Wednesday, April 19, 2006

One shot at redemption.

Hello there!

I just finished 2 out of the 3 essay questions given for Lit homework, it's quite difficult! Ah, haven't been getting inspiration to write, I think I've been smsing too much singlish, my english is affected. (Y'see, I have to use singlish and many many short forms to cram my smses into a pathetic 160-characters message right?) It's quite annoying, I actually wish the phone service will make 250 characters the character limit, then I don't have to cram like crazy.

School was alright, I'm beginning to feel lost during Math lesson, and I've been settling in this heck-care attitude which is really bad 'cause the MYEs are coming. I've started studying, yeah, call me kiasu or something, but there are people who started earlier than me, and are going through their second round. ?! Now that's kiasu.

I feel like a slacker. I've got a lot of homework today, but they're not due tomorrow except for the Literature one, so that's why I'm doing that, and I don't feel like doing the rest, until, due date. Lol. I've got an open-book History test on Russia. I studied for it like 2 days ago, haha, making notes and all for the MYEs - counted as studying luh. ;D

Miss Chan didn't scold us for the debate thing - I wonder whether she even knows.

I'm so annoyed with this person who asked me to send him some music, and then complained that I sent too much and wants me to send through email. Like hello? Who sends music through email luh. -_- Besides, I'm doing you a favour sending it to you. Then after that, he says never mind and accepts all the files, then when they're almost done, he CANCELS THEM himself. Not that Msn decides to screw up, but he cancelled them himself. What the-.

Was just messaging my friend, and he didn't reply like for one hour, and I was like "Oh, fall asleep, ah, what a pig!" Yeah and I just received the reply : "Eh sorry la, fell asleep **"

** Other content. ;D

I am friends with pigs. We were comparing our diets and how many packets of instant noodles we can eat for a meal. Hahahahahahahahaha.

I must say, it's a nice day
When the leaves start to turn
There is so much to learn from the freeway
You're my friend, for the weekend

When the spring comes around
You can show me the town that you live in

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