Saturday, April 29, 2006

Padded Mad.

My mother will murder me if she sees me plopped on the computer chair typing away a blog entry with my face oh-so-oily-and-sweaty and still in my uniform. Actually I was about to change, but I'm going to bathe soon, what's the point of getting more clothes dirty with my sticky self.

I feel a breakout's coming. Aah.

The day was pretty cool, and it pretty much proves my point that my school is really, pathetically puny, not that I can blame the school for so little land, but st nick's carnival was really fun because you can explore the itsy bitsy areas and stuff, and st nick's almost mythical. Hahaha, nah, that was an exaggeration, just that they've got so many stairs here, there, everywhere to anywhere. Lol.

I didn't go to school earlier at 11am to help with Sean, Rainer, Huan Qing and Shili, and thankfully they did not murder me. ;D Haha, and thanks Sean for being, well nice about it, I didn't see the rest. I went to school with Mel at 2pm, in home clothes, haha I was supposed to be on duty and in uniform and stuff, then after Mel and I hurriedly spent our 10 bucks worth of coupons which we were forced to buy, she dragged me to Bishan to buy Muji pens! Like I went all the way there just to get A pen with her. Then went for night concert duty - I ran like siao, everywhere. Ran home because I was late, showered, then walked out slowly, then realised I didn't bring my councillor tie, then ran home (got sweaty again... -_-) then ran out and took bus and walked quickly to school.

Madness, I ran so much today - perhaps I can get fit! Hahaha. Ah, I'm so positive eh?

Went to meet at the gym, then had dinner and drinks, the helpers were really poor thing- sweating until their whole shirts were wet and they stank, and then they were rushing around and cleaning up, and they're all guys. Hahaha. Some household training there! =p

Saw many many many guys in white and black polo tees. Five in white polos, Four in black. Geez, can't they think of other more interesting things to wear. Hahahaha.

Did duty! Wow, Shili and Julia got their hands on the black light and stamps. Cool, Pei Ching was really funny during ushering, and the VIPs usher duty (Pei Ching, unknown girl, Joshua and I) was soooo screwed up, we ended up not doing anything.

Angelina and I nearly got into token-giving by Mdm Normila, thank goodness we escaped, and the not-so-lucky Agnes got chosen to give the tokens. Hahaha, Guan Yi gave the bears, hahaha, we were discussing and gossiping about how cheapo it is for those calligraphy artists. Besides they're so old, reliving childhood?

The concert was pretty okay, with some weird parts though. I liked the finale, finales are always nice. Hahaha, the fusion dance was adorable, but the drama was a bit ha-ha. But gooooood effort to all the participants. Haha, training sure was tough. I understand, I understand.

Legs hurt. Ah.

Went home with Wanyi and Liyan after that. Yeah. No debrief. Yay.

I need to bathe. Seriously.


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