Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Oh sue me.

Read a couple of intelligent and also intellectual blogs in about half an hour. Gosh, how some people can really phrase their words in such interesting ways to describe a rather typical or bland routine day of their life. This calls for extra applause! I mean, some people go to school everyday, yet they can make their blog entries sound so interesting, you actually bother to visit their blogs everyday to check out what actually happens at their school at whatever point in time. It's very addictive, I'll say. Helluva interesting too!

But of course, with every small handful of intelligent blogs, they'll be lots more pointless blogs with boring posts about their boring lives. I'm not trying to put down anyone's blog, or trying to say that my blog is super duper interesting. Well, I doubt my blog entries are even close to being interesting as I post excessively and almost non-stop, but there is a certain kind of writing that pretty much irritates me half to death, maybe not only me, the entire English-ified population. Agree?

Let's take a basic example : "todae huh. i went to school lo. wasn't very de fun la, but still ok. don't know why nowadaes not so close to my gd fwens alreadi. so sadded[!]. i dun noe lerhs. can sumbodi tell mi. anywaes gtg now ler. so blog lata ok. byebye!"

Okay, maybe some of your blogposts actually have a similarity to this sucky blogpost. I mean, talk about bad english, what's with all the short forms/sms language and all the lah, ler, lorhs. It's just so gross. I mean, people use sms language in sms 'cause they only have a fookin pathetic 160 characters, but on blogs, you have don't-know-how-many [also, COUNTLESS] numbers of characters, why bother spelling all your words so ugly-ly with sms language. But, normally the only people who use/have a similarity to that yucky example up there are mostly lians or extremely cheena pigs. Call me a very xiang jiao [Chinese for banana] Chinese [Yellow skinned = Chinese, but fair skinned on the inside = White] but whatever. I'm not planning to work anywhere near China.

Yeah, and if any cheena poks want to start condemning me or something. Don't forget to brush up on your sms language English first, if not, don't bother. Oh sue me [that is, if you can manage to get a chinese-speaking lawyer and an english translator.] HA.

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