Wednesday, July 06, 2005


[ mood - bored ]
[ music - Mcfly & Busted - Build Me Up Buttercup ]

My last day of school for the week, great!

School started off pretty dreary, with double Chinese. We had our supplementary readers' test, where you read the story and answer the questions. Some idiot wrote on the board that it was a closed book examination, and it turned out to be open-book. Phew! I felt I did quite okay 'cause I knew how to find the stuff, unlike last year. Okay, you don't wanna go there.

We had three free periods after recess! We did worksheets and it kinda occupied only one-third of the time so, we lazed around, took pictures, and stuff like that. PCCG - Internet safety. Oh how boring! During the double period, selected people have to go take an NE survey, which I also kana-ed last year. Gosh, it was so boring, and my opinions were all the politically correct answers! Aaah.

After school, Wen Theng, Jasmine, Stephanie and I headed down to Junction 8 to have lunch, I didn't want to go, but in the end I went out of sheer boredom [and also my mom was at home] after we ate, took pictures and walked around, we train-ed back and I went to meet Cheryl so that we can go home together. Gee. =)

Well, what a boring day. Anyhows, this guy in Junction 8 tried to ask for my number. Ew. Both of them weren't bad-looking, haha! but from Balestier Hill, YEE.

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