Thursday, July 07, 2005

[ mood - tired ]
[ music - Kelly Clarkson - Behind these Hazel Eyes ]

Out of sheer boredom, I went grocery shopping with Lynette, my mom and my maid, we bought lotsa food and stuff! Well, Lynette didn't want to go alone with both of the kiasu-pok people so she asked me along. Lyn and I went to Watsons first, while Mom and Maid went to ntuc, I went to buy pad FOR LYNETTE and the stupid salesgirls were busy talking to each other, and I shocked Lynette by whacking the bell they had at the counter [I was shocked too! Haha]. So the girl hurriedly walked to the counter. I think I've got influenced by Lyn and Christina's gung ho-ness. Anyway, I've always been a little on the wild side, so what more now?

We walked to ntuc and walked back, then Lyn had to lug the trolley [my maid lugged the other], and she banged into so many street corners, while I was happily sipping Pearly Soyamilk from Jollibean and holding the toilet roll and pad. =O I kept saying "Auntie Lyn, want sip Soyamilk, very nice nice" in an annoying imitation of maids, then she shot me that "Hey you! Rahh!" face. Oh do I love irritating her as much as she loves to irritate me. ((:

Rested a while at home, then I dressed up for JOGGING! Lyn and I jogged three rounds around our street and the back street. It was soo tiring! One round is about twice of the MRT tracks, which is only 450m. Then after the third round, we stopped a while to catch our breath, walk a little and stretch here and there, then we sprinted back. Gosh, we are SO unfit. :D

So I bathed then watched the 7pm chinese show, I think Jimei is such a dumb arse and Fyn is such a scheming cow! Not to mention that Jimei's husband is too nice to people, how annoying. Dinner-ed with some yucky home cooked dinner.

Now I'm here, sheesh, jogging is SO tiring.

Oh, and I haven't touched a single bit of my e-learning homework. Screw.! [Well I've done a few pathetic questions, does that count?]

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