Monday, July 04, 2005


[ mood - humoured ]
[ music - The Cranberries - Zombie ]

We must learn to appreciate people or at least, I have to learn to appreciate every single person who crosses my path. I know that I haven't been a really nice person in the past year or so as basically I was in sour mood all the time because of various reasons, which unfortunately, hasn't been solved yet until now.

I'm so sorry to the people I've hurt, shouted at in frustration and insulted due to irrinoyance.

I thank the people that have complimented me and I know that I should compliment people as well, not just for complimenting's sake of course. [But I always compliment people, so that's different =)]

I'm sorry to the people that hasn't really seen the real side of me because I just happen to be really mean to you and somehow refuse to let you know me deeper. I realise that because I am afraid of getting hurt [somebody told me this, but I remained in self-denial all the while. =/], I refuse to open up to people, and the only things that people can say about me is that I'm an ice block. Outside of me, it's just a very hard shell which nothing much can pierce besides love, care and concern. That sorta cliche thing.

I suppose that I'm just afraid of getting hurt because I know and we all know that once we really open up to this person and we lose that loved one, we would be devastated. I've seen that happen before, but I know I shouldn't let it become a trend. So to those who have tried to know me a little bit better but failed, I'll try to be nicer and more opened-up next time! By the way, I'm uber open-minded so I wouldn't think wrongly [Gwahaha, I'm such a cheeky arse] but of course, don't try to be funny lah.

I know this sounds cheesy and all, but I've just got to say these stuff out. =) Gee. Tomorrow!

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