Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Ice block waiting to change.

[ mood - down ]
[ music - Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On ]

Look at my redesigned blog, it sucks! At first it was a whopping brown colour, which I liked, but after looking at for a while, I was going all giddy and then I realised the brown was too dark until it looked like shit!

So I woke up reluctantly at 11.25am, due to my fan which decided to get 'dislocated' when I was sleeping. So it made A LOT of whirring and scraping noises which compelled me to wake up ever so, I repeat, reluctantly. I was SO bored, I turned on some Hillsong music and proceeded to change the colours of my skin [actually I modified a whole new skin, but it looks the same =D]

I spent the majority of my time on that, now it looks like some sweet mismatched little blogskin. Yucks.

I am feeling so down & out. =(

There's kinda a lot of tension in the air at my house right now, my mom is being exceptionally unreasonable and pratty because she's sick and my maid, yeah she's also all pratty too because she's sick, and my DAD, he's always pratty, but exceptionally pratty because he's sick. Almost every person in my house is sick, I'm getting a bit of a cough here and there, but it's not so bad, at least not yet.

So Lyn and I have got to do stuff for our parents [because they are sick, again]. Okay, so let me describe the situation, my mom called Lyn to do something for her, Lyn could not hear because Mum was having a sore throat, then my Mum sighed again and again and again so sarcastically [for no reason, until she told us why.. =.=] that I wanted to whack her on the head 'cause it was so irritating, but I can't do that can I?

I've read a lot of blogs [as usual] but this time, a lot of negative things have started to fill up within me, like somehow I can spend all day being super sarcastic and saying "I'm stupid wad.", "Hey what ya expect? I AM idiotic.", "Yeah I know I'm stupid, you don't have to remind me", "Drop the act, I get the point, I'm stupid." Basically that's how I spent my day yesterday, putting Jeralyn through this psychological madness. I think I might do it today too, it's just I feel like shit's all inside of me and that I'm not good enough for this and that although of course, I have several ambitions and to-dos.

Maybe I should quit all these nonsense and get started with my work. Yes I should, but I'm still in a shit all inside mood. So what difference does it make?


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