Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tell Me about Yourself - The Survey [ahaha.]

Name: Louisa C.

Birthday: 28 May

Current Location: on my chair in my room.

Eye Color: Actually I'm not quite sure of that, but take it as brownish-black?

Hair Color: More brown than black. Ha.

Height: 162cm [Believe it or not, so shut up.]

Weight: 39kg. Alright alright! I'm literally 10kg underweight! Happy now? You wouldn't want to be this light. It's scary at sentosa when the monsoon's in. [That's a fact, I nearly got blown away with my other skinny pok friends!]

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right and I'm proud of it! =p

Your Heritage: Don't know.

The Shoes You Wore Today: I haven't gone out. Gaah.

Your Weakness: um, excessively emotional?

Your Fears: being lonely forever? never feeling love again? lol. um... becoming bitter.

Your Perfect Pizza: Tokyo delight! and Sunny Side Up [this only comes with a certain 'brand']

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: a high average for the End-Year Exams.

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: I don't overuse phrases, haha. ... "Hahaha?" or "Oh please"?

Thoughts First Waking Up: Ughh. It's only 12 o' clock. [during schooldays.] Let me try to feign sickness. HAHA.

Your Best Physical Feature: Don't know. Complexion. =

Your Bedtime: Preferably, 12-ish/earlier.. Currently, it's 2.

Your Most Missed Memory: Hmm. No memories worth missing? / Do I have to publicize it!

Pepsi or Coke: I don't actually favour gassy drinks. Ha, here's it.

McDonald's or Burger King: Both are fine. I kinda like BK but I only go there with my dad 'cause it's expensive.! =p

Single or Group Dates: Group dates seem pointless and kinda awkward - unless all the respective couples have been going out for a long time, so single sounds better.

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea. But I kinda like Ice Coffee too...

Chocolate or Vanilla: In terms of ice cream, Vanilla. Real chocolate bars. YESS.

Cappuccino or Coffee: LOVE coffee. So both will do.

Do you Smoke: Nope and never will. Don't make me!

Do you Swear: No.

Do you Sing: In the shower, when I'm listening to music and with Lynette [you've got to see, our duets are wonderful!]

Do you Shower Daily: Hey! I'm a clean kid. In Singapore, it's a must!

Have you Been in Love: How about one-sided?

Do you want to go to College: YES.

Do you want to get Married: Definitely - not necessarily in the ring-clad sense of the word, in the "i've found someone i think i will never get tired of" kind of way. ... hopefully. but i'm not assuming it'll happen.

Do you believe in yourself: sometimes.

Do you get Motion Sickness: not a lot.

Do you think you are Attractive: sometimes.

Are you a Health Freak: No, look at the way I pig! [If you think I eat little, head to the coffeeshop with me and watch!]

Do you get along with your Parents: Generally. my dad somehow more than my mom.

Do you like Thunderstorms: Who doesn't? But if I'm outside, maybe not. Ha.

Do you play an Instrument: Grade 8 piano! Gradeless guitar? Haha.

In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: No

In the past month have you Smoked: No - duh.

In the past month have you been on Drugs: Haha, let's see, how about cough syrup?

In the past month have you gone on a Date: What's the definition of date? Specifically.

In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Oh yes, more than 15 times?

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Nope. (i haven't eaten oreos in a while...)

In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yeah - Jo's wedding. =p

In the past month have you been on Stage: Nope.

In the past month have you been Dumped: This is a no-brainer, considering I've never been in a relationship.

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Of course not! I don't live in a house with a private pool, even so, NO!

In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No.

Ever been Drunk: No

Ever been called a Tease: Somehow.

Ever been Beaten up: Nope, at least not physically?

Ever Shoplifted: NO.

How do you want to Die: Satisfied.

What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I don't wanna put it here 'cause it's embarrassing. ROFLMAO

What country would you most like to Visit: ... Italy?

Favourite Eye Color: Oh who cares?! Be happy you've got eyeballs!

Favourite Hair Color: Oh god, how long have i been trying to decide?

Short or Long Hair: (I'm assuming for girls), prefer hair on the longer side.

Height: Taller than me is great.

Weight: Erh?

Best Clothing Style: one that is true to yourself! (aww... rainbows, etc.)

Number of Drugs I have taken: I'm assuming illegal ones, zero.

Number of CDs I own: 50 ++?

Number of Piercings: One in one ear. Two in one ear [I'm not sure whether it's still open.]

Number of Tattoos: Eww.

Number of things in my Past I Regret: Lots.

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