Monday, July 25, 2005

What a very dreary day. I start off with School again, had double Maths, then Bio/Phy/Chem practical lesson, but Mrs Yusoff wasn't around so we got down to the lab to do some experiments. Yeap, it was pretty fun, just that my stupid lab partner was fooling around with all the chemicals. Rar.

Recess! I didn't eat! Haha, to save money as I'm broke, and also because I wasn't really hungry?

Double Bio/Chem lesson. Kinda rocked? We managed to get Mr Wong to reschedule the Science Test on the transport systems and we started off a new chapter today - Sexual Reproduction in Human Beings. Of course being in a mixed school sparks off silly noises and a lot of excitement in the guys. Yeah, it was so obvious. Mr Wong spent half an hour trying to calm the class down, then showed us a pretty mentally disturbing video about the private parts of both sexes [of course it's not real people stupid.] Yeah, and basically the guys were making a very big hullabaloo out of it because aye, they're just plainly so immature. Boys!

Lit & History. Mrs Lim didn't come to school, I think she was sick again, and after all the whooping that she didn't come, we realised that Mr Nicholas Tay, the very annoying new relief teacher who taught us Lit last year as well, would be teaching in her absence. He's back after screwing Mrs Rauf [the best Lit Teacher!!] Rar. We were infuriated with him the last time, anyway, we were being plain rude today and he was being plain bossy! Heya, you're just here for another 8 weeks bodoh! Annoying pig.

Double English, reading period! We read our papers for about 20 minutes, then moved out to our week's assignment, some crossword puzzle thing that is due on Friday. Aah, my group consists of Michelle, Wen Theng, Jasmine and I. (:

Sec twos were forced to go to the hall after school for a briefing [they kept saying repeatedly that it will last for only 5-10 minutes, and it lasted 45 minutes!] It was about the Secondary Two Entrepreneur Fair. It was so terribly long, not to mention General Managers of the groups for the Digital Art program and all the councillors and PSLs were supposed to stay back, I was GM & Councillor, so I couldn't escape at all. Chee.

Went to Jubilee with Michelle to meet her mom. Heartland mall-ed with Michelle & ate pizza hut again. Gosh, I feel like a sinner. Walked around to look for Pei Shan's birthday present and then, HOME.

I was gonna play a prank on my sister but then someone called me up and ruined it all. Rar! Haha, never mind, there's still wednesday. I'M going out tomorrow! Yippeedoohs. I haven't secured someone to go out with on Wednesday though. Thursday's Jasmine. That is, if she doesn't run off for some other band activity/science fair. By the way, I backed out of the Science Elementz competition, 'cause I was so embarrassed of my own product, plus I was sick the day they did the presentation to the teachers, so I don't know a single thing about my own dumb product! [My group members are gonna kill me seeing this. Hurhur.]

Okay. Erhm, took a really late nap. Yeap, woke up a while ago.

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