Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm in a pretty good mood today! Momsy's at some wedding dinner so she can't bother me much. I was doorkeeper [aka usher] for saturday service today. It really rocked! Nwaha. I was in such a good mood that I was happily flashing my braces-ly smile at everybody and sticking out my hands to everybody. By the way, this is the first week I went to church with my braces on. Yepps. Although some of them had sweaty palms and wet hands [eeks!], the rest were okay and quite friendly. Yeah, one of them 'dao-ed' me when I stuck out my hand. Okay fine. Oh yeah, it was rude but oh nothing can spoil my ever-so-perfect day. Yeah right. The sermon was a little on the 'off' side. It was talking about husbands and wives and what they so called should and shouldn't do. Something like that. I'm currently listening to Evermore by Hillsong. Oh boy do I love that song. =) Oh, as I was saying, I am pretty annoyed now with a lot of people. Say I'm childish and petty, whatever. I mean, Jeralyn and I were so supposed to go out after service for just a little short while and like she so dumped me for her sister, literally. She promised me. Oh yeah, she told a lie and liars go to hell. [Proudly quoted from Jeralyn herself]. Michelle and Jinghan were SO totally eager to get rid of me, FINE. So I was stuck with Cheryl, not that it's bad but i mean, I was supposed to go out and all. I haven't went out in a gazillion years. I mean go out as in shop and look at MY stuff and not someone else's. I know my bad point is that when people ask me out or something, I will normally go, unless I've got something on. But it's so unfair that when I'm free and asks someone out, she will either reject or you know, make tons of excuses. So, you want me to be there for you, to accompany you here and there but when I want you to accompany me? What do you do? Disappear in some bush and don't ever come out. Fine. Such people actually exist. I'm not angry or anything. I'm just really really amazed that such people still do exist in this society of ours. I've been through this situation since forever. For example, I'm going out on Friday with person A. I make sure that my whole day has no other dates so that I can be polite and just accomodate and have unlimited time chatting with the person so that I don't ditch the person 'cause that's so MEAN. That is just normal so called etiquette that you don't go out and suddenly say you're off to your fairyland and just leave that person abandoned in some corner in Singapore. That's rude, ungentlemanly [if he's a guy] and projecting an image that you are either [if he's a guy] MCP or you think you're some big shot. Oh puh-lease. Quit the big shot thing. It irks people. Seriously, if you carry on doing that to nearly everybody, you're going to lose all your friends. Like just look at the amount of true friends you have. Your current friends are so superficial that if you died in a car accident today, life would just simply go on as per normal without you, not like they'll even mourn at all. Please. Find your true friends first before talking so much crap and thinking of having to find a bf/gf. I mean, if you already have so little friends and you want to have a bf/gf, chances are that you will have even lesser friends. Even now, if you have few friends, if they're really true friends, it's better than having a million friends and then only having less than a handful of really true friends. Who you think are your true friends may not be. Best friends are just a lie and most of the time they end up your downfall. The so called big shots have millions of friends but none of them really look under the skin 'cause they're all super superficial. Pfft.
I think you should just start taking care of your insecurities first.
The fact is, you're always insecure eh.
Me too.
But get over it
and get used to it.
Yeah. That's all I can say.

Friday, April 29, 2005

It's time I admit this.
Jeralyn has been droning this to me since forever
and I was ever so nice saying "Ya, kinda." only .. not getting into bitchy mode.
She is SOO evil. I don't know how we manage this.
But we always act really nice to this certain person &
this person gets bitched about later.
So watch out if we're extremely nice to you people.
Now I so agree with her that's he's MCP.
Oh yeah.

Life is so boring. I am SO bored. Yepps. I can finally eat some proper food besides porridge and macaroni! -cheers- Well, I wasn't supposed to but who cares? I literally starve to death everyday just eating macaroni and porridge. Ergg. They're so tasteless, I feel like I'm eating cardboard boxes or something inedible. Nwaha. I was checking out my friendster testimonials just now, and seriously, I wanted to delete some. But my other computer was lagging so badly, I couldn't bear to put myself through the wait. I realised I have had EXCESSIVE numbers of testimonials from little miss jinghan, who has so much spare time to write millions of testimonials for millions of people. Okay. Whoa. The weather has been sweltering hot these few days. My house is feeling so hot too all thanks to the stupid parquet floor. Oh darnit. I remember before the parquet floor was the whitey and cute tiles. I kinda liked that. It was cool and I loved lying on the floor then. Hmm, I went out today. To my mock dismay and horror, oh god, I can't bear to say anything. Oh forget it. I'm quite annoyed.
Later. x)

gossip 'til death do us part.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

School was ubbaaaaa traumatizing for me. Yeah. I realise something, my language, everything is SO going crazy! Here I am, talking like them (not deyians, note) School so didn't rock today at all. I was quite annoyed at Mdm Normilah and some other people. She was busy checking our socks' height. Yeah, and of course, Miss Councillor has to pull up her socks and tuck in her shirt neatly and properly. Yeah, super troublesome. The things we do for vanity. Yeah. Ergg. Hmm, nowadays my blog is SO dead 'cause I don't post much interesting things worth attention - haha. Oh well, I went out on Tuesday. Yeah, pretty cool. I wanna go out tomorrow. After tonight, after doing my stupid art exam assignment, i'll be free to do whatever I want for the rest of the weekend til Friday. I've set aside some work for myself to do during the weekend [How disciplined! x)] Momsy's at some company function - chalet! Like wootifying! I can use the phone! I can do WHATEVER I WANT. Cool.
Later. x)
I'm so darn HAPPY. The end of the week is SO coming.
Church, shopping with Jeralyn, laughing with Jinghan & Michelle.
I look forward. Yeapps.

Fantasia Barrino ; Truth Is

Ran into an old friend yesterday
Caught me by surprise when he called my name
He was a familiar face, from a chapter in my past
Talked for awhile, I smiled and then
Said that he was seeing somebody and
Told me this was gonna last
Showing me her photograph

And all the feelings I thought were gone
Came rushing back to me at once
Tried to smile and hide the way I felt
But I was thinking to myself

(Truth is) I never got over you
(Truth is) wish I was standing in her shoes
(Truth is) and when it's all said and done
Guess I'm still in love with you
(Truth is) I never should have let you go
(Truth is) and it's killing me cause now I know
(Truth is) and when it's all said and done
Guess I'm still I love with you

We reminisced on the way things used to be
Shared a couple laughs, shared some memories
Talked about the things that changed
Some for good and some for bad
Then he said goodbye and he paid for lunch
Promised that we'd always keep in touch
Grabbed my bags and grabbed my thoughts
Walked away and that was that

Now the truth is, it hurts
But I know that the fault's mine
Cause I let him go
Tried to get over it,
but it's messing with my mind
(Because I know)

I just gotta be honest, I guess
I guess I'm still in love, in love, in love

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Oh something to look forward to. There's labour day holiday on Monday. Yeah. I'm currently in stress mode. Like shuckers. What the heck am I doing online? I have like tons of stuff to do. ART!!!! .. is driving me nuts. I hate ART. I HATE my school's 'syllabus' for art. It's lame. My examination work is due this Friday and I'm so screwedly still in the middle of it. Oh like help!

Now, I still have maths tuition homework to do. She so like drowned me in homework. I mean, I told her I was quite free and like look at me! Ka-boom! All the homework comes crashing down onto me like some avalanche when I open Joel's Pigsty of a cupboard. Like oh goodness me. I'm so yawny tired. Tsk-tsk. Erm. Mr Jo was being a pig today. Yeah. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
I anticipate the weekends.
But I have to get past Thursday and Friday first. Yuughh.
Blog tomorrow. Yepps. x)

Pretty much in love.

Monday, April 25, 2005

I've realised that I've practically washed my hands of -- unknowingly. Oh well, they can go slog and survive on their own. They don't need me anyway. HAHA. They can always stick to low-class standards which amuses me. It will never ever change. -glaze

sometimes we really wonder how many personalities are in me?

sarcasm is my forte
I don't know why some people have this amazing ability to always think they're so good or at least, better than others. So they're this BIG shot and we are like the despised, squatting at the bottom of the social pyramid, huh? You can say I'm the meanest ass on Earth. Yep. At least I'm not like you. I admit I'm wrong, yeah, I'm mean and all and just because of that, you take advantage of the chance to insult me. WOW. It's not like you're not mean, only the both of us tell you you are so darn mean, so you think we are telling lies and blah blah and that only we think like that 'cause we are prejudiced towards you. The other people have helpfully told us to tell you, then we seem like the bad guys instead 'cause we're the ones who like so called 'told you off''. Truthfully, I think you should go do some soul-searching and PLEASE, stop deceiving yourself man.
You also have another amazing ability - that is, blaming everything on me or someone else. Oh well, as long not on yourself right? Admit your mistakes. You're nearly the worst fault-admitter on Earth. I mean, it's natural of people to defend themselves at first, even then, they also apologize in the end. You don't. All you do is think you're right, you're right and you're always right. Tell you what. That's not always the case in this unfair world of ours. You, were so mean especially to me on that happy day of mine. I ignored all your little rude gestures and everything and when you said I was mean, I nearly blew everything off. I was trying to be nice and all and explaining to you why some people behave like that and why others like to be this and that. You know what, I shouldn't have wasted my precious time explaining to you and defending people okay? I really regretted it. You think you're unbeatable yeah? There's always someone better than you lah.
Piss off to your ugly world and where your ugly friends live and get off my planet.
Oh screw it. My mouth looks weird. I've got everything in now and I look stupid. Oh god, my mouth's just a black hole, all thanks to them removing all my molars (okay, maybe not all). My smile is so destroyed. Erg. Black holes and more. I don't wanna talk about it. Yugh.
Mariah Carey ; We Belong Together

I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you, so
I should have held on tight
I never shoulda let you go
I didn't know nothing
I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I could not fathom that I would ever be without your love
Never imagined I'd be sitting here beside myself
Cause I didn't know you
Cause I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt the feeling that I'm feeling
Now that I don't hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips
Cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here, cause baby

When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
Cause we belong together

Who else am I gon' lean on when times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place? There ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together

I can't sleep at night
When you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio
Saying to me"If you think you're lonely now"
Wait a minute
This is too deep
I gotta change the station
So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break
And then I hear Babyface
I only think of you
And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But I'm falling apart

I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things, crying
Trying to figure out
Where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song
It ain't even half of whatI'm feeling inside
I need you, need you back in my life, baby

Sunday, April 24, 2005

i just ate Justin's red eggs. Yeeks. My fingers are awfully pink now. GROSS. I look and feel like I've just breathed in some carbon monoxide and my fingers are bright pink. [Well but if I've breathed in carbon monoxide I wouldn't be blogging. ] Haha. I hate the yolk now, especially now that I have a swollen lip and five ulcers joined into one. Oh yuck. The yellow swell outside my mouth wasn't an ulcer at first, it was make-your-lip-puff-up medication but oh well, it became a rather unpleasant looking ulcer. By the way, I have an ulcer on my cheek area 'cause I bit it. OH gwad. Like help me. School - tomorrow. Well, I'm only going for about two periods which is like LAME la. And then, there's health screening at 10-12pm which i so cannot go 'cause 10am's my dental appointment - tsk tsk. Oh like I'm going get brackets in tomorrow, I don't know how they're gonna do that with my monstrous ulcers staring right up at them. Erg. I'm in pain, my mouth is swollen.
Oh darnit.
I hate school, I don't wanna go school. AISH.
ersh! bugger ness boos ai laf choo ma boo!
okay, what rubbish am I talking about!
i think some of you will get it huh?
just repeat it over and over and you will.
Today's care group was fun. We were split into three groups. Of course, the three girls were separated into the three separated groups. -jeers at Sharon, haha-
Group One - Glenn, Chris, Louisa
Group Two - Jinghan, Tianle, Kai
Group Three - Michelle and DANIEL!!
My group has like one of the nicest people. I pitied Kai and Tianle, they were dying.. HOR? Haha. In the end, the groups rejoined 'cause Michelle and Daniel were weird la. We were supposed to be discussing three scenarios and the both of them weren't.
Group One - Glenn, Chris, Louisa & Michelle
Group Two - Jinghan, Tianle, Kai & Daniel
So Jinghan had all the boys to herself. Haha, WOW, i'm so jealous, I'm bursting with it! HAHA. NOT. Oh yeah and my care grp's guys are all superifically smart! Kai's from SJI, Tim's from SJI, Tianle is from RI, Daniel, I think he's from either Maris Stella/SJI, Chris's from Maris Stella. They're all relatively smart little boys. So adorable. Haha. Oh well. Erm, we discussed the three scenarios.
Case Study ONE
You are like rushing to finish an assignment and your mom keeps coming in to ask questions and irritate you.
What should you do?
Case Study TWO
Your good friend's party is today and you really want to go but your mom says No. What should you do? (Jinghan & Michelle kept insisting that it happened yesterday but it's only half true LA.)
Case Study THREE
You are happily watching the telly when your dad comes home, looking much stressed from work and all and asks you to switch off the telly and go do your work. You refuse. Then he raises his voice and asks you to go into your room. What should you do?
Seemed like Case Study TWO happened yesterday huhs? Although I didn't mind whether I went or not although I feel obligated to go 'cause I'm invited. Just that sorta feeling. Oh well, just got bored of blogging. Ciao!
Later. x)

`quote e:
-jumps off balcony-
I want to fly.
I want to fly.
I want to fly.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Haha, I didn't go Ernest's party, I didn't mind actually. I was pretty annoyed today but after the service I was fine, was even feeling quite hyped but still annoyed with my mom for her unreasonable whatevers throughout the day. I was happily listening to jazz pieces before I went to church, which was fun, 'cause I was listening to all the interesting instruments they used - like band instruments. Hmm. Justin's b'day party was quite fun and thank god Mr Itchy Fingers, Son of TV remote control guy and full of shit guy, Benjamin wasn't there. Mr Lame Arse Gerald wasn't there too. Good riddance. I mean, I don't mind Gerald though. See, all the my-age cousins are guys besides Cheryl. Let's see.

Ki'ern - Girl, 23?
Clarissa - Girl, 23.
Lynette - Girl, 20
Joel - Boy, 18
Jonathan - Boy, 16
Cheryl - Girl, 15
Louisa - Girl, turning 14 in a month
Gerald - Boy, turning 14 in 4 months
Benjamin - Boy, turning 14 in 7 months
Abigail - Girl, 10
Bernice - Girl, 10

I mean, like Ki'ern, Clar and Lyn hardly hang around with us at cardiff already. Oh well, it's time for them to get on with their lives. Abigail and Bernice -- how puerile. They're so small and childish, sometimes Bernice's rudeness and their plain gullibility gets on peoples' nerves. So Joel was taking pictures. Haha. Shoving his face into ours and saying "Hey, lets take a picture!" enthusiastically and I was complaining about my swollen lip and he like IGNORED me. Next, we were going through his mj annual. It was rather amusing and Jonathan was so criticizing all of Joel's friends. There was a William Hung and some other weird looking people and this guy who squatted down and his pants were so tight, you could see the shape of that thing. Oh gross. How tragic for my eyes! -screams- Hahaha. I'm feeling so tired. -yawn- Blog - tomorrow. Later. x)
A and B said the other party was boring and there was no food.
Oh well, what do you expect out of a few 16 year olds having a party?
Lack of planning.
Poor things.
rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.
my family is full of rubbish.
my life is so full of rubbish.
I can't talk on the phone.
I can't use the computer.
I can't meet Jeralyn NOW.
I can't go Ernest's birthday party.
[but that's because of Justin's b'day party and MOTHERS!]
Aish. Like whatever.
I give up.
I'm supposed to hibernate at home and wait for thy kingdom come.
"Ha. Ha." Apparently I'm not laughing.

Friday, April 22, 2005

The piano solo + extra bongos + the jazz set + the saxophone + trumpets makes Jamie Cullum's Next year, Baby stuck in my head! It's so darn fascinating! =)

Pointless Nostalgic.

Ain't thinking 'bout love today
Lost in the sunlight
Walking down memory lane

Ain't thinking 'bout you today
People from the past that I knew
Are slowly slipping away
Seems so long ago
Since we were carefree

Photographs lost in time are all I see
A pointless nostalgic
That's me, that's me

Thoughts running round my head today
Times from the past popping up where they're from I don’t know
Reminiscing my cares away
Wishing I could go back and change the points that were low
Till I've realised what life's meant to be

It's all I’ll ever be
It's all I’ll ever be
Cause that's me
It’s all I’ll ever be
Cause that's me

This song's pretty. It's another stuck in my head.
Mcfly. All About You
Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
So I told you with a smile
It’s all about you

Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to
Said you make my life worth while
It’s all about you

And I would answer all your wishes
If you ask me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
Don’t know what I’d do

So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
Dancing on the kitchen tiles it’s all about you

And I would answer all your wishes if you asked me to
But if you deny me one of your kisses don’t know what I’d do
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do

Dancing on the kitchen tiles
Yes you make my life worth while
So I told you with a smile

It’s all about you
It’s all about you, it’s all about you baby
It’s all about you, it’s all about you baby
It’s all about you, it’s all about you baby
It’s all about you, it’s all about you
It’s all about you.
I feel like I'm losing myself and becoming more like p and m.
I think that's quite okay with me but still, losing yourself is not a nice thing.
And copying others is not a nice thing too.
At least I know that.
SJO doesn't.
and couple 9 doesn't.
Jamin, read this!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Yepp. Currently in a very, very unstable mood.
I haven't been myself lately.
I mean, I've been really weird and friendly in school
and yet sarcastic and plain odd at home. Eeyuuck.
Look at this.
When have I started saying Eeks! ?
The Louis in me? Nah.
More like the Louise in me.
She's alive.

oh god.
what am I talking about again?
Louisa, Lois & Louise.
The split personalities.
Now what was I talking about again?


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Sometimes have you ever had the feeling that you want to give up on everything and just simply let go of what you're holding on to? I agree it's not a very nice feeling and I can't let go of that very fact that I'm not able to be the her I wanted to be. Of course, there are other reasons to some things that can't be explained on the Internet, you know what I mean. Sometimes I really wish I was a boy. I mean, Louis sounds like a perfectly nice name to me and life for me is like life in a washing machine. I get twisted here and there. Later removed and wringed and hung on a bamboo. Yuagh, I can't imagine myself in that situation. Okay, maybe that sounds more like life as a piece of clothing. Oh well, works for me anyway. Clothes do get worn out and thrown away don't they? I might just be condemned for saying such things as God gave me the privilege to be a girl and blah blah. Maybe that is the reason why some people commit suicide. Is that the only form of escaping reality? Maybe. All these people, if I'm not wrong, just need a listening ear. But society doesn't permit such things. They despise people who have done wrong things. Like for example, taking drugs, their excessive addiction to alcohol, their addiction to the things of the world and et cetera and cannot bear to just be a listening ear to some of them as they find it embarrassing that they're talking to some.. you know. Sometimes I think those people who have committed suicide do regret when they see the ground rushing up to meet them. That period of a second or two could very well be the time that they actually regret jumping and want time to rewind a little. Oh well, enough of my philosophical talk. As someone always say I love getting all philosophical and all. Ay, I should just shut up and not say anything. Pfft.

Whaddahell am I talking about?
coincidences happen.
TWO birthday parties.
SAME time. SAME day.
Different situations for different parties.
One would be amusing.
One would be outcast-like.
One would be brimming.
One would be one roll-eyes situation.
One, if I go, will make Jeralyn the happiest [and flirtiest] person alive.
One, if I go, I will have a brimming sarcasm level.
One, if I go, my eyes will fall out from excessive rolling.
One, if I go, will bore me to death and make me feel regretful.
One, if I go, will make my good friends happy.
One, if I go, will make my friends happy.
Which one should I go? Or should I not go at all - which is impossible?
I hate clashing birthday parties.
I've been through this situation twice already.

Unable to decide.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bus no. 74, horrifying experiences & more piles of obnoxious shit.
Nobody really understands how life can suck at some time. Life, -sigh- can be the most annoying thing on Earth, yet we have to live it. School sucks [I know this sounds ultra cliche but i can't help but say it!]
Okay, so I've learnt a rather valuable lesson yesterday, to never EVER take the non-airconditioned 74 to school. That, was one of the most horrifying experiences ever in my life. I was getting hotter and hotter by the minute, you can't exactly say I was sweating, but you know, that icky sticky feeling comes creeping on. Okay, but that wasn't all. The windows were shut where I was sitting, but the other windows were obnoxiously open, how nice can it be to have wind messing up your bangs/fringe on a nice little Monday morning. Yes, and unfortunately, on Monday, I didn't do up my fringe. I mean, I didn't put a hairband or something, I just pinned up extras and let the rest down. God, that is a mistake if you're planning to take Non-Airconditioned 74. Oh yes, and there was this freaking poser with all straight length hair and rebonded hair. Like that was so ancient. Her hair was short, as in shoulder length, I know she doesn't tie it up as usual so it's always like that. It was rebonded. Eeeks! And the worst part, it wasn't even layered. All her hair were of equal length - including the fringe. That is worst than my puffed up hair! LOL. So, to put it in a mean way, she had hideous hair and she looked like she was wearing a wig. [By the way, Pamela had something like that for a hairstyle for one period of time, but her hair was uniquely interesting, and she didn't look at all like a fashion (and hair!) victim.] Oh, since I'm already insulting that girl, why not insult more, since her uniform wasn't exactly complimenting.

Let me describe her: She was rather tall for a secondary one student, let's see, i think she's 164cm. Apparently, taller than me. Tsk-tsk. Oh well, she's worse off a bamboo pole than me. Her uniform was eeks! Shirt averagely tucked out. Skirt not exceptionally long but improportionate to the shirt [as she was tall]. See, that's why I say being tall is not a good thing unless you don't mind tucking out and getting caught by your dm. So, because of her height, her skirt looked too long. Oh! She was wearing ankle socks, with a friggin' sex band on her right ankle. Her shoes were Macdonalds'. You get my point? Oh god, extricate me.

Enough shit about that stupid fashion monstrosity.
Okay, so school starts off with a free period. As usual, Miss Rachael was nowhere to be seen - Absent/On Course. Pissifying shit. So everyone whipped out their discmans [those that brought, anyway] aanndd their geog workbks and started doing the assigned work. So, half the class couldn't hear what each other were saying, 'cause they either were busy changing discs, listening to rock music or their partners seem to talk excessively to them that they all have only one earpiece in their ears and the other out, thanks to their partners, they can't enjoy their music. Haha. Chinese was rather fun. As usual, we were trying ever so hard to trick the teacher into thinking our chinese spelling was tomorrow, which wasn't but we wanted to delay it. Dishonest pigs. HAHA. I'm one of 'em. Then he said that since all of us didn't study, he'll push it to tomorrow so that we can do better. Ahas. DENG LAO SHI rocks. [Pretend I didn't say that. Lols.]

Recess was horrisifying. Lower Sec NCOs had to clean up the ice cream freezer. [you know about us selling ice cream.] The upper sec NCOs are such meanies! The freezer had some greenish liquid at the bottom that was supposedly melted water, a little of expired milk and whatever shit. It STUNK man. It was super gross. Nobody could bear to take off the glass covers to the freezer [it was off, so everything melted and settled to the bottom. Yuck. But that was the point of it right.] Okay, so at first we were busy eating, when they opened the first door, everybody was gasping for breath and fleeing from the table, when I was going "Huh? I can't smell anything foul." Oh that was a big mistake. When they took off both lids, the entire area around the freezer STUNK. Okay. Interesting facts about the stupid freezer. Zhang Lin was the only noble one to go close to it and attempt to clean it up ad nauseam. You could smell the foulness of the milk. Oh gross, I really agree it was expired. I mean, for how long has that stupid thing been hibernating there. GROSS.
We were lamenting about how traumatized we were by the freezer and oh, let's go on to the next interesting part, our DM, lovely guy, used his detention book and poked me from the back while walking to the bball court. "Tuck in your shirt." I tucked in. "Fold down your skirt. Wha, councillor somemore! I don't wanna see this again." Mr Freddy Goh stalks off. Erg, so not good for my reputation. Ah, whatever, I'm not going to be some piece of shit stuck up people's asses like this councillor A which always gets ostracized by the student population 'cause he/she goes around scolding everybody and sending everyone to detention and also be a fashion disaster. I call that - Abuse of Authority. After that, had assembly - boring prize giving of dance members & going through of exam stuff. Hey! We didn't even get a certificate of commendation from the school during our syf year - UNFAIR! Okay, school sucked today. Watched lion king in music. Double Eng, Science, Maths. Mrs Yusoff's a pig. Chua Sai - always indescribable. Tsk-tsk.


Little Miss Insensitive & Mr Lonely.
They're one and the same person.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Hoobastank ; Let You Know

I just thought that I'd let you know that although I'm far
I'm close to you within and all the time spent by your side
Is taken deep in me, held for me to keep, to look upon when I'm feeling like
Everything and one is hurting me for something or other
It takes me to a better place where I'd rather go
Thought I'd let you know

Who you are, what you do
Makes me burn to be in you
Who you are and what you do
I'm burning to be in you

I just thought that I'd let you know
Being near you is a gift I only wish I could treasure
But for now I'll sit and wait
I'm still burning though
Thought I'd let you know

It Feels like I'm falling
I'm all on my own
Thought I'd let you know
It feels like I'm falling I'm all on my own
Thought I'd let you know

Sounds a little like a love song? Nahhs. Go listen to the album.
School was rather fun today. Mrs Lim, as usual, didn't turn up and as usual, Chua Sai loves to eat up our free periods. Had three free periods. I wonder why Mrs Lim is always busy with something, she's always sick, or on course. Not to mention, we get all the friggin' pissifying trainee teachers that don't even know the rules of a classroom in secondary school. Well, if you don't know, Deyi is quite laxed even though the 4Ds stand and all. I say, D doesn't stand for Dedication, Determination, Diligence & Discipline. All it does stand for it, defiance and detention. Ahahas. As you see, defiance is equivalent to getting detention. Not exactly a very fair exchange I say, but I mean, all they get you to do in Detention during those 2 hours is copy the student handbook out [the rules and what you're not supposed to do.] And I suppose detention frequenters already precopy their student handbooks. Ha. I so disappeared after school to meet lyn at AMK station. We went Wisma & Taka. Yupps. Had quite a lot of fun there. 'Cause we were laming around and talking sarcastic crap. She bought loads of stuff that were friggin' expensive while i was lamenting about how broke I was. -chuckle- We, hungry as we always were, went down to the food floor. Yum. I bought this white & dark chocolate donut thingy. All I can say, heavenly, just that it was rather cold huhs. She bought some eclair thingy. All from Pop-doh, however it's spelled. Cheap and nice. -cheer- Headed home after getting all the necessities. I didn't buy anything, you could say, I was window shopping and seeing what stuff I could ask my friends to get for my birthday - ahahas. It started raining while we were on our way back walking home from the bus stop. It's a rather long walk. Oh god. I had one umbrella, that could only fit me and lynette was so pushing me out of it. So, i got wet. My school skirt was like SOAKED. Gwad. Laughed loads while walking back as I was piggily eating lots of potato chips. That's why my cough never subsides huh? Went home, watched a little of @Moulmein High and Gilmore girls, then took a nap. -yawn-

I so love Phyllis! Phyllis is one of the most adorable things on Earth. Just had a hearty chat with her on Msn, and she was telling me jokes which were big time lame but funny as well. Then we were talking about exams and how annoying secondary school can get at times. I love her and SJC!!! (:

birthday presents burn holes in my pocket.
april birthdays;
thomas's birthday card & present.
ernest's birthday card & present.
jasmine's birthday present.

may birthdays;
linhui's birthday present.
phyllis's & michelle's birthday present.
my birthday present!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Shagged out. -yawn- Guess I'm gonna be sleeping super early tonight. Hmm, I'm currently listening to Perfect 10 on the comp. Oh god. The song by Usher and Olivia - Candy Shop. How utterly disgusting. *shudder* You know what? I hate listening to the radio now, they have no actual music to listen to. I mean, all I ever hear on radio are blacks' voices rapping away, besides eminem. BORING i say. *jeer* All these songs, doesn't take much to be able to nail it. I mean, they don't exactly feature much of the person's voice. Anyway, nowadays the singers' standard of singing doesn't take them far. All that matters is sex appeal and of course, singers' have to be, put simply, cheap. You see, just look at Christina Aguilera, her voice is wasted! [as quoted from auntie dolly (: ] Completely wasted. Her body? Intruded -- Not that she minds anyway. Bleagh. -sighs- All I hear on the radio. Stupid techno music [that drive you into a frenzy], typical songs about love and sometimes even the wrong perception of love, songs about getting hurt, songs rapping away.
I particularly hate RAP. I mean, half the time, you don't actually hear the artist's words. They are like all mumbling away. You think that's cool? That's LAME.
Okay, I end with one of the songs I heard. In fact, I'm hearing it now.
The only song that I can hear the lyrics.

Brian McFadden & Delta Goodrem ;
Almost Here

Did I hear you right?
'Cos i thought you said,
Lets think it over.
You have been my life,
And I never planned,
Growing old without you.

Shadows bleeding through the light,
Where the love once shined so bright,
Came without a reason.
Don't let go on us tonight,
Love's not always black and white,
Why haven't I always loved you?

And when I need you
You're almost here
And I know that's not enough.
And when I'm with you, I'm close to tears
'Cos you're only almost here.

I would change the world,
If I had a chance,
Oh won't you let me.
Treat me like a child,
Throw your arms around me,
Oh please protect me.

Bruised and battered by your words,
Dazed and shattered now it hurts.
Just came back a while ago from church. Sunday school was fun, although i got sabo-ed into this silly game of Sharon's. Okay, so I was the last one [who came and the last one before the game started]. We had to play this game. Sharon gives me a sheet of paper with some geometric drawing. I had to describe it with only words and let everybody draw it out by my descriptions. Guess my descriptions were good eh? At least somebody got the drawing kinda right although he missed out one point. Oh well, we all know Tian Le is an intelligent boy from RI. Just look at the school he's in, if he's stupid, what are we?
Glenn kept breaking into spasmodic fits and interrupting the lesson and Jing Han was rolling her eyes out at him throughout the lesson. Sharon split up the class into two. I was with Timothy, Daniel and Michelle - Discussion? Silence. No one answered so.. okay fine. While JH's grp was so fast at coming up with the answers!! [Consisted of Chris, Mr Spasmodic Fit & Tian Le]

So Michelle, Jing Han and I went KFC for lunch. Jeralyn didn't come. And when I asked her mother why wasn't she here. She said Jeralyn said it was a total waste of time. Sinner. -chuckle- Ate the curry crunch meal. I say it's a huge SCAM. It totally doesn't taste a least bit curry-ish. All i tasted was flour, flour and more flour. Not exactly the most appetizing thing on Earth huh?

Later i have to go for my piano lesson. -complain- Oh well. Oh yeah! Sunday school - Let me elaborate! Glenn kept breaking into spasmodic fits and interrupting the lesson and Jing Han was rolling her eyes out at him. Haha.
The fan hung above me like a chrysanthemum, its golden petals spinning from the ceiling. The swift blades cast dark strokes against the concrete above it. sent blurred, black stripes streaking around the orange ceiling. I'd never noticed it before. It's one of those moments when you casually glance at something that's always been there and suddenly you realize you've never seen anything quite so magical in all your life. I sucked in my breath and dropped on to the sofa. I had to get dressed to leave but I couldn't move - though this sight was a thing of beauty, I had to meet Mei, another thing of beauty, in ten minutes' time. Mei's beauty was unlike that of that pattern above me - hers was the steely, ever caustic tupe, like mercury. She had an impatient energy, an attraction too powerful to be fixed. She hated everything that was late.

It hit me for the first time - the whole big bad of shite, cosmic seriousness of the situation. They say that in moments of despair, staring at the dark night og the soul, you tap into pools of poetry that you never knew you had; a rare moment of eloquence grips you, as the Muse is moved by pity to visit you, enabling you to articulate the awful existential condition of man. Sitting there, contemplating my penalty, I had an epiphany, my lips moved to utter two simple, yet moving words that described my plight, something Hemingway might have said, a real literary statement in the dirty realism tradition.

Andy: I'm not immature, I'm just a free spirit.
Mei: Irresponsible.
Andy: Spontaneous.
Mei: Unprepared.
Andy: Fun-loving.
Mei: Andy, there's a difference between the fun that is funny - "ha, ha", and the fun that is funny - "weird".
Andy: What do you mean?
'You have a distressing inability to distinguish between the brand of humour that is amusing and the type that is merely disgusting. You inability to fart louder than is biologically necessary definitely falls into the latter category.'

Andy: So when can I get out of here?
Mei: Tomorrow, Maybe.
Andy: Why maybe?
Mei: Your offence is non bailable.
Andy: What? You're kidding. Even shoplifters can get bail.
Mei: -shrugs-
Andy: U mean I'll be stuck in here till my trial starts?
Mei: The magistrate will usually grant bail if you apply for it.
Andy: What? So you mean I can go?
Mei: Not until tomorrow. The sub courts don't open till then. -pauses- And that's if you can find a bailor.
Andy: What do you mean 'if'? You're going to bail me out aren't you.
Mei: We'll see.
Andy: You're not going to leave me here! You can't!
Mei: It depends on how much bail is. Maybe I can't afford it.
Andy: Look, I swear I won't do a runner. You can trust me.
Mei: Since when?
I(Andy) searched my memory for a precedent, but found none.
Andy: What if I don't get bail?
Mei: You'll be remanded in custody until the trial starts.
Andy: For how long?
Mei: A couple of weeks.
Andy: No way. I'm innocent. Why should I stay in jail for yonks for something I didn't do? I have a life to get on with. Responsibilities to take care of.
Mei made a lip-farting noise.
Mei: Like what? Playing level 3.11 in Doom for the eight-hundredth time?
Andy: No. For one thing, there is no level 3.11 in Doom. And another - answer me this- if I'm in jail, who's going to take the kids to Fort Canning?
Mei: I'm sure they'll survive the disappointment.
Andy: You are so mean to me. I don't think I want to go out with you any more.
Mei: Thank God. Another prayer answered.

everything quoted from
tan hwee hwee ; foreign bodies.
Kelly Clarkson ; Since You been Gone

Here's the thing
We started out friends
It was cool, but it was all pretend
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
Dedicated, you took the time
Wasn't long till I called you mine
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
And all you'd ever hear me say
Is how I picture me with you
That's all you'd ever hear me say

But since you been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you, now I get what I want
Since you been gone

How can I put it, you put me on
I even fell for that stupid love song
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
How come I'd never hear you say
I just wanna be with you
Guess you never felt that way

You had your chance, you blew it
Out of sight, out of mind
Shut your mouth, I just can't take it
Again and again and again and again
Since you been gone (since you been gone)
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get, I get what I want
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get (I get)
You should know (you should know) that I get
I get what I want
I don't know why some people. Obnoxious as they are, like to slap around in their flip-flops. Okay, so i understand you like to wear slippers to church. Well, you should at least wear slippers that don't make you look like you're going to the fish market or wear some pretty flops. If not, please refrain from wearing such monstrosities TO CHURCH. I mean, you can wear them to your local supermarket or you know, just nearby places. But please, not to church, especially if you're going for the service. I do wear some ugly flops to church on sunday, 'cause I'm only there for an hour - Sunday School. Yes, but at least they fit and I don't walk like I'm going to a wet market and talk loudly with spittle constantly spraying the people around me.
Well, slapping feet is totally annoying especially during the service when the entire is you could say, entirely silent. Urmm, and don't think slapping feet and ugly pouts are cool. It's unappetizing.

Somebody today gave me a shit face .. it was ultimately shitty 'cause I can't think of any other word to describe it. Maybe blame it on my small amount of colourful vocabulary but if I have a small amount, what about her? Oh well, shitty people give shitty faces, right?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

"Before you leave, give me a kiss.
Not my imagination."
What silly lyrics of a jazz song I heard in Aunt Esther's car. It just repeats over and over with some other lyrics too but basically it was all about kisses before leaving. Save me. Wow, her BMW is spacious. Got a lift from her from Cheryl's house. Hey, like my mom abducted me from church and forced me to go Cheryl's house to have dinner. Yes, family gathering -- apparently not. The only people who were there were Auntie Esther and Auntie Diana, and the Wong Family [Cheryl, Uncle David, Auntie Veron, Granny, Justin]. Family gathering - Hah no. That was a big lie. I was so exasperated and unamused with Justin [that annoying turning 3 in a week toddler] 'cause he kept interrupting our conversation [cheryl and mine] by touching us at wrong places and annoying us with his little baby books and reading out all the words he knew from the book which half were incorrect. The first half he read out, it was all correct ... that amused me to the maximum. When he got to the second half, it went terribly wrong. Imagine if I'd stuck stickers on his little book on his progress, it would all go flying off into the night after I listened to his second half. Tell me what can you understand from this:
-gooseney (monkey)
-umbrrrruli (umbrella)
-capi (hat)
-pu (purse)
-ROAR! (lion) [this was funny!]
-ah pei (apple)
-ah ti (auntie)
These are what I could remember from his horrible attempt at proper english. Auntie Veron [his mum, Cheryl's mum] was commenting that he is so dialect-orientated, changing most words into dialect form. Justin was nevertheless amusing despite the fact that he tried to rape me. Cheryl was as usual, not helping by collapsing with laughter. I don't know what it is with kids that are breast-fed. They always seem to have a fetish with breasts. This is a fact, so accept it. As their moms feed them with breast milk, they kinda think everybody has milk including guys so here's the answer if any of you GUYS put a breast fed baby on your chest, they have a tendency to start poking you or pinching at the female private area. Then you'll go yowwching off 'cause babies despite of their minute size and little hair, they have the energy and power to pinch, slap and punch you.
One example? Justin slapping Cheryl. Yes, tell me he is the most horrifying brother on Earth. Yes he is! He is one of the most temperamental toddlers I've ever seen. Isaac is simply cheerful all the time, while Justin although in church he always seems to be the most cheery toddler, if you see him at home, your impression of him will change drastically. Well I know Justin likes to sayang people, after sayang-ing someone, he'll go slap and pinch Cheryl. Poor thing. And no one will ever think of Justin as some vicious sister-killer 'cause "he's just a little kid." That was quoted. I've seen the vicious side of that spoilt little child... always caught in the act of torturing Cheryl. But I've always been wondering why Cheryl has never said or done anything. She'll just give a mortified face and like a goldfish, it is forgotten about. By the way, according to Ms Chan, goldfishes are the stupidest creatures in water 'cause they have a very short memory. Her fishes died 'cause of overeating. You know goldfishes right? They always seem like they are starving to death and you go feed them. Ms Chan's fishes died cause of overeating! Amazing! I've never heard of things dying 'cause of overeating!
More like dying 'cause of lack of food!
I would die if I had a lack of food!


Friday, April 15, 2005

B2 has a birthday party to attend. Aww. Like this is SO not good 'cause everytime we plan for something for that specific day, something has to tumble down from above and land plop on top of that little idea of ours. Hmm, unfortunate us. As some people might say - "Wha, sibei suay sia." Asswipe laa.
I'm eating soupy snax again. I didn't actually eat any rice or noodles for dinner. Just drank soupy snax and took some little slices of tomatoes and cucumbers, pork ribs, potatoes & sausages. Interesting dinner eh? NOT. Just basic average Singaporean day dinner. Can't it get anymore interesting than that? I can't sleep although I totally unglamorously fell asleep in the bus on my way home from the dental clinic - with saliva drooling!! [you see, my entire mouth, nose area was numb.] GROSS.
This has to happen at a time like this. I am possibly going Sentosa tomorrow and extractions had to happen today. This could be the most memorable day of my life. NOT. Michelle wouldn't want to wear braces anymore if she sees me in such horrid pain. Oh my god. It's really a horrifying experience. The dentist said I was brave 'cause my eyes didn't move an inch during the injections. More like I was immobilised with the immense pain I was going through! I've taken one painkiller that the dentist supplied. It's NOT working. Thank you. I've been grunting since 5pm. Extricate me.

International Friendship Day.
Wow. How nice. -claps hands sarcastically-
We had the concert at the end of the day. So we missed Science and Geog - the two subjects which we had to put our brains to work! =p Truthfully, I would rather have those two subjects then have the stupid concert which was totally unnerving. Firstly, it was BORING. Secondly, I was falling asleep. Thirdly, I hardly had a chance to take pictures because the programme for the day was ultimately boring me to death and my brain cells were dying by the millions. Only had pictures of the fashion parade which was, unfortunately, hurting my eyes. I had to zoom so much with my cam, it was getting blur. Secondly, the participants were too fast for all the cameras and everybody turned out blur and ghastly.
Before the concert, we were piled with Art homework. Terrible. We had to design a logo and I have to finish my dumb sculpture, my dumb drafts as well in a week. Stupidity. I don't know why the school introduces Art as a exam subject. Honestly, I think it is one of the stupidest ideas the government has come up with. I rather they scrap Art and give us something more fun. Like maybe, Digital Art, Creative Technology, Fashion Designing. Something ten times more beneficial to our future careers. I don't think either of us are going to be prolific painters or artists. Not even painters/artists!
In ultra pain. Just got back from the dentist a while ago. Had a molar and one premolar extracted. Now, I'm feeling pain. The anaestetic, however you spell it, is wearing off and my mouth aches. SCREAMS. The cotton gauze is totally not helping. The bleeding is not stopping? I don't know and I don't wanna check. I'm really beat. Wanna pig out. But I can't - why? Who knows? I might just drown in my own blood and saliva if I take a nap. Erg. Looking unglamorous now. =)
Jer, I don't know if I can make it tomorrow. Don't scream at me. I'm afraid my mom will hold me hostage at home. Save me!!
Holla at me.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Am I really okay?
Yes I am.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I really hope I can go Sentosa on --. I'm afraid my mom wouldn't let me. Aish.
I really need to spend time with church people. Or at least, the jamm gang. hahas.
I can't hang around those barbarics for one more minute. Well, my clique is still fun and fine.
Erica is still amusing me to ashes with her netball center playing style. Hmm. -chuckle-

Jinrong was funny today. I mean, he brought his camera and expected everyone to be featured 'solo'. Linglong and I were sitting out for PE and here comes Mr Enthusiast who wants to take solo pictures of us. Guess what we did. We bought faced the opposite side with our hands covering our face. Erg. I mean, he was annoying but besides that he was quite okay. I've learnt to accept a little irritating people so that I don't feel so irritated when they come around. [You guys know how bad I treated Jinrong perviously haha.] He took a pic of Ms Yau and she actually smiled into the camera for him .. even though it was a 'solo' shot. Ha.
Tomorrow's International Friendship Day, hmm,

To think that I have a chinese test tomorrow on international friendship day. AH! I so don't want to go to school tomorrow. After school? I've got to do extractions. AHH, i'm afraid. It's a big deal okay? My mouth is gonna be half empty on Saturday. Curses! Ha. Later.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I don't understand.
I just don't understand.
let me not be miserable.
Truthfully, who ever listens to me?
I mean, as a listening ear to my problems. Which is equivalent to me having no truely close friends. All they are are hypocritical bits of little stuck up crap who think that there are no problems ever in the world and in their life and how life's a bed of roses for them.
Thanks a lot.
Unfortunately I'm so not in your little comfy bed of roses.
My life? Brimming with happiness but taunted by sadness.
Person A ; calls me ridiculous if I ever say I cry and so doesn't comfort me.
Person B ; listens to me but likes to smack the facts and truth straight in my face.
Truthfully, I rather person B shuts up.
Person C ; big mouth and so doesn't understand. [Please refer to the top]
Person D ; too immature and always brushes me off
Person E ; So caught up in her own fairytale world that he/she jumps at every chance to get away from listening to me. Would rather be vain.
Person F ; Helping but hardly talks to me as he/she is always busy.
And all these people are from church. I mean, you can see them in church.
Surprising? Not.
I mean, Person A is basically okay. You only can talk to he/she abt more relationship related kind of thing - which is so not my type.
Person B ; Also okay. But when he/she smacks the truth in my face and I cry, he/she defends him/herself that he/she is just saying the truth.
I walked back alone in a slow yet steady pace
Pondering about how tragic a situation I am in now
My eyes welled up with tears.
Blinked back my tears.
I reached home and went into my room.
There did the tears actually begin streaming.
Hot, wet tears.
-how tragic. louisa.

The most horrible day of my life.
Now then do I understand how Ernest felt.
This is pathetic.
My eyes were swollen all day due to excessive crying the night before.
Everything is going wrong for me.
So very wrong.
Had my napfa test - 5 items.
I screwed up.
All thanks to my misery.
Yes. Misery causes more misery.
Went home after that.
The bus I took.
An IJ-OLGCian was standing next to me.
An IJ-OLNian was sitting a metre from me.
Thank god I didn't see any IJ-SJCians.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Let's see what I can remember about yesterday [I changed the date so that you wouldn't get confused. (:]
Church was FUN. Superlative I say!
Sunday school was super amusing too!
It was about relationships. AGAIN.
What about the right dating age and how we should not fall into the category between friends and boyfriend/girlfriend and that that category is the most frustrating 'cause you are neither here not there. Blahs. Thomas was teaching. Sharon was, hmm, no where in sight. So oh well, no 'show' to watch. =D [I wasn't expecting anything though. But I know if jinghan was there and both of 'them' were there... she could spoil the whole happy sunday thing]
Then after the lesson, Thomas like almost started on a another lesson -- Slang and accent.
And I was lamenting "Hello? That is like so lame"
Then he started on it and kept repeating "Hello? That is like so lame." again and again trying to emphasize that it was SLANG and not accent. Hello? I know that it is slang NOT accent. Hahs.
Went with Jeralyn and jinghan for lunch at loykee.
Jinghan was so irritating both of us 'cause she was telling us about her friend, Jeremy from ACS(I) that always treats her to Marche. Like shut up stupid girl!!! So rubbing it in that we don't have GUY friends to TREAT us to MARCHE EVERYTIME! Boos. We don't even have guy friends that will treat us ONCE. They borrow money from us instead. Like all the guys Jeralyn and I know are so darn STINGY. [for eg. JAMIN!!] He always says he has no money. Pig la. Can't even buy us a drink [four people to share a drink. that's super cheap already]
Went to macs to study. Jeralyn and I really did. Then Jeralyn left and I went to church, sat at the foyer and studied for one hour. Was doing my notes. I'm so hardworking!!!
-praises herself-
hyperelated!!! ((:
Yesterday was fun. Let me start from the top.
1. Met Jeralyn. Went for lunch.
2. Went to the library and tried to study.
3. Ran away from some guy who tried to masquerade as some cool kid
4. Went to buy plasters for my blister-fied feet.
5. Realised I was broke.
6. Went to eat the curry crunch meal at KFC.
7. Realised we were late for service.
8. Rushed down to church with a bag of whipped potatoes.
9. Into the service hall!
10. Rushed down to give Sis Alice me and Cheryl's baptism forms.
11. Rushed back in. -pants-
12. Cheryl said that we were receiving our bibles on stage.
13. We panicked.
The rest I will continue in a proper blogpost and not summarise it because it was utterly funny. =)

Point number Two.
Jeralyn and I pretended to study in Toa Payoh Library. Actually, we were studying. Apparently just without any proper textbooks. Well, I didn't have anything to read or study (whatever it is), then Miss Jeralyn had to shove a maths worksheet in my face and ask me to read it. Read it. I was so confused after that. Numbers give me headaches.
Point number Three.
Revolting guy sitting opposite us in the library. One thing I've gotta say.
"STOP trying to look up Jeralyn's skirt 'cause you're lousy at it. Brush up on your peeping skills before trying! You were SO obvious."
Point number Four.
My shoes were killing me! Pumps. Whatever you call them. They literally kill anyone who wears them. Apparently, my eldest sister refuses to wear that pair of shoes and my mum only wears it when she's being chauffeured around. Besides that, she also wouldn't wear it!
Point number Eight.
I wonder where did they go after subway?
Let's begin on the second part of the day : after service! Okay so everybody walked down the staircase and hung around the foyer, you can say - fellowshipping. After about twenty minutes of 'fellowshipping', people started to leave. Then the flies came. Oh god. They were attracted to all the lights. (Believe me, ALL). They not only harassed the lights, they harassed the living people! Everyone was busy swatting flies (or what you call brown UFOs). The guys were worrying whether the flies got stuck in their hair. Girls, still busily swatting their hair and whatever else. Cheryl? Busy covering her mouth 'cause one of them nearly flew in. HAHA. So we walked out of church, and then I looked up to the sky.
Louisa: Oh my goodness! They're like everywhere. Look at the street lamps!
Jamin: -gives confused face and looks up too-
Ernest: Oh no! HAHA. [and laughed for dunno what reason.]
Cheryl: What is this place? FlyCity? Yuck. -swats-
Jeralyn: -laughs and tugs at Cheryl-
Michelle: -gazed mouth agape at the sky-
Jeralyn: -swats air and starts moving about spastically-
So they took 124 to far east. As usual. Clarissa and Siak Hui were also in the bus. Jeralyn thought they were coming along with us. We walked around to look for a place to eat. Jireh wanted to eat at some ulu pandan food court at the top level of f.e.p. Refused. So we all went down ALL THE WAY to subway. Okay. Spent millions of years deciding what to eat. Not me. But Cheryl, Jeralyn and Michelle. I was feeling FULL.
Ate. Jael, Rachel Wong, Zhi Wen and some others joined. Laughed at the disgusting muds & minas above us through the see through window. Michelle was laughing so bad her whole face was tomato-red and she was staging a parody too. Gross.
Left Subway. Walked all over town aimlessly for a long, long time. Then went to some foodcourt at Cine. (Cine's the last stop.) Drank. I was coughing to death, mind you and mr christopher was so telling me that I was not dying yet 'cause I wasn't coughing continuously. Philosophical.
After the cine foodcourt. Left one by one. We needed to leave 'cause it was late and our parents were SO calling us. I messaged my mom but she didn't respond. Tsk. Then our table stood up and then the other table was "huh?" then also left. Ha. Okay! Everybody took mrt to their destinations and home they went.
That was yesterday!
I'm tired to blog about today.
I'm SO gonna wear shorts to church tomorrow.

Friday, April 08, 2005

oh goodness gracious me! I must repent!
I am such a sinner!
I am so happy yet so guilty of what i bought. Went shopping with my usual sinning partner, Jeralyn. I don't think you are surprised at all. This time, Jeralyn and I were so different.
We like swopped lives for a day or smth. I was like buying everything I so called like
and she was always in the state of contemplating for one million years which was normally what i did while she bought the whole shop. Spent a total of $50++. Yes, say i'm a sinner.
Maybe 'cause I used shopping to nurse my cough. I nearly coughed to death during shopping.
Especially at Cine, the moment I stepped in, all I did was cough and cough and cough.
Oh good god. My throat!
Okay. Let's start from the top.
Went to meet Jeralyn after her school ended. It ended late so she met me late. Ergg. I bought a notebk at $1.40. Quite cute [and yellow!] heh. Okay, then since Jeralyn still hasn't arrived, I went to the loo and was slowly neatening my hair and plus plus... then when i walked out. Guess who I saw - CHERYL!! I recognized the bag, then I recognized the face. ADORABLE!
As usual - guess what she was doing - washing her hands. AHHH.
So I like dragged Cheryl out to meet Jeralyn [Jeralyn was there already, finally!] and then Jer was so surprised too! Heh Hehs. We tried asking Cheryl along. But as she said, she was penniless... and we looked through her wallet. Yes - penniless. She only had a dollar coin in her ENTIRE wallet. Like omigoodness. -shocked laughter- Okay, Jer and I went off to Orchard.
-went far east
nothing much.
-went wisma.
the sinners' haven.
-went heeren
another sinners' haven.
-went cine
another one of those sinners' haven.
AH! -explodes-
I bought:
- a roxy pencilcase
- 2 rubberbands
- a pair of purple shorts
- a green skirt
- a roxy bag
Okay. HAH. While walking to Somerset [we realized we were late 'cause Jer needed to go to her gram's house], we saw Ernest and Ariel. Hah. Okay. Waved. Then sped to the MRT. We missed the train, again! So we had to wait.
Hung around toa payoh to look for both of our stuff then I went to buy rotiboy for Thomas and Lynette. [Lynette! You still owe me like MONEY!]
Haha. OFF home. x)

Makes me crazy over it,
Bread of life and love,
Done wonders with flour,
Gotten hooked on it.
Tastes so gooood...
-collapses with laughter-
that's the writings on the packaging.
HAH. if you were wondering why I chose this skin, hmm, I found it quite interesting and I'm quite a music lover kind of person so oh well. Since this skin has a average sized posting area. I guess it'll be okay although I somehow miss the wide expanse of space for blogposting in all my previous skins. As you know, I hate scrolling around blogs as it is rather annoying at times. Oh well, guess I've gotta adapt a little to the new kind of skins. Haha. -exaggerates-
Whoa, my throat is hurting so bad.
This morning when I woke up, I was like wheezing away [ahh, i hope it's not back for good!] like some bee or something. Sounded more like I was hyperventilating though. I'm quite afraid as once wheezing sets in, I normally take gazillion of years to recover as wheezing is one of the stages before my asthma acts up. How irritating.
I need to recover asap! I'm probably the only person in the whole school who hasn't taken my 2.4km napfa test. Okay, maybe not my whole school, my whole class. -exaggerates again-
Will I stop exaggerating? I'm currently in a mood to blog more. But, unfortunately, I have nothing to write.
I've just written an email to NDC to change my appointment. Ahh. I like can't believe my family doctor [also my uncle] refused to let me have my extractions done by my family dentist [also my cousin working in the same clinic] until I recover! Coughing and dental treatment doesn't exactly have a link with each other you know. -knocks uncle's head- So guess, I'm free today, again. My knee hurts, my everywhere hurts. Imbecilic! My uncle just has to make things difficult for me by disallowing me to have extractions. He said, "How can people operate on your mouth when you are coughing away at their faces?" He's got a point there but as long I'm not doing anything that would aggravate the situation [sitting down and letting them 'operate' doesn't!], I wouldn’t start coughing! That's the problem!
Save me!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

guess i'll try a different type of skin.
seems like one of those teenager-y skins
about getting hurt in love.
oh please. i beg to differ.
listening to hillsong ; shout of the king.
nice. =)

Craig David; Walking Away

I'm walking away, from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away, oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

Sometimes some people get me wrong
when it's something I've said or done
Sometimes you feel there is no fun
that's why you turn and run
But now I truly realize
some people don't want to compromise
Well I saw them with my own eyes spreading those lies and
Well I don't want to live my life
too many sleepless nights
Not mentioning the fights
I'm sorry to say lady

Well I'm so tired baby
Things you say, you're driving me away
Whispers in the powder room baby,
don't listen to the games they play
Girl I thought you'd realize,
I'm not like them other guys
'Cause I saw them with my own eyes,
you should have been more wise
andI don't wanna live my life
too many sleepless nights
Not mentioning the fights,
I'm sorry to say lady

Life's not so bad?
For you, maybe?
Not for me.
I'm so darn happy!
Might just go out to study with Lyn later.
But if we go starbucks, I'll either freeze to death
or spend loads of money on eating and drinking those heavenly stuff.
Heh. I can be such a pig at times.
Lunch - $4 hokkien mee. (Lyn took $3!)
Drank up like 750ml of water from my bottle. Gwad.
Kill me! Listening to... Not ashamed ; planetshakers.
I'm bored.
Going on to studying later... either at home or out.
We'll see.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

laughing fits.
april birthdays ; $5-$19 each
that's gonna burn a hole in my pocket.
but oh well.
my resolution is .. -drumroll-
be generous and give cheerfully! x)
since only end of march - dec are the birthdays which I will give no matter what.
jan - march.
FEW people i know.
Besides Lynette & Jeralyn.
No one else.
So i should start accomplishing my resolution!

Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm so annoyed. VERY annoyed.
No, it's not annoyed.
It's called going to flare up.
Piss me further?
I dare you.
I'll just do it the simple way.
I'll just ignore you.
Let's see if I do so for a week.
That'll be nice.
After all, you need time to get over it right?
Stop influencing me.
`this post has nothing concerning ihatelouisa.
thank you.
by the way, such people are not worth my attention.
Don't interfere with other peoples' lives.
I bet you don't understand a word of jael's
Go look up the dictionary, you vermin.
[by the way, that jonathan is my cousin not the monkey ok!]
Haven't gone to Cheryl's house for the weekly gathering thingy for a long time already.
Actually there's a reason for that.
- Justin had chicken pox
- Rini had chicken pox
[so everyone fled from that chicken pox infested house]
- The whole family [except Cheryl] went Hong Kong
Well, I am still wondering why they didn't dare to go to the house when most of them have already gotten chicken pox before (including me!)
HAH. Until then did I know Cheryl has never gotten chicken pox! RAHH.
Oh well.
Had Baptism on Sunday.
-does individual kallang wave-
I'm lame. x)
Oh well, isn't this better than the usual hostile me?

-flounces out of room-

Friday, April 01, 2005

i've been in a laughing fit all day.
now? i'm feeling quite as sick as jael -hah-
aish. i kept getting bad tummyaches after i woke up just now.
to add, i slept from 5.30 - 9.15pm.
to tell you the truth, i'm not exactly feeling very good inside now.
in fact, i have this feeling of convulsion.
school was fun today.
had art - AHH.
thank god mrs ong didn't scold us or anything.
i didn't do my stupid sculpture and i think i'm so gonna fail it.
still gotta find stupid brand names to make into a collage. ARGH.
i found half of it already but i don't think they can fill up my A3 sized paper.
yeah. mrs lim explained to us our lit essays for monday's free period.
OH! monday's the choir syf!! good luck nurul! =p
whoaa. my knee's been hurting since tuesday.
i remembered when i jumped down from the corridor
to the netball court with my bell on my shoulders.
OWWIE. my knees nearly collapsed 'cause of the weight.
now it hurts even more. although i can walk as per normal,
i'm not exactly doing fine in the running segment. aha.
next week's napfa 2.4km run.
AHH. and my aim is always gold.
well, i hope i do get gold which i did last year. x)
my physical fitness is quite bad now.
we had pe today and we practiced the five stations thing.
sit and reach ; 36cm [pathetic!]
okay. maybe that i didn't make an effort.
situps ; 20
JASMINE was giving me laughing fits cause she kept making funny faces.
in the end, i was the lousiest among all the girls.
-slaps jasmine across back-
dears, ask me for my other blog address. The PRIVATE ONE.
Well, only some people are allowed to read it. SO oh well.
See ya 'll later.