Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bus no. 74, horrifying experiences & more piles of obnoxious shit.
Nobody really understands how life can suck at some time. Life, -sigh- can be the most annoying thing on Earth, yet we have to live it. School sucks [I know this sounds ultra cliche but i can't help but say it!]
Okay, so I've learnt a rather valuable lesson yesterday, to never EVER take the non-airconditioned 74 to school. That, was one of the most horrifying experiences ever in my life. I was getting hotter and hotter by the minute, you can't exactly say I was sweating, but you know, that icky sticky feeling comes creeping on. Okay, but that wasn't all. The windows were shut where I was sitting, but the other windows were obnoxiously open, how nice can it be to have wind messing up your bangs/fringe on a nice little Monday morning. Yes, and unfortunately, on Monday, I didn't do up my fringe. I mean, I didn't put a hairband or something, I just pinned up extras and let the rest down. God, that is a mistake if you're planning to take Non-Airconditioned 74. Oh yes, and there was this freaking poser with all straight length hair and rebonded hair. Like that was so ancient. Her hair was short, as in shoulder length, I know she doesn't tie it up as usual so it's always like that. It was rebonded. Eeeks! And the worst part, it wasn't even layered. All her hair were of equal length - including the fringe. That is worst than my puffed up hair! LOL. So, to put it in a mean way, she had hideous hair and she looked like she was wearing a wig. [By the way, Pamela had something like that for a hairstyle for one period of time, but her hair was uniquely interesting, and she didn't look at all like a fashion (and hair!) victim.] Oh, since I'm already insulting that girl, why not insult more, since her uniform wasn't exactly complimenting.

Let me describe her: She was rather tall for a secondary one student, let's see, i think she's 164cm. Apparently, taller than me. Tsk-tsk. Oh well, she's worse off a bamboo pole than me. Her uniform was eeks! Shirt averagely tucked out. Skirt not exceptionally long but improportionate to the shirt [as she was tall]. See, that's why I say being tall is not a good thing unless you don't mind tucking out and getting caught by your dm. So, because of her height, her skirt looked too long. Oh! She was wearing ankle socks, with a friggin' sex band on her right ankle. Her shoes were Macdonalds'. You get my point? Oh god, extricate me.

Enough shit about that stupid fashion monstrosity.
Okay, so school starts off with a free period. As usual, Miss Rachael was nowhere to be seen - Absent/On Course. Pissifying shit. So everyone whipped out their discmans [those that brought, anyway] aanndd their geog workbks and started doing the assigned work. So, half the class couldn't hear what each other were saying, 'cause they either were busy changing discs, listening to rock music or their partners seem to talk excessively to them that they all have only one earpiece in their ears and the other out, thanks to their partners, they can't enjoy their music. Haha. Chinese was rather fun. As usual, we were trying ever so hard to trick the teacher into thinking our chinese spelling was tomorrow, which wasn't but we wanted to delay it. Dishonest pigs. HAHA. I'm one of 'em. Then he said that since all of us didn't study, he'll push it to tomorrow so that we can do better. Ahas. DENG LAO SHI rocks. [Pretend I didn't say that. Lols.]

Recess was horrisifying. Lower Sec NCOs had to clean up the ice cream freezer. [you know about us selling ice cream.] The upper sec NCOs are such meanies! The freezer had some greenish liquid at the bottom that was supposedly melted water, a little of expired milk and whatever shit. It STUNK man. It was super gross. Nobody could bear to take off the glass covers to the freezer [it was off, so everything melted and settled to the bottom. Yuck. But that was the point of it right.] Okay, so at first we were busy eating, when they opened the first door, everybody was gasping for breath and fleeing from the table, when I was going "Huh? I can't smell anything foul." Oh that was a big mistake. When they took off both lids, the entire area around the freezer STUNK. Okay. Interesting facts about the stupid freezer. Zhang Lin was the only noble one to go close to it and attempt to clean it up ad nauseam. You could smell the foulness of the milk. Oh gross, I really agree it was expired. I mean, for how long has that stupid thing been hibernating there. GROSS.
We were lamenting about how traumatized we were by the freezer and oh, let's go on to the next interesting part, our DM, lovely guy, used his detention book and poked me from the back while walking to the bball court. "Tuck in your shirt." I tucked in. "Fold down your skirt. Wha, councillor somemore! I don't wanna see this again." Mr Freddy Goh stalks off. Erg, so not good for my reputation. Ah, whatever, I'm not going to be some piece of shit stuck up people's asses like this councillor A which always gets ostracized by the student population 'cause he/she goes around scolding everybody and sending everyone to detention and also be a fashion disaster. I call that - Abuse of Authority. After that, had assembly - boring prize giving of dance members & going through of exam stuff. Hey! We didn't even get a certificate of commendation from the school during our syf year - UNFAIR! Okay, school sucked today. Watched lion king in music. Double Eng, Science, Maths. Mrs Yusoff's a pig. Chua Sai - always indescribable. Tsk-tsk.


Little Miss Insensitive & Mr Lonely.
They're one and the same person.

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