Thursday, August 11, 2005


Aww screw. I think I'm going blind! I've been having headaches and stuff like that when I look further than what I can see, even with my glasses on. Gosh, my eyes have been giving me lots of trouble since 2 weeks ago. I need my contact lenses! Argh, this is so uncomfortable. Eww. Someone save me and go with me to get my lenses before I die of a shriveled up eyeball. Mind you, this is not an eye infection. Flarrghh. I need help!
Guys are so puerile. I don't want to talk to two lame guys on MSN, for them to ask each other in a very annoying way "You like her right?" Oh man, spare me the horrors! I've never seen you both before, so piss off. Tsk-tsk.
Desperado, why don't you COME TO YOUR SENSES!

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