Monday, July 04, 2005

Youth Day.

[ mood - appalled ]
[ music - Caesars - Jerk It Out ]

So, Youth Day is just going to be another 'holiday' of mine. I think I will be stuck at home, or at least, most probably. I'm far too lazy and disgusted to hang around Town and jostle with the lian-beng population of Singapore neighbourhood schools, of course Town is not only filled with the LB population, in fact they're the minority but they always want to attract attention, so they'll probably be the one finding fault with whoever who accidentally pushed them. Ayee, getting angry over such trivial things... =.=" Anyhow, the majority of them wear jappy [so they're kinda 'unique' and standing out with such "---" dress sense].

Somehow, the usual is, dark purple shirt with a white outline of a fat girl [or is it just her boobs!], super tight three quarter black pants with drawstring, black and white HIGH socks, funny cheapo not-even-converse shoes. Oh spare me the "--" dress sense.

Town is boring and Singapore is too small. =/

Okay, so last night let's say I slept in my room with a lousy fan [which in the morning, sorta freezed me to death, so maybe it wasn't so lousy huh?] We turned on the air-con for 2 hours, my dad told us to turn it on for the whole night, but we would probably become ice blocks in the morning if we did so. That's what happened last time when Clar was still sleeping in my room, she turned the aircon all night and my arm was kinda paralysed in a funny position because I was sleeping at the coldest part in the room, 'cause the aircon blows outwards. Clar and Lyn slept just under the aircon [double decker] so the aircon doesn't really reach them so much. Fact is my arm didn't hurt when I tried to move it, it was just limply PARALYSED. Hokay, scary. My mom said if I didn't wake up and realise it, I would really have a paralysed arm. I'm not sure of the probability of that now, but oh well, I believed her the last time. =B

I wanna have my breakfast. What should I make for myself? Or maybe I should just get my maid to do it for me, gee.

Look at what Joel posted on my tagboard:
Joel: You're uncomfortable in bra shops because ur innate feminist is slowly waking. I see bra-burning in ur near future. Beware.

Actually I don't quite get it, after a while it kinda sinks in, but I have two probabilities of what he is trying to say. Oh well, if somebody understands that, then explain to me! =p

Oh, so this is how I celebrate Youth...?

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