Monday, April 24, 2006

Take all of you.

Earwax: Yellowcard - Gifts & Curses

Okay, before I forget, Happy Birthday Xinyi!

School was alright, I was feeling so fricking pissed with myself (and anyone who tried to annoy me when I was settled in "Miss Grouch" mode) this morning. I set my alarm at 5.35. I woke up at 6am instead. Usually I wake up at 5.45am, but I wanted to study for my Log test so I decided to go school earlier by waking up earlier. I left the house at 6.35am instead of the usual 6.30am. Nearly reached the bus stop when I realised I left my ez-link card in my skirt (I tried 2 pairs of skirt this morning and put the card in the wrong skirt) and I had to TROMP back to get it. Reached the bus stop at 6.50am. Reached school later, not much time to study, not to mention I was hot & fuming with anger.

Hahaha, and my whole body was aching from lack of sleep and I was sulky for the first half of the day:
  • Friday
    Wake up - 6am
    Slept - 1am plus
  • Saturday
    Wake up - 6.50am
    Slept - 1am
  • Sunday
    Wake up - 9am
    Slept - 12am

In addition, the weekend days were packed full to the brim. Can you see how overworked I am? And I didn't even study one bit the whole weekend, damn. MYEs are coming eh! I don't know how the band members can stand the training. I went through about one year of SYF training and that already was hell, What more about them? Lol.

SS was free period, and we didn't know, I was still in pain then so I was just stoning at my seat.

Miss Chan came in late during English, so we thought we had free period. We did anyway, she came in during the second period because I think her form class went crazy? (3/1 eh.) Yeah. Haha, Song En, Erica, Darren, Lina, Kennard, Lin Qiang and I were talking nonsense, and Darren, Erica and I were sharing a chair. Crazy right, yeah and he also sat on my chocolates, pushed me off my chair and what other monstrous doings. Lol.

Disappeared after school with Melissa. I'm a happy, happy girl in a happy, happy world. Nah, world of destruction luh.

Hearts, vulnerably on display
Let's go break some hearts tonight

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