that I do remember to never go that far
Could you leave me with a scar?

I think I realised, just in time
Although my old self was hard to find
You can bathe me in your finest wine
But I'll never give you mine
'Cos I'm a little bit tired of fearing that I'll be the bad fruit, nobody buys
Tell me did you think we'd all dream the same?

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