Thursday, August 04, 2005

Verge of being bonkers.

Let me start on my summary of the day since I have a free period now.

We had our Australian Maths Competition, I was terribly bored after I finished my paper because I still had forty minutes out of the one hour and fifteen minutes so I ended up drawing dumb sketches of people's hair and during that period of time. The paper was frickin' easy at the start but as the note to students said "The paper generally gets harder as you progress." That was so definitely true. The last ten questions were killers! If Angeline found them difficult, what more us? [Angeline's the Math Whiz y'know.]

That took up the first 3 periods and I had to go to the dentist during recess so I didn't get to eat, that explains my gurgling stomach now! So the dentist nagged and nagged. Ha, and Gianini kinda told her off. GREAT! My orthodontist said my teeth were very clean. And Miss Nag-a-lot kept saying that Ling Long and I had dirty teeth because of us both wearing braces. =.="

Okay, so double Math, did Quadratic graphs which was actually better than the linear graphs yesterday.

I've got double Chinese now. Oh shucks, I didn't finish my letter-writing. Aah. She's gonna kill me but anyway I'll just pass up tomorrow. As usual, the class is pretty much in mild chaos with
  • Boys crawling all over the floor [see what I mean by they're childish]
  • Band Members whistling
  • People listening to music, rushing Chinese homework [I guess that's not chaotic right? Haha]
  • Boys pretending they're in NCC, parading in their pumping positions
  • Boys arm-wrestling.
  • Pei Shan scraping her table of correction fluid graffiti [you see, it's the scraping sound]
  • Sheng Wen behaving like Da Yang, shaking his head left right top bottom and hitting Zeus and acting GAY. He also looks like he's on Ecstasy.
  • Bikram and Yu Xiang playing a very aargumentative game of UNO, arguing ever single time one puts down a card.

Oh Jonathan is being victimised by Leonard and Kenneth -.-' Good for him anyway [By the way, he is being dragged about the class arm in arm with the both of them.

-Bikram is currently pulling a very black face, probably caused by the UNO game
Oh well, Miss Qian's here, later!

I was supposed to go for a scaling treatment down at the school dental clinic just now, but I decided not to go, gosh, I was tired man, not to mention I had tuition at three. Tuition-ed. Man am I beat! My eyes were flopping close on its own and I was feeling terribly annoyed that I had to plot GRAPHs. You know the boxes are so minute, your eyes already feel like dropping out, and what more if you're tired! You literally can't see or count properly.

Thinking back on last night's dream on the way home, I was feeling rather disturbed by it 'cause I wasn't sure it was a dream or not. Well, I think I shall delve into it, but even if I wrote it here, everybody would think that I have completely gone bonkers, so scrap, I'm not gonna write it here. (:

Lyn's watching Mean Girls, and I'm watching little snips and snaps of it, I'd watched it previously anyway. Gosh, I love MEAN.

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