Sunday, July 10, 2005

Care group, putrid Bangladeshis and more annoying Indo maids.

[ mood - exhausted ]
[ music - Good Charlotte - We Believe ]

Care group-ed in the morning. I reached Annex B at about 9.45am, so I was early, YES, it's the first time [not because I'm always late, but ON time instead. Gee.] I went to check out the 3rd room, which usually was our Sec One & Two CG area, okay, but there was not a soul there so I went to the ER room upon hearing Jinghan's loud cackle and hyena-ish voice. Con and Jh were doing Bible Study on Revelations, the continuation from last week's chapters and then I went in and sat in, also joining in with their Bible Study [uhm, i felt so extra] then Con got all "Louisa, are you lost?" and I told her I was, how silly could I get? I knew that she was alternating and reading from Numbers and Revelations but thoughts like "Who is Balak?", "Who is Balaam lah!" and "Zippor? What kind of name is that?!" were running through my brain, so I just told her so honestly. =p Chris and Cheryl came along at 9.55am.

At ten o' clock [we managed to cover so much within that mere 15-minutes.], Jh went to check whether Sharon arrived already, so she was there, then we left and joined her class, waited for about thirty minutes for lesson to begin. Kai and Tim were so late! RARR. So we started. We learnt our lesson so funnily! We played hangman [something like that, just that you don't exactly 'die' or lose your limbs =B] and had to guess the Purposes of Prayer and the Power of Corporate Prayer if I'm not wrong. We did battle of the sexes, so the girls won! The boys were so --- about it, like "Okay, let them win." Chris was the only one actually playing. Tim was so bochap and impassive, while Kai was busy showing off unneccessary intellect. Yeah, we know they all are smart arses, no need for Kai's SuperMath! =p No sour grudges here!

Went for lunch with Jeralyn, Cheryl, Jinghan and Shawn. I was pretty surprised Shawn was there though, hrm, call me silly to say this, but did he want to see his darling so desperately? [Jh you can kill me how you like it! HAHA!] So Jh and Shawn fought over a dumb kit-kat white and then we bought some stuff to eat. Yeah, Cheryl and Shawn were fasting though, then they left for Rangers. Yeah, walked back to church with Jinghan and Jeralyn, Jer left with her mom for shopping [how unfair], and Jh did some NS Interview with Jireh, Paul Wong, Marcus and Ian, ha, she asked such dumb questions, but that's besides the point. So I left her with her NS Buddies with Lynette and went to KFC and ate with her. Started raining, gosh and I didn't bring an umbrella, so well, hurried about in the rain. Went TP to change bus to my music lesson, yeah, I was half an hour late! Rahhs.

My maid is such a pig, yeah and she sleeps like a pig too.

Bus-ed there, bus-ed back. Indian men filled up the entire 81 at some construction site stop and it was so friggin smelly. Not because of their normal smell. I AM NOT BEING RACIST HERE. but they were sweaty and really, really gross. These Bangladeshi men were YUCKS and I had a pair sitting behind me, I nearly got gassed to death. Well, so that you understand that I'm not racist and against Indians, I will say this. I have nothing against Indians at all, but Bangladeshi men because they are so pervertic! Indians are smart and the girls are pretty, why should I hate them? And I pretty much like the Indian Cultural Dance Club in my school 'cause they're pretty modern, not the usual EEE dancemoves and stuff. Yeah! Hurrah for the ICC. =) Say I'm gross, I don't care, I seriously think they're good wad.

On the second bus [I changed bus], these two noisy and chatty Indo maids came up the bus with millions of NTUC Fairprice plastic bags and I was so horrified. They sat in front of me. One was short haired and one was pretty good-looking with long hair. The short haired was soo irritating! Gawd, she literally couldn't stop talking. Firstly, this man who alighted the bus banged his suitcase into her, so he apologized profusely [typical of a well-mannered person right?] then after he went down and walked off, she giggled non-stop with her hyena high pitched voice like some annoying schoolgirl. Honestly, I felt like strangling her from the back! Secondly, she talked non-stop, kept making wild actions and kept shaking the chair so vigorously. I again wanted to strangle her so badly. Then when she was supposedly alighting, her friend said "Eh press bell" then the short haired said "Ayee ayee ay!" so frantically like they've just missed a stop when they were literally kilometres away. Then she started her mad actions again and complained hyena-ish-ly to her friend why she didn't tell her to press the bell earlier amidst sickening chuckles. Down the bus, great, peace alas.
Conclusion/Statement: All Indo maids are frickin' like that, with the giggly laughter. Ugh.

Home. Dinner-ed. Watched a little of NKF/Cancer show.

Homework unfinished. Great, I don't wanna go back to school.


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