Saturday, April 29, 2006

Padded Mad.

My mother will murder me if she sees me plopped on the computer chair typing away a blog entry with my face oh-so-oily-and-sweaty and still in my uniform. Actually I was about to change, but I'm going to bathe soon, what's the point of getting more clothes dirty with my sticky self.

I feel a breakout's coming. Aah.

The day was pretty cool, and it pretty much proves my point that my school is really, pathetically puny, not that I can blame the school for so little land, but st nick's carnival was really fun because you can explore the itsy bitsy areas and stuff, and st nick's almost mythical. Hahaha, nah, that was an exaggeration, just that they've got so many stairs here, there, everywhere to anywhere. Lol.

I didn't go to school earlier at 11am to help with Sean, Rainer, Huan Qing and Shili, and thankfully they did not murder me. ;D Haha, and thanks Sean for being, well nice about it, I didn't see the rest. I went to school with Mel at 2pm, in home clothes, haha I was supposed to be on duty and in uniform and stuff, then after Mel and I hurriedly spent our 10 bucks worth of coupons which we were forced to buy, she dragged me to Bishan to buy Muji pens! Like I went all the way there just to get A pen with her. Then went for night concert duty - I ran like siao, everywhere. Ran home because I was late, showered, then walked out slowly, then realised I didn't bring my councillor tie, then ran home (got sweaty again... -_-) then ran out and took bus and walked quickly to school.

Madness, I ran so much today - perhaps I can get fit! Hahaha. Ah, I'm so positive eh?

Went to meet at the gym, then had dinner and drinks, the helpers were really poor thing- sweating until their whole shirts were wet and they stank, and then they were rushing around and cleaning up, and they're all guys. Hahaha. Some household training there! =p

Saw many many many guys in white and black polo tees. Five in white polos, Four in black. Geez, can't they think of other more interesting things to wear. Hahahaha.

Did duty! Wow, Shili and Julia got their hands on the black light and stamps. Cool, Pei Ching was really funny during ushering, and the VIPs usher duty (Pei Ching, unknown girl, Joshua and I) was soooo screwed up, we ended up not doing anything.

Angelina and I nearly got into token-giving by Mdm Normila, thank goodness we escaped, and the not-so-lucky Agnes got chosen to give the tokens. Hahaha, Guan Yi gave the bears, hahaha, we were discussing and gossiping about how cheapo it is for those calligraphy artists. Besides they're so old, reliving childhood?

The concert was pretty okay, with some weird parts though. I liked the finale, finales are always nice. Hahaha, the fusion dance was adorable, but the drama was a bit ha-ha. But gooooood effort to all the participants. Haha, training sure was tough. I understand, I understand.

Legs hurt. Ah.

Went home with Wanyi and Liyan after that. Yeah. No debrief. Yay.

I need to bathe. Seriously.


Friday, April 28, 2006

I would have been yours, but no.

Earwax: AFI - Silver And Cold

I was just wondering what if I died today?

I don't feel like moving, I don't feel like studying, it's as if a sloth has taken over my body. Why, my study-motivation lasted for 3 days, but it kinda fizzled out today.

I think my weekend will fly past with no studying or preparation for the MYEs. Ugh, I don't wanna think about it, I just wanna get those MYEs over and done with, how timely to have that stupid Arts Fiesta. It's sizzling my brain cells out, and I have 2 essays to write for the 'long weekend'. Geezers.

School's for losers, notes are for losers and mugging is crap.

I wish that was true.

It is silver and cold
You in somber resplendence, I hold

Ice Blended.

I'm freezing urp.

I think I'm getting a brainfreeze, legfreeze, bodyfreeze. Been blown by the airconditioner for 2 whole whopping hours at 16 degrees & plus a ceiling fan. Hahaha, I really am an eskimo.

Brrr, it's cold in here, (it's gonna rain too) but I like it, cooool. ;D

You think I'm crazy, I know.

Somebody's dying of heartache at the end of the street

Goodbye For Now.

I'm still smiling as the day goes by
And how come nobody ever knows the reasons why?
Bury it deep, so far that you can't see
If you're like me, who wears a broken heart on your sleeve
Pains and struggles that you know so well
Either time don't, it can't, or it just won't tell
I'm not the type to say I told you so
I think the hardest part of holding on is lettin' it go

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bittersweet, outta my league.

Earwax: Nickelback - Savin' Me

Ryan is very annoying. He's forcing me to teach him how to apply blogskins, and it's hard to teach over msn. Besides, he was really rude & obnoxious to me that time. Geez, he's only 14, ha, and he thinks he's so frickin hot (when he's not). Lol. Like grow up man. Haha he might read this, but whatever, his ego is way too big for his age, or his size, so oh well "pop goes the weasel!".

School was okay, with the Lit students watching porn for one hour for lit. Lol. No censorship, just plain bare, well nudity. Yikes, there was a snippet of Macduff's castle being invaded and one of the gentlewomen got raped. That was gross, the rest, ay, was okay. But I still don't understand why Lady MacB has to sleep(and sleepwalk) in the nude. That's a bit, well, odd. Haha, overall, I think the four guys found Lit most enjoyable, haha.

Einitar went home after Lit because she was not feeling well. Haha, I hope she's feeling better. Yup.

Double History, I tell you Mr Chia is my favourite teacher, hahaha, he's so cool and all, being so open. He called Weijie a naughty baby. Hmm, that made all the history students appalled. Haha, what a name to call a student. Did some source-based stuff. Hate that, and all that PCCRUP shit.

Oh my primary school friend calls herself sexy, when she's so not. Oh my my my my, what is the world coming to when undersized teens think they're so awfully hot?

Ay, cruelty.

Who fell into that rut by mistake?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gee, songs are now so overdramatic.

No more walking 'round with my head down
I'm so over being blue
Crying over you

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I lost my ruler, and I need a waterbottle, my nike bottle is so run-down that I don't carry it to school. Hmm. Actually it isn't, but it's transparent, so the scratches are ugly and a little dirt made it look worse. Haha. I want another one so that I can fulfil my love of water!

I'm such a spoilt brat.

I almost gave up hope
But today I awoke to a private note
She says she's going to jail for going through my mail
But she'll stay on my trail

Monday, April 24, 2006

Take all of you.

Earwax: Yellowcard - Gifts & Curses

Okay, before I forget, Happy Birthday Xinyi!

School was alright, I was feeling so fricking pissed with myself (and anyone who tried to annoy me when I was settled in "Miss Grouch" mode) this morning. I set my alarm at 5.35. I woke up at 6am instead. Usually I wake up at 5.45am, but I wanted to study for my Log test so I decided to go school earlier by waking up earlier. I left the house at 6.35am instead of the usual 6.30am. Nearly reached the bus stop when I realised I left my ez-link card in my skirt (I tried 2 pairs of skirt this morning and put the card in the wrong skirt) and I had to TROMP back to get it. Reached the bus stop at 6.50am. Reached school later, not much time to study, not to mention I was hot & fuming with anger.

Hahaha, and my whole body was aching from lack of sleep and I was sulky for the first half of the day:
  • Friday
    Wake up - 6am
    Slept - 1am plus
  • Saturday
    Wake up - 6.50am
    Slept - 1am
  • Sunday
    Wake up - 9am
    Slept - 12am

In addition, the weekend days were packed full to the brim. Can you see how overworked I am? And I didn't even study one bit the whole weekend, damn. MYEs are coming eh! I don't know how the band members can stand the training. I went through about one year of SYF training and that already was hell, What more about them? Lol.

SS was free period, and we didn't know, I was still in pain then so I was just stoning at my seat.

Miss Chan came in late during English, so we thought we had free period. We did anyway, she came in during the second period because I think her form class went crazy? (3/1 eh.) Yeah. Haha, Song En, Erica, Darren, Lina, Kennard, Lin Qiang and I were talking nonsense, and Darren, Erica and I were sharing a chair. Crazy right, yeah and he also sat on my chocolates, pushed me off my chair and what other monstrous doings. Lol.

Disappeared after school with Melissa. I'm a happy, happy girl in a happy, happy world. Nah, world of destruction luh.

Hearts, vulnerably on display
Let's go break some hearts tonight

Sunday, April 23, 2006

"Aiyah, that Yee Pei take up all the space lah!"

Woke up late and I had 20 minutes to get changed and into my dad's car, thank goodness I was fast, if not my mum will nag and nag and nag the whole car journey, she did anyway, but about some other stuff.

Went for service because I didn't go yesterday. Sat with Jeralyn, Joylynn & Bernie Bernice. Heh heh. Got signed up for Church camp, like yaypeedoodies! I nearly thought I couldn't get signed up because of no vacancies but thank God I was able! ;D

Just came back after lunch at the food fair, I had 3 curry puffs just now for 'lunch' and treated Jeralyn to one more. Lol, I'm nice right? , broke still treat people -_-

Am going for piano lesson in fifteen minutes! Haha, then later to Justin's b'day party, how am I going to study for my maths common test?! Argh. ;( I feel kinda stressed actually - It's Logarithms eh. Anyway, I got 32.5/45 for the Log test, so haha.

I am eating the giant watermelon Lynette & Thomas brought back yesterday. It's really gargatuan - it's like twice the size of my head, and my head is not exactly small. Lol.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Idle channelsurfing.

Earwax: Sugababes - Red Dress

Went for Chinese oral this morning, ah woke up at 6.50am, I know that's crazy - I'm really tired now. The conversation topic was about idolism of chinese stars by teenagers, and I, of course had a lot of things in my head to say, but I couldn't put them into chinese sentences. Damn. I am so anti-idolism because I find it utterly ridiculous. There was a cockroach on the floor I think where I took my oral. Gross! Hahahaha. The teacher jerked up when she saw it, I just saw a black/brown spot at my shoe.

Slacked in school for a while, waited with Cindy & Thet for Wanyun.

Went home, took a niceeee bath and stayed online until the time I left the house to meet Einitar (Thet). Syf: Tanjong Katong, Bowen and Deyi got gold with honours, and they're in grand finals. Too bad this time, Pingyi got a gold and didn't get into the grand finals. Lol! They were pretty good - Pingyi&Springfield combined band, hahaha.

During the results, one band had so many people fainting, ay, I guess they're not fit enough. TK & Deyi had no one fainting ok. Lol. Bowen had fainters too, the school next to Bowen was really pathetic lah, like 12+ people fainted or just knocked out, and Nurul was sadistically counting how many were like being dragged out by those men clad in army uniforms. Lol.

Our band was pretty hot. Lol.

I liked the guards, and Hwee En looked really nice 'cause she's skinny and tall. The fat ones looked a bit, well, unflattered. Lol.

Well, more tomorrow, I'm really dead flat out tired. Sweated like a pig, and I had to take another bath.

Only two pictures taken the whole day eh. Lol.

;D Let's go! Play. Scream. Laugh.
Hello there fair weather friend.

I love you much, with pencil-drawn hearts.

My various food indulgences & what not.

I like to eat the malay kueh that is green on the outside with orange coconut filling.
I like to eat the curry puffs from Old Chang Kee.
I like to eat rice.
I like to eat wonka nerd rope from Candy Empire.
I like to eat mini oreos.
I like to eat oreos.
I like to eat hot stuff.
I like to eat cabbage fried with chilli padi.
I like to eat fish fillet fried with ham, tomato ketchup & chilli padi.
I like to eat cheesecake.
I like to eat the Salmon thingy from Fish&Co.
I like to eat churros.
I like to eat creamy chicken pasta from Pastamania.
I like to eat haribo gummies.
I like to eat 7-11's pick&mix gummy thingy.
I like to eat LJS's fries.
I like to eat Swensen's fries.
I like to eat laksa humps.
I like to eat teppanyaki. (The frying grill thingy)
I like to eat bananas.
I like to eat cornflake cookies (and I bake 'em too)
I like to eat my sandwiches when they're toasted with ham&cheese.
I like to eat any vegetable fried with chilli padi.

& then,

I hate to eat pengkueh.
I hate to eat anything with tomato ketchup.
I hate to eat fried food.
I hate to eat cold food.
I hate to eat prawns.
I hate to eat steamboat.
I hate to eat cold vegetables.
I hate to eat dragonfruit although it's tasteless.
I hate to eat goreng pisang.
I hate to eat plain bread.
I hate to eat skinless bread.
I hate to eat almond cookies.

I like to eat, more than I hate to eat. Actually I pretty much eat anything when I'm hungry. Except anything with Tomato Ketchup. YES - That I will not eat!

The Veronicas - Forever

Here we are so what you gonna do
Do I gotta spell it out for you
I can see that you got other plans for tonight
But I don't really care
Size me up you know
I beat the best
Tick tock no time to rest
Let 'em say what they're gonna say but tonight,
I just don't really care

C'mon baby we ain't gonna live forever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
With you
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last forever

I've seen it all I got nothing to prove
Come on baby just make your move
Follow me let's leave it all behind tonight
Like we just don't care
Let me take you on the ride of your life
That's what I said alright
They can say what they wanna say 'cuz tonight,
I just don't even care

Let's pretend you're mine
We could just pretend, we could just pretend
You got what I like
You got what I like, I got what you like
Oh c'mon
Just one taste and you'll want more
So tell me what you're waiting for

Friday, April 21, 2006

Lost, Found Fallacies.

Earwax: Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There

I just poked my eye bullseye. Get it? Haha.

I'm going for SYF tomorrow with Thet, Nurul, Song En and a couple of ex-2/8ers. Yup, I have this feeling I'm gonna be so extra, but whatever hahaha, I'm going to watch the band anyway. Perhaps I'll get to know them better as well. Hahaha. (: - They're not wearing uniforms. Ah, make me feel like I'm gonna feel so freaking overdressed even though I'm wearing, bottom-wise something slightly longer than shorts. Aiyah, it's just a stupid band competition at a freaking-hot-stadium. Bleah.

School was fun + short. How time flies. Lydia, Joyce, Mel and I were discussing on what we'd be like when we're old, wrinkly and saggy. Ay aye! Joyce wants to die when she's 40. Crazy ain't she? And Lydia wants to wear pampers when she's bedridden. Ooh -cringe- she'd even thought of that?! Hahaha. Mel doesn't want her grandchildren to say "Aiyah, see the stupid grandmother again, so sian luh!" so she doesn't want to have grandchildren. Hahahahahaha. Funny girls. I chose to remain passive.

I have a nasty bruise on my knee because I knocked into some cabinet yesterday. -_-

There is Chinese Oral tomorrow, and my sec 2 chinese teacher is testing me, freak! It's at 8 am, and I'm going there just to take my oral and go off because I'm number two. That's so dumb, why can't you let me sleep a lil' longer. Bleagh. So somebody has to be first, I know, but not me can right. Aye.

Saturday babeh!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Suaning Sessions.

Lou: Do you have duties on art fiesta?
Sec4: Don't have. The duties is all volunteer one. You think I'll volunteer? All the sec fours and fives - none is doing duty.
Lou: What la. I thought CECs must what, that's what they said. -_- Bleh. I got double shift duty eh from 1 - 9pm lah!
Sec4: Haha, so unlucky. I until now also don't know what art fiesta is all about - Must be very boring!
Lou: Don't suan me that I'm gonna be stuck there all day! At least I've got a free concert to watch.
Sec4: Haha. I'm very free on that day leh, and I want to do duty also cannot! You got the chance to do duty cherish it la! I want also cannot. HAHAHAHA SUAN YOU.
Lou: You are so, so mean. =/ Stupid Idiot!

Some people ought to be shot. Lol.

For miles & miles, boyfriend.

I don't like dota-crazys. :D They waste so much money that can be donated to me. Heh. Sorry dear. I'm so oh high.

Drugs, guns & shots.
Hello I'm Porky, and my best friend's Meaty.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Nick Lachey - What's Left Of Me

Watched my life pass me by in the rearview mirror
Pictures frozen in time are becoming clearer
I don't wanna waste another day stuck in the shadow of my mistakes yeah

Cause I want you and I feel you crawling underneath my skin
Like a hunger, like a burnin to find a place I've never been
Now I'm broken, and I'm faded
I'm half the man I thought I would be
But you can have what's left of me

One shot at redemption.

Hello there!

I just finished 2 out of the 3 essay questions given for Lit homework, it's quite difficult! Ah, haven't been getting inspiration to write, I think I've been smsing too much singlish, my english is affected. (Y'see, I have to use singlish and many many short forms to cram my smses into a pathetic 160-characters message right?) It's quite annoying, I actually wish the phone service will make 250 characters the character limit, then I don't have to cram like crazy.

School was alright, I'm beginning to feel lost during Math lesson, and I've been settling in this heck-care attitude which is really bad 'cause the MYEs are coming. I've started studying, yeah, call me kiasu or something, but there are people who started earlier than me, and are going through their second round. ?! Now that's kiasu.

I feel like a slacker. I've got a lot of homework today, but they're not due tomorrow except for the Literature one, so that's why I'm doing that, and I don't feel like doing the rest, until, due date. Lol. I've got an open-book History test on Russia. I studied for it like 2 days ago, haha, making notes and all for the MYEs - counted as studying luh. ;D

Miss Chan didn't scold us for the debate thing - I wonder whether she even knows.

I'm so annoyed with this person who asked me to send him some music, and then complained that I sent too much and wants me to send through email. Like hello? Who sends music through email luh. -_- Besides, I'm doing you a favour sending it to you. Then after that, he says never mind and accepts all the files, then when they're almost done, he CANCELS THEM himself. Not that Msn decides to screw up, but he cancelled them himself. What the-.

Was just messaging my friend, and he didn't reply like for one hour, and I was like "Oh, fall asleep, ah, what a pig!" Yeah and I just received the reply : "Eh sorry la, fell asleep **"

** Other content. ;D

I am friends with pigs. We were comparing our diets and how many packets of instant noodles we can eat for a meal. Hahahahahahahahaha.

I must say, it's a nice day
When the leaves start to turn
There is so much to learn from the freeway
You're my friend, for the weekend

When the spring comes around
You can show me the town that you live in

Rod Stewart - The Way You Look Tonight

Someday, when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow
Just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight

You're so lovely
With your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me
But to love you
And the way you look tonight

With each word your tenderness grows
Tearing my fears apart
And that laugh
That wrinkles your nose
It touches my foolish heart

Yes you're lovely,
Never, ever change
Keep that breathless glow
Won't you please arrange it
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


After slacking the entire day away and deciding not to study my History, I realised I have graph work to do. Ohmygod. I shall wake up earlier & go school earlier to get it done. Hope it doesn't rain!

Edited the picture to make us look ghastly hahahaha.

Countdown baby.

This is a dumb conversation! Haha.

Today was okay, but the day was really short, and I was pigging out during lunchtime. Was messaging during the later part of the day during lesson time because I was so bored, and Hiew was going through graphs and all, and my contacts were so blur and obnoxious, and I could see, but it kinda hurt because the lenses were in the wrong position and I was adjusting it - Gah! I just wanted to pluck them out.

I know I was supposed to wear my trusty degree-too-high glasses, but there was PE today so I didn't have a choice, I don't wanna run around pushing my specs up - so irritating (& exaggerated).

My computer is so laggy.

Chemistry was okay, we just had to do a worksheet, and she wasn't picking on anyone. Phew.

Assembly was pretty cool - had this lady psychologist, and she told us her life story and how she has dyslexia and wrote a book and achieved most of the goals in life - she wants 6 kids, she has 3 kids at 35. Coolness, haha, but I don't like the fact that she's like a sow or mu zhu (female pig!) Hahaha. Are they the same? Lol.

Oh yeah, go out there and multiply right?

Went with Melissa to Popular and then my dad offered to fetch me home because he was on the way and it was raining! I SAW CELINE & MICHELLE LIM, both pretty grouchy that they were stuck at my house bus stop in the rain. Hahahaha, they looked angry. - I WANT THIS DISCO PURPLE & WHITE NOTEBOOK. IT'S SO PRETTAYE.

Lunchtime - I had a good lunch, and 2 slices of BreadTalk cheesecake. Yum. The amount of rice was pathetic though.

Let's splurge our smses on each other! ;D Yay. I like Eveline 'cause she gave me a whole packet of mints and sweets. Haha. They taste like chewing gum, and chocolate too. Haha, weird combinations.

All the things we'd never say
The things we'd never do

The things we'd never find
And the things that will never happen.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Nerdy Berdy.


And to the person who said that I looked cuter and more harmless in specs, I'm not wearing specs to please you. Hahahahaha. ;D

I think an infection's coming, so I wanna prevent y'know. Don't wanna have red eyes like Bei Yu. Haha. She's pretty poor thing ah.

PERHAPS I'll wear glasses luh, see whether I'm in a good mood or not.

Applause 'cause when you're happy you clap your hands.

I'm a happy girl, always & forever. ;D

I can't stand it, I'm like brimming with satisfaction, and I think for once, I'm contented with what I have, with my life just like that. Ordinary, but perfect in my own eyes. This IS the life. No need for material wants, no need for havoc, no need for nonsense and no need to please anybody.

Having good male friends do wonders. They're so nice! To me! ;D

Haha it's funny. Many asked me what would I want to do after next year (after Os) and I said "I just wanna live!" Hahaha. Honestly, I don't even know whether I'll live until then.

We just started a new Math chapter. It's so confusing, but oh well.


Oh yeah, Ervin's new specs are quite cute. Lol. And it's black because someone else has black specs. Haha!

Today today it's all or nothing
All the way
The praise goes out to You
Yeah all the praise goes out to You
Today today I live for one thing
To give You praise
In everything I do
Yeah all the praise goes out to You

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday whoopies. I love dad!

Today's a nice day, I'm not exactly looking forward to tomorrow but, well, school is mandatory, so I don't have a choice. Perhaps we should go on strike like those chinese educated schools in the ancient era - Oh gross, I don't wanna be part of them.

Just came back from some light shopping. Today was easter service, and the pastor was really cool. Haha, he had this smooth, fluent American accent, and he's soooooo tall as well. Haha, sorry but I don't go for old foggies.

Had the buffet lunch after the service, then we started rangers forty-five minutes later, doing all that sign language stuff. I can't remember a thing, I feel sucky. Paired up with Gabrielle, and I really suck at it compared to her, ah, I'm not good with so many actions at one time. Haha. Oh yeah, tentatively I'm going to bunk with Valencia for church camp - Ooh, kinda look forward. Haha, she doesn't need to worry. I think Jael needs to, because Michelle is so darn gay.

Cheryl's dad sent me home after rangers and then I slacked around with Lyn & Thomas, then we went out for 'coffee' with my dad. Yeah. He brought us all the way to Aljunied (We just wanted to go Coffee Bean at gardens eh, which is so near my house) but then he wanted prata there, so we had rojak and 2 kosongs each. Yum. Then dropped Thomas off and we were on our way home, then Lyn asked us whether we can go shopping first. Haha.

Went Bishan 'cause it was on the way. Daddy bought me a pair of shorts, Lyn, a bag & pants and he got himself a pair of flops & a polo shirt. Hahaha. Bought breadtalk for my mum - hahahaha. Cheapskate siah.

I splurged 120 smses on one person in two days. (I was trying to finish my smses) Madness. Now it's overshot by 10 smses, but then my plan is beginning again tomorrow, so doesn't really matter!

I'm going to sleep now, toodles.

Ugh, there's debate tomorrow, and the speech is to be done. Yikes.


Saturday, April 15, 2006


Slept over at Michelle's last night/Fooled around with UZap. Lol/Slacked/Finished one whole tub of oreo cookies/ate everything in her house (I think desmond will kill me) Lol/Created a cool house in Sims/Just came back from J8 after she left to meet her friend/Had a nice dinner with her.

And Michelle, keep yourself busy with your boyfriend. (cough cough ahem ahem) Ah, they're all getting into processes of future relationships, and I am to be left on the shelf. Hahaha. Sad right.

Don't say my time will come. I will kick you in the face.



Friday, April 14, 2006

Tragic Love.

They were perfect, in love, in mind, in everywhere else. They the same frequency, conversations flowed non-stop, almost like from a mountain, their little love messages increased everyday and their phone conversations lengthened over time and once the fruit was much too ripe- they were an item. Yes, the perfect item. Almost like a gift from heaven, they taught us how to love. They were just too perfect for words, too indescribable, too, heavenly.

Then came when he had to leave, for somewhere where she could not go. One month's notice, and poof! off he goes on a plane to somewhere on the other side of the world, where? We do not know.

The night before the great departure, tears spilt, flooded levels of their homes, his bags were packed - all ready to go. The last phone conversation - held so dear, she could almost still remember how his voice sounded. Perfect, as it'd always had been. Also, the words he spoke to her, with such sincerity that shone on its own and reeked of love, care, concern which never failed to dig out old suitcases brimming with memories locked up with thrown-away keys.

Why did you leave? She asks.


They are only, perfect friends now. If he had not left for that unknown somewhere, where would they be now, how much more perfect would they become?

Time travel and vomit bags. Almost like the relation between memories and tears.

Oh, love can be so tragic.


Random comments.

  • I'm feeling really giddy.
  • I don't know if I'm going to sleepover at MichelleT's tonight
  • I don't know if I'm going Sentosa with the youths tomorrow.
  • Here's a blog I would like everyone to read, explicit content (in a way)
    It's not pornography, but it's passes as it. Lol.
    Look and comment. Hahahaha! I got quite grossed out.
    Don't worry, no nudity, just two guys fully clothed.
  • Don't die from a spasm.

Dreams are just dreams.

I had a weird dream last night, it was sweet, but weird, and I know it's impossible. It showed my boyfriend, his house, and where he lived. We were a new couple and we haven't gone to each other's houses yet, I suppose.

I dreamt I went Jinghan's house to meet her, and then I was exclaiming the majesty of the house opposite hers, a 10-storey glassy-windowed house with a tennis court and a mini swimming pool, and a gym on the 2nd floor, and then I saw 'my boyfriend' opening the gate and going in. I was like ?!

Yeah, the dream continued into a series of odd dates and interwined into some story with Jinghan's 'boyfriend' too (Really?!), I can't really write the details out because it's a little personal there hahaha. I'll only write about that wonderful house across the street. Then zaapp! I woke up.

If only, if only, if only. I meant, the house, hahaha.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Oreo Os.

I asked my dad to buy oreos for me and he bought three whopping rolls. Yeah man. I am in love with oreos. Sudden food infatuations. I'm gonna try twisting, licking and dunking in milk later.

I am so bored, and stuffing myself with oreos, and I haven't bathed. Yeah, you'd say "At this hour?!" Yeah. I'm so lazy luh. I took a nap just now, so I'm pretty awake now.

Happy Good Friday! :D Haha.

Oh I just tried the dunking in milk. Oh it's heavenly, and I was so excited- I dropped the entire cookie in. Lol.

Conversations. I'm High.

Snapped rubberbands, rice crackers & tasteful thoughts.

Earwax: Jason Mraz - Wordplay

I feel a lot of pressure on my teeth because of the rubberbands, and I keep snapping them everytime I forget to change a new pair, and for the first time today, I snapped both (at home). Sorry, I'm disgusting you. Oh yeah, in addition, I swallowed one of my snapped rubberbands with the rice crackers I was eating. Hahahahaha. I was quite grossed out after that happened. Rubber doesn't taste that nice y'know.

School was alright, it was a nice, happy day because we didn't get scolded by Hiew, or anyone for that matter.

We diligently done up the noticeboards, and Hiew is happy with it. He says he'll pray for us during Good Friday service & Easter service. Uh, okay. Hahaha, and that our rewards will come on Monday. He'd better keep his word, haha. Our class looks so rojak now, yet so organised and cute. I happen to like the "Birthday Babes & Hunks" area because of Einitar's pretty handwriting and all. It's all so organised, and I do realise that I'm the only person sharing the same birthday month as Wanyi, so there's only two May babies. Heuh?

Suddenly I'm feeling driven to study for the MYEs, and I was annoyed with myself for forgetting to bring home my History textbook (or notes) yet again.

Oh, I promised I would post this up about Shafain. Haha, don't think I forgot Shanfain. (this is not a spelling error)
Shafain and I walk in front/behind of each other.
Louisa stops, and Shafain knocks into Lou's ponytail.
Shafain: Eh, what shampoo you use? Pantene ar?
Louisa: Yeah. (evidence of my slow reaction)
Louisa: Eh no, Organics.
Shafain: Yeah, yeah right. You use detergent to wash your hair luh.
Shafain: -trips over Liyen's trusty file.
Louisa: -dies of laughter-

I think she really wishes me dead right now. Hahahahaha. Watch what you say to me next time baby. Heeheelarious.

You know, sometimes acquaintances treat you better than the longest friend you've ever had.

Add me at for my second friendster account. You'd be doing me a huge favour. Thanks.

So I'll love you like I'm stupid.

Let's evade reality.

I wanna visit Glande in hospital.

Asthma attack; I am beginning to wheeze. (mylastasthmaattackwasprimary2hahahasoitsnotpossible)

What if I die tonight? Would you still?

So women, leave, and not subject yourselves to traditions that coop you in a house.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Let's turn our turn-offs on and turn-ons off.

Hahaha. But I don't blame him for doing that. Life's easier than snagging females. How can you say he's hot, gorgeous and all, he's so ugly lah, with all that deformities at the face area? I'm sorry, pimples are a no-no. Geez. I even thought of buying him the shirt that said smth funny. Hahahahahahaha. I can still laugh, but I bet she's crying now. Too bad. Oh laugh baby laugh. I helped both of you enough, fulfilling both of your wants and I suppose I exist just to do that until the most probably hurtable one gets hurt. Aw, isn't that sad. Boy's crying, weird. Boohoo. And has got hurt already, so oh well. You were too insistent, Ehn was too lenient. Now, now all's fair in love and war. Buhbye sheman. Hello Jerk, Hello Realism.

You missed out and now it's time to get over it.

I'm so sorry I'm confusing you.

I don't understand your logic after all.

*One phrase was removed to prevent getting stoned & certain sentences turned in riddles as well. Put on your thinking caps and figure it out! Lol. You'd never do. Hahahaha. I had to distort it a lot than the truth to ensure anonymity and genderanonymity.

I'm going to sleep now. Stone me tomorrow.


Happy Birthday
Regina & Vanessa!

Happy Birthday to
20 April - Agnes
22nd April - Samantha
23rd April - Cecilia
23rd April - Cecelia
24 April - Xinyi


Aww sweet, I would love to take up your offer, but I doubt we can can't we? We'd be too shy, and shamed.

A Math test & Chem test is over, I'm so glad it is, was feeling quite stressed the entire day. I enjoyed English because I was messaging a lot of people and basically having a lot of MSN conversations through my phone. Heh. Miss Chan saw me messaging like four times, but she didn't care. I'm a good english student anyway. Haha.

Yeah, I'm a happy girl.

You're not extraordinary, you're just extra ordinary.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I got small eyes.

Heh heh. Look, see, drool and be tempted to get fat with us. Hahahaha.

Hahaha. Ooh, Fun!

Blogger erased my post again, so I shall write in point form.

  • Happy Birthday Joyce!
  • Had 5 free periods + 2 periods of PE which we played soccer
  • We laughed like siao during soccer because we were having so much fun, kicking balls out.
  • I was so slow-mo. Taking seconds to realise that I have to kick the ball, taking another few seconds to think whether to kick or not, and I get so excited, another few seconds later, I burst out laughing because I kicked it, OUT. LOL.
  • Went detention with Zhenru, Crosby, Johnson, Lin Qiang, Lydia, Joyce, Darren, Song En and Jin Leong.
  • Copied so much crap and it didn't get checked.
  • Went Swensens with Juit Wen, Fiona, Dacia, Lydia, Joyce, Zhenru, Xinyi, Alanna and Cindy
  • Shared Crayfish Pasta with Lydia
  • Shared 2 Earthquakes with the TEN fellows.
  • Spent $113 altogether. Oh man.
  • And it was all free, thanks to Joyce. Thank you! (She was acting like she was loaded, forgetting to take her seven dollar plus change. Lol)
  • I need to study for 2 Math tests tomorrow and Chemistry. Argh.

We took a lot of pictures. Hahahahaha. Einitar and Xinyi's cams/phones. Later.

Monday, April 10, 2006


On a lighter note, this emoticon that my friend keeps using on MSN is so damn funny! I laugh like mad when I see it, especially when used in the right context. I haven't studied for my chemistry test, on chemical bonding and etc. It's so frigging boring and I don't understand the groupings and periods.

The emoticon is big and blurry. Whoops.

Yeah, I'm gonna study later. I took a nap pretty late and I woke up at 8.30pm. Heh. What a swine.

Everybody has gone offline, except for Clarence. His birthday is coming, and so is mine, and we proposed we celebrate it together. Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha.

I found this conversation particularly funny:
Melissa: Why is so hot? Hot! Hot! Urgh!
Louisa: I'm not feeling hot, I don't understand why you're so hot!
Zhenru: Yah yah! So hot, come on, let's strip!


Randomness; here's a collage Michelle did using Picasa.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I love this picture, it's super funny. Lol. The 7-eleven girl is looking at us! ;D

I don't know what we're trying to do. We're making our eyes, well, small.

Michelle drew something on Paint - which can't be uploaded here, but it's so darn cute.

'Me (girl drawing)' and you (boy drawing) ??? km apart. We talked. We laughed. We screamed. I thought it would have lasted but sadly no. The distance of our voices, so near, but actually, we're millions of miles apart.

The sentence structure sounds weird.


My braces are not blue, and it's not false happiness & we are not in love. :D Haha.

Suit yourself to believe me.

After all, we can be talking about, well, another couple.

Timecheck: 10.24pm


Let the music lead you.

Slow down - Chicken Boy 1
Dance dance - Chicken Boy 2
Pop Princess - Michelle
Beep - Melissa
Walk Away - Jeralyn
Catch Your Wave - Einitar


Haha, they all remind me of someone.

I'll just pretend I don't know you, because I don't want them to know anything, when there's nothing to know.


They are all about $10+

Reached church on the dot/Lyn overslept/My mum was being a pig in the morning/Carol dropped in on CG, heh, it was quite funny, but some people were missing, namely Shawn, Jinghan, Samuel. Yup.

Forgot to eat lunch, lol amazing isn't it? - I think my tonsils are swelling up again. Oh no, I feel a sore throat coming. I finished two crunchie bars. Lol, and my bag looked like a weapon stash. With crunchies in two slots. Hahaha. Lame.

Yeah, my neighbour's dog (the wolve-like one, not siberian husky) started barking like siao when I walked past her place, then I was like mumbling "Scare me to death luh" then I saw this really cute, white, puffy maltese-looking dog (It's not maltese) that barked in another house further down. Haha, I smiled at it, ha, and the owner was even funnier la, shhhing the dog like siao. He's only like about sec four, and quite charming there. HAHA. Just kidding.

Eh, who's free on Good Friday ah? Heh.

I realise that my birthday is coming, pretty pretty soon. Heh, well people asked me what I want, and y'know. I really have a lot of wants. Lol, that's why I told all of you "anything luh!" ;D

Panic at the Disco
The Only Difference between Martyrdom & Suicide is Press Coverage

Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time
Come on just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me
Good, good now we're making some progress
Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat
And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue?

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be, your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Applause, applause, no wait wait
Dear studio audience, I've an announcement to make:
It seems the artists these days are not who you think
So we'll pick back up on that on another page

And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Unfitness & bursting bladders.

I am so unfit. I hope Napfa trainings do me some good. Lol.

Church! Had tracting after that, and I ate a lot for dinner, still feeling quite bloated now. Heh. I ate one whole students' meal, and half a beef fan-tastic. Audrey donated it to Michelle and I. Heh heh, and my dad just bought some Macs home. Macdonalds overdose!

Tracting was freaking scary. We weren't used to doing it at night and the block we did was a really huge one, with 2o units on a level. Exhausting! Not to mention, four sexy girls doing it together. Lol. I used to do it with my whole caregroup, like 7+ people. Val, Joylynn & Bernice went for another block, but they didn't knock on the doors, instead just dumped the flyers in. No wonder they were so quick! Haha, Val was so sexy uh. Heh! -lecherous look- Haha!

I just got back an hour ago, I'm so tired! I didn't do much talking because the people there were mainly, chinese-speaking/dialect-speaking, and I'm a sucker at both, haha, that's why I said I'm so unfit, just walking every level (the whole stretch ahem) down 11 storeys.

I'm such a complain queen/spoilt brat/piece of shit. Not a good testimony luh.

I'm feeling very grumpy/frumpy/mrumpy, and my dad keeps telling me lame jokes. Annoying luh.

Hey hun, you didn't reply my message yeh.

One word, three lives, one rumour, two only. Lol.

Earwax: My Chemical Romance - Ghost of You

I woke up at 8 this morning, did my QT and other reading stuff (1+2 Timothy). I finished reading the whole 'Inspirational Moments' book this morning. Haha, time to throw it away - just kidding. I can't believe the school forced us to pay for that cheapo Reader's Digest book which has such pathetic content. Yeah it's supposed to improve your english, so I've learnt a few (less than 5 eh) new words. But hello? The book is so thin and it costs $4.70. Gah, I wouldn't pay for that in cash anyhows - paid for it using Edusave uh!

I bet some people wouldn't even read it but leave it there to rot. I haven't even looked at/tried to touch my Math and Chemistry TYS eh. If I don't touch it soon, I'll feel like I'm wasting precious money! ($6.60 + $5) These two books are paid with cash, so yeah. More painful 'cause it's my allowance. Hahaha. :D I wanna read Emma by Jane Austen this fortnight. Yeah.

Okay. I must be self-discipled and work towards my goal for this/next year. Yeah. MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST.

I'm beginning to sound like Cheryl, go read her blog, you'd see the similarities. Just that I don't talk about food in every post. Haha!

I feel like learning fencing. ;D Then I can poke all of you with my sword. Lol.

And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me

Friday, April 07, 2006

Miss Politicals deserves kicks in their shins (and heads)

Earwax: Shakira - Hips Don't Lie

Haha, I still don't like that 4/8 girl because she keeps staring at me - and I just keep staring back. I mean, who's got bigger eyes man. Lol. Even though mine's small. Yours are smaller! Ha! Oh yeah, I watched her for two recesses. So darn gay right. I was annoyed- and laughing at how much she ate.

Miss Political, I so wanna kick your head.

A hostage to my own humanity
Self-detained and forced to live in this mess

Tease her, make her squeal.


Play this game at
It's fun, hilarious, and complicated in a funny way.
I love your goofiness to death
Chicken boy number two!

Eh you turdface- I was queen first.

Academy Is - Slow Down

Close the door and take the stairs
Up or down? Ups and downs
Don't pretend you've never been there
You kiss me like an overdramatic actor who's starving for work
With one last shot to make it happen
You've won the role, you've played your part,
You've been cordially invited
But I'm not impressed, and I'm definitely not excited
'Cause the film runs a shallow budget, and the writer's subject script isn't any deeper
So dive right in

Hollywood hills and suburban thrills,
Hey you, who are you kidding?
I'm not like them, I won't buy in
Hollywood hills and suburban thrills,
Hey you, who are you kidding?
Don't quit 'til 47
Then we'll turn it up and we'll play a little faster

Take back everything you ever said
You never meant a word of it. You never did.
Take back everything you said.
You never meant a word of it. You never did.
She said 'Alright, Alright, slow down!"
Oh no, oh no, we won't
'Cause I regret every thing that I said
To ever make her feel like she was something special,
Or that she ever really mattered.
Did she ever really matter?

Hollywood hills and suburban thrills,
Hey you, who are you kidding?
I'm not like them. I won't buy in.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hi, I'm with Stupid.

I have this natural attraction to the song 'Dance, dance' by Fall Out Boy. I don't know why, every single song I listen to reminds of a certain few people. ;D And this one reminds me of some nice people I love! Heh.

Do you know Beep by PCD reminds me of Mel? I don't see the relevance. Hah.

April Birthday Boos.

Happy Birthday!
April 9 - Jasvin
April 11 - JOYCEE!
April 11
- Ethel
April 12 - Vanessa
April 12 - REGINA <3
April 15
- Amanda
April 16
- Chloe
April 17 - Aaron
April 18 - Rachael
April 19 - Ernest
April 20 - Thomas

Geek in the Pink.

I don't care what you might think about me
You'll get by without me if you want

Well i could be the one to take you home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know that
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color,
Confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

We all love Mel, don't we?

Okay I didn't want to post anything, but I just had to get the image of that blistered toe out of my face, I mean, visiting my blog to view the new template and all, I have to keep staring at it, not very sightly either.

I changed my template. Yay. Spent quite a long time searching around for something nice, and not too girly, I'm not a big fan of complicated skins, I think they look a mess from afar. (Okay, so how many times do we really look at a template from afar?) Lol. I'm such a crapalot.

I love Mel. He loves Mel, and another He loves Mel.

Mel, you can kick me now. Haha!

I have to take a bath, and I'm not looking forward to it, my blister is gonna be excruciating. I can do it! I have high pain endurance. Yeah right.

So divine, hell of an elevator
All the while my fortune faded
Never mind, the consequences of the crime
This time my fortune's faded

:( I don't like blisters.

I hurt my toe during PE yesterday and I got a big fat blister, which I accidentally and itchy-hand-ly went to peel the skin off. It didn't hurt after that, but the moment the wound touched water ... y'know what happened. I was making 'sssssshhhss' noises with my lips to express my pain! Argh.

I'm sorry, my feet looks revolting. Blister and all.

Half-limped to school today. I feel soo disabled.

Ouch. My looking at it makes me tingle.

Should I wear my specs to school tomorrow? Suddenly I don't feel like wearing my lenses.

"Her body odour smells like baboon's fart."
"Baboons' butts are red - screaming caution, smelly overdose and that it'll cost lives."
The person who said this is such a rose with a serpent under 't, and she's lame too. Lol.

You've got your mother and your brother
Every other, undercover, telling you what to say
You think I'm stupid
But the truth is, that it's Cupid, baby
Loving you has made me this way

Eat food. Live food.

I'm eating an extremely creamy toffee right now, and listening to my sister as she tells me her cravings.
"Ehhh. I'm craving for chomps!"
"Eh, want anot. You'll take char kway teow"
"I want sea coconut!"
"Aye, I want to go coffeebean."
"Or maybe I want hor fun."

What a pig. Lol.

Mel had a weird dream about me having short, kinky-pink hair and her with pink hair too. Lol.

I feel lame, lost and random. Save me from frigid blight. Aah.

Chemistry is double bore.

I can't remember how you look like, or how you look like, or how you look like!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Ooh the taste of rich, velvety chocolate with white crisps and tasteful toffees. My hunger is satisfied.

Candid snapshots, gross ones at that.

Attack of the Stinky Fingers. Lol.

I owe Melissa thirty cents. Hurhur.

Now that I talk about mrt tracks, aha, I was so stupid when I was in sec one and we were training for our Napfa tests. I actually took Miss Lee literally, like we're gonna be running on the REAL mrt tracks and perhaps get banged down by the train or something if we're naughty. Haha, call me stupid, but I agree I was pretty dense last time. Lol.

We're gonna stir up trouble
Whip up nasty cauldrons of putrid black smoke
Unpleasant, unpleasant, stinky, stinky
After all, it's not worse than a poison tree.

Random, and it's a lit thing.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Butt off, I'm not yours to tease.
It's nastier, sneakier and meaner.

Slap you!

Long day. I just reached home half an hour ago. Heh. Kinda wasted my entire afternoon away at the english debate course, and punishment (to do extra english journal assignment) which I finished really quickly, but it started raining really heavily (The kind that even if you carry umbrella you'll still get drenched) so I hung around in school and spent $3 on snacks and two drinks! Sinful, sinful, sinful. Serene was asking why I was drinking like a water tank! Hahaha.

So school was fine, but I was struggling to stay awake during my English lesson.

We had another pep talk and scolding, and then a so called wake-up call. Apparently one of my classmates got a mental/emotional breakdown, yeah. I find Hiew such a prig now, always picking on Erica, Mel and I.

I'm becoming vulgar, I hate it. It's rude & uncivilised.

I think Nurul got quite upset with me because I told Shafain her short plaited ponytail looked like a sausage, I mean, after all it was tied by Shafain if I'm not wrong, so I was telling Shafain, it was a harmless comment - Ah, trivialties.

Mel and I had a gooood talk about certain stuff over lunch, and I got such a kick in the head somewhere. I feel like I'm betraying someone outrightly, and I feel guilty, but, aye you wouldn't understand wouldn't you? Predictions, predictions, predictions. And her predictions are always correct.

Erica's TF was annoying me at 5 plus with crude/rude jokes and silly things, and teasing me and saying "I um cshio." -_- Hahaha, of course I was amused la.

Hahahaha, stayed back to watch Hui's crush. Geez, make me cannot go home, instead eat more food.

Oh well, I've got Lit to do. I'm afraid, afraid.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday Monday Tuesday. Time is flying by.

Today was a long day, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm not finished with my english newsweek assignment and I'm not feeling driven to do it now, but ah, I don't have a choice.

Church/Rangers/Went for Jinghan's Baptism!/Took some photos/Cabbed to piano lesson with Cheryl ($11.90 eh!)/Went to Cheryl's for dinner/Got a lift from her dad home.

I end with this song I was listening to before my piano lesson.

Vertical Horizon
Everything You Want

Somewhere there's speaking, it's already coming in
Oh and it's rising in the back of your mind
You never could get it unless you were fed it
Now you're here, and you don't know why

But under skinned knees and the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and listen, listen and wait for
The echoes of angels who won't return

He's everything you want, he's everything you need
He's everything inside of you that you wish you could be
He says all the right things at exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you, and you don't know why

You're waiting for someone to put you together
You're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always another wound to discover
There's always something more you wish he'd say

But you'll just sit tight and watch it unwind
It's only what you're asking for
And you'll be just fine with all of your time
It's only what you're waiting for

Out of the island and into the highway
Past the places where you might have turned
You never did notice, but you still hide away
Anger of angels who won't return

I am everything you want, I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you that you wish you could be
I say all the right things at exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you, and I don't know why

And I don't know why
Why, why
I don't know

Saturday, April 01, 2006

What a nice day. I took more than 50 pictures today with The Clique & Mei Yi. ;D Day started off really early, met Meiyi at 11.40 at AMK, and then we headed off to Far East, Wheelock place, then Dhoby Ghaut and then City Hall. Man, my ez-link card is almost penniless now. Went to church after that. The speaker was cool. Then service ended one hour late, and then we camwhored at Pastamania. Whoa. I added too much cheese on my pasta and I still feel like puking. Lol. Here's some pictures.

Jeralyn's Pride & Joy.
I meant the picture, I'm not her kid. Lol.

Louisa's thinking of who ah? She's imitating lovestruckness.
And taking a dig at Michelle. :D

Our initials in Sign Language.

Reflections. Cheryl, Michelle & Louisa.
Us, without Jo & JH

Char Kway Teoww.

I kinda feel like sleeping now, but I asked my dad to get me supper from chomps. Hurhurhur. I'm a pig, who wants to join me?