Friday, April 15, 2005

B2 has a birthday party to attend. Aww. Like this is SO not good 'cause everytime we plan for something for that specific day, something has to tumble down from above and land plop on top of that little idea of ours. Hmm, unfortunate us. As some people might say - "Wha, sibei suay sia." Asswipe laa.
I'm eating soupy snax again. I didn't actually eat any rice or noodles for dinner. Just drank soupy snax and took some little slices of tomatoes and cucumbers, pork ribs, potatoes & sausages. Interesting dinner eh? NOT. Just basic average Singaporean day dinner. Can't it get anymore interesting than that? I can't sleep although I totally unglamorously fell asleep in the bus on my way home from the dental clinic - with saliva drooling!! [you see, my entire mouth, nose area was numb.] GROSS.

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