Saturday, June 25, 2005


I'm pretty interested in how certain people in this blogosphere, if that's what you call it, care so much about the popularity of their blog. [a.k.a Joel. haha.] I mean, I've got nothing to say against it, but sometimes such an obsession can be pretty annoying yet amusing to others. I agree, yes, Joel deserves the popularity and the alarming hits XiaXue/Wendy Cheng gets a day. He gets about 80 a day while XX gets 4-10 thousand a day. Yep, it's amazing how people will actually get hooked on a blogsite and check back daily/hourly. Joel is a good and intellectual writer and uses exceptionally profound english although he terribly sucks at poems, according to him.

I can guarantee you that XX's hits are basically all the same people, that are loyal readers that enjoy her "Fresh Mental Effluvia" and just a few extras that pop in once in a while. She's been shot down by hundreds, yet encouraged by hundreds. The willpower she's got to so called have to continue blogging has to be really strong. Personally, I have nothing against XX but a little something against that titsy SPG. I don't want to start anything about that SPG. But we all know that her parents were angry with her for posting those nude pics of herself. Although the pictures had been taken down already, and I haven't seen her 'funny looking neh neh' as described by XX, picturing it using XX's description sent me ROFLMAO. Yeah. I actually read that insulting entry out to Lynette and we both laughed, chuckled and hyena-ed. Whatever form of laughter you say we laugh. Ha. Sinister laughter too.

Oh my god. I'm so terribly bored, and I'm checking out every single interesting blog in blogosphere. Joel doesn't update that often already. Anyhows, you can check out his blog at if you're bored or something and if you think he's pretty good/good, you can vote for him at the purple button you'll see there, saying Hottest Blogs. Yeah and feed his blossoming ego! Haha! [Joel, thank me! Haha. LMAO.] Yes and Jo's supposed to be studying for his JC's MYE. Gawd. He practically slacked all holiday. He's turned 18 half an hour ago and he hates it loads. It reminds him of NS, despite all the funny named Bacardi, Vodka and yada, it ain't gonna cheer him up at all. Not to mention his birthday has happily clashed with Gram's one, so of course, the older woMAN steals the show with her 'glitzy' banquets and all, because she's older yeah. Supposedly of dying age already. [CHOII you say. xP] She turns 80 today! Yippeedoohs!

Hmm, I really don't feel like sleeping. I was playing Zuma and Bejeweled 2, MSN games etc. I need some entertainment at once. I've been listening to Perfect 10 98.7FM all night. Now it's playing The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It. Interesting... Gee. Just now they'd a couple old songs, like Lucky, What a Girl Wants, Sometimes [God, I hate that!] ..

I hate Britney Spears or ultimately dislike her, however you want to put it. She's almost like a copycat, J Lo came up with her Perfume brand [don't know what's the name] and she came up with Curious. Pretty =.=". Then I don't know whether Britney or Xtina started the nude/sexy/flash tits thing. Please, if your voice is good, you don't have to subject yourself to 'selling' your body for eye candy pleasure. I'm alright with ladies being a little flashy here and there, but I draw a line at pornography. It degrades women and the whole of the female race.

Somehow I may be, feminist and stuff like that, but I don't side with flirtatious, slutty and cheap girls. It's so disgusting and disgracing the female population of the world [and all feminists, aha!] Anyhow, enough of all the feminist talk and BritXtinaJLo. I might be back, later.

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