Monday, April 18, 2005

School was rather fun today. Mrs Lim, as usual, didn't turn up and as usual, Chua Sai loves to eat up our free periods. Had three free periods. I wonder why Mrs Lim is always busy with something, she's always sick, or on course. Not to mention, we get all the friggin' pissifying trainee teachers that don't even know the rules of a classroom in secondary school. Well, if you don't know, Deyi is quite laxed even though the 4Ds stand and all. I say, D doesn't stand for Dedication, Determination, Diligence & Discipline. All it does stand for it, defiance and detention. Ahahas. As you see, defiance is equivalent to getting detention. Not exactly a very fair exchange I say, but I mean, all they get you to do in Detention during those 2 hours is copy the student handbook out [the rules and what you're not supposed to do.] And I suppose detention frequenters already precopy their student handbooks. Ha. I so disappeared after school to meet lyn at AMK station. We went Wisma & Taka. Yupps. Had quite a lot of fun there. 'Cause we were laming around and talking sarcastic crap. She bought loads of stuff that were friggin' expensive while i was lamenting about how broke I was. -chuckle- We, hungry as we always were, went down to the food floor. Yum. I bought this white & dark chocolate donut thingy. All I can say, heavenly, just that it was rather cold huhs. She bought some eclair thingy. All from Pop-doh, however it's spelled. Cheap and nice. -cheer- Headed home after getting all the necessities. I didn't buy anything, you could say, I was window shopping and seeing what stuff I could ask my friends to get for my birthday - ahahas. It started raining while we were on our way back walking home from the bus stop. It's a rather long walk. Oh god. I had one umbrella, that could only fit me and lynette was so pushing me out of it. So, i got wet. My school skirt was like SOAKED. Gwad. Laughed loads while walking back as I was piggily eating lots of potato chips. That's why my cough never subsides huh? Went home, watched a little of @Moulmein High and Gilmore girls, then took a nap. -yawn-

I so love Phyllis! Phyllis is one of the most adorable things on Earth. Just had a hearty chat with her on Msn, and she was telling me jokes which were big time lame but funny as well. Then we were talking about exams and how annoying secondary school can get at times. I love her and SJC!!! (:

birthday presents burn holes in my pocket.

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