Monday, June 13, 2005


Was supposed to go swimming/tanning with Jeralyn this morning, but unfortunately, she couldn't make it! All thanks to her mother. Hm, fine.

Argh. I'm actually going to be at home all day. Thank god my mum just left for The Concourse. I wouldn't want to be stuck in the same house as her. We were, you could say, half-quarreling just now, and I was like @#$%^%$.!! [no vulgarities here] I was totally speechless man. She was yabbering about how ungrateful I am, that when I ask her to buy things, she will buy, and when she wants me to accompany her, I don't wanna go.

You know what? Let me tell you the whole story first. Last night, I slept at 2 plus. I wasn't planning to wake up so early today, but whoaa my mum and my maid poked me all morning to wake up, because they were.. GOING TO NTUC and I was going to be at home alone. So I woke up at 10.50am. After lunch, because I was having a headache [!!] due to lack of sleep, I went to sleep. So I went into the room at 1.45pm. I think I only fell asleep at 2.10pm all because my maid and mum kept having itchy hands and kept coming into my room to touch something. Then my ever-so-great mum woke me up and started scolding me, saying I sleep so much, then cannot sleep tonight. I was like so bleary-eyed and I checked the clock. It was only, ONLY 2.57pm!!! Damn. How would she like it if I kept waking her up to go places, like parents are SO unfair at times. Thank goodness my dad sided with me, so my mum just sulked. Grr..!

Truthfully, I'm so tired of what a boring life I have. Most of the time, when my mum's not working, I can't go out, because of her idiotic logics and all. Basically, she's trying to say that I have to stay home to accompany here wherever she wants to go. One afternoon I really felt like saying "I have a life. I've got things to do." But I decided that that was pretty rude and decided against it [although I was kinda interested to look at her appalled reaction =B]

Sigh. I've got tons of holiday homework to do, and I'm not at all close to finishing, because I only started on my Lit reading worksheets. Dang.

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