Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Ah, mad.

I haven't been getting much inspiration to write, after I reach home, my mind just goes blank and everything I plan to write (about some interesting stuff) is totally forgotten. Am I getting dementia?

Tsk, I never ever want to wear my PE shirt inside of my uniform, it's terribly suffocating.

Listening to the radio - Sigh, life's so boring at times.


School = boredom. Book checking, yada yada. How boring!

Well school ended uber late, at around 3.15pm. 15 students were selected to take a survey after school when everyone was in the hall having assembly period, and I was selected. Gah, how annoying! Do you know how many surveys I've been draw lot-ted to take? Unfair! We had some absolutely annoying questions like these:

I am proud to be a Deyian - Strongly Disagree
I am comfortable talking to my school leaders (ie. Principal, VP) - Disagree

Bah! We rejoined the class in the hall after the survey and watched this episode of Phua Chu Kang - Omigoodness, much to my horror! I thought it was some important assembly, ended up they just watched this lame episode about Civil Defence (I think, we missed the first part you know) where King Kong has his IPT test and then he's too fat he gets stuck in the cupboard under the sink. Then during the IPT training with Chu Beng, he collapses, and PCK and PCB set up a free Tau Huay stall. Pretty corny, hahaha. But I'm laughing anyway, so how lame could it get?

Singaporean jokes are pretty silly.

After assembly and the whole PCK show thingy, we had our sec two camp briefing. I'm actually pretty hyped up. We'll be grouped in our classes (Odd and Even) - Yeap. I'd like that. That means Nurul's in my group, with Jasmine and WT. YESS. But thinking about sleeping in the hall's weird. Not because I'm scared of ghosts or something (almost everybody in my school is uber superstitious, hmm lemme learn some freaky ghost stories to scare the hell outta them LMAO), but because the hall is so giantgantic (gigantic) that it feels odd and SUPER 'open'. YEAH, so NOT cosy.

Took 25 home, much to my disgust and horror, there was this MAD INDIAN MAN in the bus! At first, everybody just thought he was a bit on the odd side, but he kept 'talking' without words coming out and moving his hands about. Yeah, really mad people are in a world of their own. -shudder- I wouldn't like to be like that next time. Mad people really traumatise me. When I pressed the bell, he turned back (I thought that his neck was gonna break off) so alertly to see who pressed it, and I was freaked la, duh right. Quickly exited the bus then! Haha.

I mean last time, there was this mad man. Definitely mad. I was about to go down the overhead bridge and at the same time he was reaching the top from the bottom, he couldn't control his whole body of nerves and stuff (I suppose) and his head was twisting here and there in a very, very strange way and his hands were like imitating door knobs. His whole body was twisting about individually - freaky! And you know you only have one straight route to get down right, so I had to get past him, when I walked past, he freaking moved towards me la! FREEAAKKK.

Man, I'm going mad already. SPARE ME ALL YE MAD PEOPLE. Oh the trauma.

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