Saturday, July 09, 2005


This world is a big, refined society. The whole world is thriving, rich, wealthy, and most important of all, happy. This whole world relies on communication. Yes, one of the basic, significant needs of people. To communicate is relating something, whether by language, spoken tongue or just by heart and soul. Communication works magic and miracles, provided if one succeeds in tapping on another person¡¯s interest, respect and many more aspects.

Sad to say, this little society of ours, this little world that we, the esteemed citizens of Singapore built, is falling apart. Not to say that we teens have monetary matters at hand. We¡¯re talking about simple and basic person-to-person communication, and including our own inter-personal relationships with everyone around us. It is one big community. Sad to say, there is this gender barrier, which fails to, refuses to fade to put it harshly, even after many years of the evolution of communication.

Boys just can't talk to girls and vice versa. That, I believe, was the tradition of thinking back then in the past. Even though that stereotypical thought has been whittled to barely a memory now, it still prevails, though invisible, in many cases. You see, people still stubbornly refuse to abandon their initial perspective. Modern though the present society might seem, people are still seemingly unwilling to adapt to the less conservative point of view. Inter-gender communication remains a crime, sin rather, as people who are less anti-social and choose to talk to a person of the other gender purely as a friend, no other elements involved are being cruelly tormented by their peers. Teasing, torturing, snatching of handphones, you name it. Well now, here¡¯s food for thought. WHY do people choose to do that? And why is it happening to us poor, poor teens? In this case, talking to one person of another gender fails to remain simple. It is blown up into a big, complicated affair that is hardly ever resolved, until the rumours die down of course, after a long, long time. This is the result of inflexible thinking in the teens of today. This is the key issue at stake. If such old-fashioned thinking is found in teens today, how can we expect parents, much older people, to understand the simplicity of inter-gender communication without suspecting any hanky-panky going on. But then again, come to think of it. It IS rather inevitable isn¡¯t it. I mean, you can¡¯t expect people of two different gender hierarchies to steer clear of each other, can you. Of course, I¡¯m speaking in layman terms, from the point of view of a teen. If at such a tender age, there is such an obvious segregation between the two genders, homosexuality might occur. Of course, we are not condoning homosexuality, but that¡¯s a whole different issue altogether. But who wants gays and lesbians dominating Singapore anyway? Talking to someone of the opposite gender is but a normal thing and a hullabaloo should not be raised about it, do we not agree on that?

Let¡¯s say, for example. A boy has just got to know a girl, and they soon were fast friends. Well he talks to her everyday like he does to anyone else, and everyone¡¯s happy. Soon rumours start spreading that the two are a couple, a pair and whatnot. Well of course, the boy tries to defend himself against this unjust gossip, but however he is ganged up upon by his entire circle of friends, who all now think that the rumour is true, disregarding pleas of helplessness and patient denial. This does not solely affect the male gender; the other gender would most definitely not be spared.

Now, now children, is this fair? Whatever happened to humanitarian rights? Are we not permitted to talk to whomever we choose to talk to? In fact, it becomes so much of a hassle, clearing up this whole big misunderstanding about it that some people surrender with bated breath under the malevolent stares of their friends who now shoot unjustified accusations at them. Has friendship become somewhat a chore? Evidently.

Well, the right cause of action would be to leave them alone to mind their business, and you minding your own. Not to poke your abnormally large nose into other¡¯s affairs and wildly spread rumours. Nor to cling onto perspectives of the past like a starved leech and incessantly torment innocent people with mere friendship in mind with thus socially unacceptable treatment such as teasing. This is where moral ethics come into picture. What business of yours is that, such that you relentlessly pursue the matter as though it were your concern. Therefore we beseech all those who are guilty of this to please have a more open-minded point of view, so that all can live happily again.

Well now that we¡¯ve discussed the right cause of action, we should be getting on with the origin and cause of these highly annoying actions. We find that, most do it out of pleasure and for the fun of it, entirely not taking the people in question¡¯s feelings into account. Fun? I most certainly think not. Such abysmal people should be looked upon in disdain. Neither do I think it is a very pleasant thing to do. In retrospect, it is a huge turnoff. Unappealing, to the very core. Fun should not be gained at the expense of others. Utilitarianism in this case, is not longer valid.

None of this would happen if people were willing to change their mindset to a more ¡°modernised¡± one, so to speak. Therefore, in a nutshell, we urge you all people to see. Well people don¡¯t you see, all of us want reach out, to communicate, to gain more friends well perhaps some friends you can entirely trust without getting into a big serious affair. Now all of us are restricted by ourselves, painfully, because for every step we take there are others prying into your own affairs and what¡¯s more taking the matter into his/her hands, consequently spreading rumours, based on false assumptions. Well we, the moneyfaces do not see the advantage one gains by doing so. Even if it is really for one¡¯s own entertainment, we seriously urge YOU to stop before this whole world breaks up into smithereens. Thank you.

-Huiwen & Jon Lim [tmf]
*stuff totally unedited.

Anyway, I quote people not because I have no ideas, but because I think this is worth reading or interesting, at least to me...

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