Sunday, July 03, 2005


[ mood - crazy ]
[ music - Stacie Orrico - I Could Be The One ]

Oh I'm so glad that today's Youth Day, because that means that I've got a holiday tomorrow, or to put unfortunately, the whole student population in Singapore gets a holiday! I've got to rush out my History project, although I've already finished my part in it except for the illustrations, but all my group members are terribly behind time, but what can I do with those adorable darlings, I hope P.S, Erica and Jasmine read this post! Okay, so maybe I should just 'chill' as Michelle said and let them do what they want. Okayy.

My day started off pretty spoilt by my Dad. He was getting all pratty again, settling down into those little childish and 'make-noise' modes of his. Personally, I felt what he was complaining about was pretty silly and trivial to complain about, but I agree that my mom was in the wrong. Well, both of them were in the wrong, but the fault lies more with my mom. So, he made hell of a noise and sat by the telephone table and sulked with that papaya face of his, while I was annoyedly and obviously signaling with my body language and loud sighing that I was going to be late for Care Group if he didn't leave the house immediately. Then he started on my dressing, I was sooo tired! Listening to him yabber for years is so mentally traumatising and tiring for a teenage girl. So he went all "Why must you wear shorts to Sunday School?" and I just stared at him blankly as though I was dumb or something, like what could I say right? Yes, I know the proper dress code of church-goers, but I was really darn tired and not to mention I wasn't going for the service but for CARE GROUP. After that, he went on to say that since I was going for my piano lessons after that, why must I wear so flashily and continued with "What if you get raped or molested, then you'll be scarred for life". So I gave up and just sighed in his face, rolling my eyes in process.

We left the house and he yakked the entire way, yes, complaining. Guess what? My dad's car's air conditioners are frickin' spoilt so we ended up opening the windows an itty bit, I was so annoyed and hot, I was telling myself why didn't I wake up a little earlier to take a bus! It's cheaper than car petrol and there's air-conditioners! Gosh! It was pure torture in the car, not to mention when you're hot and already irritated with the stupid air-cons, and somebody is blabbering away about how hard he works and how we don't treasure money, yeah, and you get even more pricky and irritated right? Thank God I kept my mouth shut, if I started arguing with him, oh my, I can't imagine the horror of us shouting at each other with the car windows open.

During CG, we did Bible Study of Revelation and we sure had lots of fun. Cheryl was so late. Gosh, she came halfway. So we took turns and read certain parts of Chapter One and Two and the seven churches, it was pretty interesting. Christopher looked so cute [brotherly way] and blur! Haha, Cheryl, Glenn and I were chuckling at him 'cause he kept shaking his head whenever any question was asked and also because he didn't spike his hair today, so he looked young, vulnerable, blur and just-wake-up. Gee. After CG, gosh, Serene and Glenn were doing some 'fighting' using a string, like they were doing some tug-of-war thing and in the end both of hands got twisted in the bolo tie string. HAHA. =p

Lunch-ed with Cheryl, then Jamin and Jingting popped by KFC and sat there, so we chatted with them. Basically the topic was about Cheryl's hair and how she should change it because she's suffering from quite sparse hair [put in a nice way, go figure. :D] Jamin was enlightening us on how the girls in his school have really mini miniskirts as school skirts and their funny flying saucer hairstyles. Hahahaha. We had such a great laugh!

So my maid was going Toa Payoh, so I took the bus with her there and she dragged me everywhere, like some shoe shop, some hawker centre that was really cold [paradoxing?] and a bra shop. But before I elaborate on those, my maid and Cheryl's maid were shopping again in This Fashion, so I had to meet her there and babysit Justin while she also went to try on clothes, oh my god, he was such a terror, I was so tired chasing him around the entire shop, not to mention, he thought it was so funny and also thought that I was playing catching with him or something. But anyhows, he's so cute! How I wish that I have a brother like him, or at least a elder brother. That would be pretty nice. =)

The Bra shop experience was terrible. It was some cheapo shop, selling bras [duh] and some clothes, and I hated going inside 'cause I've been there when I was younger. I don't mind going into bra shops but somehow, I do get a little uncomfortable at times. [Manliness? Aaah.] So since all the bras were sooo o-bit [old-fashioned] I went to look at the bikinis. I had a fright of my life, they were soooo hideously ugly and the material was like cloth [even though it wasn't really]. I think if you swam with it, it'd probably get soaked immediately. Gosh. Some cheap things really deserve to be cheap. HAHA. =B

Bus-ed to Piano lesson. Practiced like mad. I went there an hour early so I spent all the extra time reading the papers! Time well spent! Bus-ed home. I don't know why, after stuffing myself with Kopiko candies [my maid bought it.. and nearly killed me 'cause it kinda gets a little addictive after a while] I totally knocked out in the bus until I reached the Interchange [I was supposed to drop there anyway]... and my bus journey for that bus is usually one hour and fifteen minutes. So I probably knocked out for approximately an hour. I was soo shocked!

So as I walked back to my house after taking 317, I met a bunch of .... CROWS and those people who know me well know that I freak everytime I see crows. Ever since I watched Passion Of The Christ when the crow pecked out the annoying guy's eyeballs, the one who was 'insulting' Jesus and Jamin filled me in that crows ate eyeballs! RARR -runs away in mortified horror- =x

Gee. Now I'm home. Darn, one more day of rest! Later! =p
[This is a really long post. I spent about an hour on it!]

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