Friday, July 01, 2005

About complaints about being fat.

There are tons of people I know that complain and complain and complain and complain about how fat they are without thinking how fortunate they are that they are not confined to a bed because of their fat-ness. Somehow, it really irritates me when people who are just slightly fatter than me start whining and moaning about how fat they are, when they are tons of other people that are much, much fatter than them. I mean, from a really-fat person's view, this puerile person complaining about his/her fatness is so annoying as they are not even fat in the first place, they are just misled by Hollywood's and Mass Media's idea of the perfect image, which is equivalent to girls the size of a sugar cane plant and girls with legs that are like chopsticks.

Yes, everybody around me complains that they're fat. But, unfortunately, maybe you shouldn't go out with me, 'cause you will feel fat around me and everybody thinks you're fat as you're next to me. x

Anyhows, this is something quoted from Joel's blog about being fat, and trust me, he knows what its like to be fat.

There is a sexual energy associated with having a perfect body, an energy fuelled by consumerism and Hollywoodism. For every lie the mass media churns out about what defines a positive image, there is the iron-pumping narcisist at the gym. For every trend the mass media invents, there is a wave of slim people who fit right in, and fat ones who, well... don't. Fat people don't rebel against this, we simply aren't part of it. We're standing at the margins, watching and envying, and ogling. So yes, treasure the fact that you have a 6-pack, or that you are on the way towards shapely arms, or that you can even begin to think about it, because not everyone can.

Perhaps I'm just neurotic. After all, there was that group of road-sweepers at Punggol Park who laughed at me when I went jogging with my uncle when I was 10. And then there's TAF club, which does a good job telling you that there's something terribly wrong with you if you're fat. There was, if memory serves me well, my friend Jevon who got pissed off when a school health-checkup nurse told me I was "fat but healthy". And then there's clothes that never quite fit at Topman. Maybe, just maybe, it's an international scam to make sure fat people always stay in the background, wearing loose, black, line-concealing shirts.
But what the hey, we're used to it. After all, it comes with certain perks. We're "good value" at buffets, and guessing how many roti-boys we can eat is an endless source of enjoyment. We're greate entertainment 'cuz our friends can always trust us to laugh at their fat jokes. Hey, if you get tired during a run during PE, there's always some fat person at the back to have a chat with. If you didn't quite do well for your NAPFA, there's always the multi-nil holder. Hey, if a fat person beats you at a subject, it doesn't matter 'cuz he's fat. If your band is short of tubists, hey, there's that fat recruit who could do it. Damn, it's always a joy to have fat people around. We're all so nice and harmless, after all.

Oh dear, do I sound embittered? Perhaps I should... what's that thing you slim people always say? Oh yeah... lose weight.


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