Sunday, April 17, 2005

I don't know why some people. Obnoxious as they are, like to slap around in their flip-flops. Okay, so i understand you like to wear slippers to church. Well, you should at least wear slippers that don't make you look like you're going to the fish market or wear some pretty flops. If not, please refrain from wearing such monstrosities TO CHURCH. I mean, you can wear them to your local supermarket or you know, just nearby places. But please, not to church, especially if you're going for the service. I do wear some ugly flops to church on sunday, 'cause I'm only there for an hour - Sunday School. Yes, but at least they fit and I don't walk like I'm going to a wet market and talk loudly with spittle constantly spraying the people around me.
Well, slapping feet is totally annoying especially during the service when the entire is you could say, entirely silent. Urmm, and don't think slapping feet and ugly pouts are cool. It's unappetizing.

Somebody today gave me a shit face .. it was ultimately shitty 'cause I can't think of any other word to describe it. Maybe blame it on my small amount of colourful vocabulary but if I have a small amount, what about her? Oh well, shitty people give shitty faces, right?

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