Thursday, June 23, 2005


I went to swim and tan with Lynette this morning. This time, the sun was really goooood. I'm black now! I spent three plus hours at the pool. And today I really swam, like widths. YEAH! It was so fun! Not to mention I've got a nice tan 'cause I wore my bikini. [yesterday also but no sun. =.=]

Aww, tonight I've got Montfiesta [Montfort Military Band Concert]. Rahhs. I don't feel like going. Ahahahas but Auntie Dolly and Uncle John already bought the tix so I can't just back out now. Moo.

Ashlee Simpson's LALA! I WANNA LALA.

Gosh, I'm hungry. Haven't eaten lunch. I'll just wait till dinner. I've got loads of homework to finish. Yippeedoodahs! NOT! Alright. Later! I've just finished planning my clothing for tonight. Yay. My tan is soooo nice. =p

I'm alright with Tracey!


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