Monday, June 27, 2005

SCHOOL and my busy day.

The first day of school is over. Yeah, finished all my holiday homework, except for my History project which my whole group has not started yet and the deadline is Thursday. Aahh, stressed! My shoulders are starting to peel, eeks.

Did quite a lot of stuff today, did geog work and all my homework in school. Yay, except my English newspaper article. Aah. I came back at 6 'cause I went for my dental appointment at 3.30pm [I was so early that it auto moved back to 2.30pm so I finished at 3.] They took out the old wires and put in new ones, tighter though and they asked me to choose a colour, and I made a stupid and brainless mistake. I chose white - ARGGH. It makes my teeth look so yellow, when it's not that bad! The doc said my teeth are so clean. Yippeedoos! =) After that, trained to Toa Payoh to get my specs fixed [the place when I made my specs is soo far, Suntec.] Not exactly fix it, but replace the nose pads. Finally!

Went to meet Cheryl [I didn't exactly make an effort 'cause she was there too!] Ate a little lunch, TASTELESS carrot cake with chilli. Rahhs.! Anyhows we chatted long, long. =\ Her dad picked us up at Gardens and fetched us home. Yeah. Our house IS 5 minutes away but we are LAZY. HAHA.

Now my mouth looks pearly white and shiny. Wahahaha. x)

Gotta run now! Learnt how to take screenshots! Jo taught me. Aha.

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