Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sinning = Spending too much money?

(written on 240805)
I had fun yesterday. Man, it's been such a long time since I actually had some serious fun with my church clique. Yes! (: But one of the down sides when I'm having fun - I spend a lot of money! Hah, I shall write down what I've bought.

Yellow top : $16.10
Famous Amos Cookies (shared) : $2
Coffee Bean drink (shared) : $2.50
Apple flavoured gummy : $0.80
Ritter Sport chocolate (shared) : $1.10

Gah, I literally spent almost one to two weeks' allowance. As our saying goes "The ultimate sinner is the ultimate shopper." Hah. Not to mention, I wasn't even hungry when I ate those stuffs, we were so busy chatting and eating, and I was like so full, yet I just continued shoving chocolate cubes down my throat.

We started off simple. Met JH, and wished her birthday wishes and stuffs, sat around in Macs while she opened her presents - She is such an idiot, her friend gave her a leather (or PVC) ROXY wallet, which I know costs about $24 - $ 35 Dang! My wallet's 33 bucks and Jeralyn's 24 (from Aussie) and JH gets it FREE. Let's throw our hands up in the air and scream "UNFAIR!".

So we slacked around for a while. I called Cheryl and realised that she was in Toa Payoh too! Went to find her with her friend, Joyce. Woohoo! We should ask her to church sometime. (:

Bought food, pigged and went home - Cheryl and I went to my place's Coffee Bean (and her place too) Then we saw like tons of single-sex school kids, who were making us feel inferior, because we kinda DEGRADED ourselves into the mixed school category from a single-sex school. YEAH, that thought makes me go bursting away. ACS brats were whining away in a corner, AJC girls were laughing hysterically, ACJC people were, man, touching each other all over (They were sitting in public, those tables OUTSIDE TCB), PLMGSSians (the butches) were flirting around at the table nearest to the toilet, and heck-caring about those ACS boys sitting in front of them. HURHURHUR. FYI, the PLMGSSians were standing up most of the time, arguing in a friendly way and pretending to punch each other. Hoho. And everytime one of them stands up in deliberate fury, the chair knocks the one ACS boy who is studying. HAHAHA. It was terribly amusing just watching them.

Went home about seven plus (I DELIBERATELY did not want to go home so early) and studied for my china test as in Chinese, not History on China or something. Argh!


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