Sunday, April 24, 2005

ersh! bugger ness boos ai laf choo ma boo!
okay, what rubbish am I talking about!
i think some of you will get it huh?
just repeat it over and over and you will.
Today's care group was fun. We were split into three groups. Of course, the three girls were separated into the three separated groups. -jeers at Sharon, haha-
Group One - Glenn, Chris, Louisa
Group Two - Jinghan, Tianle, Kai
Group Three - Michelle and DANIEL!!
My group has like one of the nicest people. I pitied Kai and Tianle, they were dying.. HOR? Haha. In the end, the groups rejoined 'cause Michelle and Daniel were weird la. We were supposed to be discussing three scenarios and the both of them weren't.
Group One - Glenn, Chris, Louisa & Michelle
Group Two - Jinghan, Tianle, Kai & Daniel
So Jinghan had all the boys to herself. Haha, WOW, i'm so jealous, I'm bursting with it! HAHA. NOT. Oh yeah and my care grp's guys are all superifically smart! Kai's from SJI, Tim's from SJI, Tianle is from RI, Daniel, I think he's from either Maris Stella/SJI, Chris's from Maris Stella. They're all relatively smart little boys. So adorable. Haha. Oh well. Erm, we discussed the three scenarios.
Case Study ONE
You are like rushing to finish an assignment and your mom keeps coming in to ask questions and irritate you.
What should you do?
Case Study TWO
Your good friend's party is today and you really want to go but your mom says No. What should you do? (Jinghan & Michelle kept insisting that it happened yesterday but it's only half true LA.)
Case Study THREE
You are happily watching the telly when your dad comes home, looking much stressed from work and all and asks you to switch off the telly and go do your work. You refuse. Then he raises his voice and asks you to go into your room. What should you do?
Seemed like Case Study TWO happened yesterday huhs? Although I didn't mind whether I went or not although I feel obligated to go 'cause I'm invited. Just that sorta feeling. Oh well, just got bored of blogging. Ciao!
Later. x)

`quote e:
-jumps off balcony-
I want to fly.
I want to fly.
I want to fly.


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