Sunday, August 14, 2005


You know what? I hate people who like to jump to conclusions before they actually find out all the facts, and whoopee. Somebody just incurred my wrath when I'm having one of my extremely bad-mood days. Today is one of those days, those once in a blue moon days. Yes.

Serene, oh Serene. I'm so sorry I have to do this, to shame you on my blog. I think that I shouldn't even put your name on my blog because it's gonna be a disgrace to me. But I think I shouldn't let you go away scot-free just like that. You framed me mind you? You used my name and accused me of something I did not do.

Mind you, I don't visit stupid blogs and tag, instead I visit famous and intellectual blogs or at least my friends and acquaintances' blogs. And oops, you're not my friend! HA! Does your blog have any of those traits? Sorry to expose this but NO. Your blog sucks. I don't care if my blog sucks too, but at least I use proper english and I write for purely my own entertainment and also for me to keep track of nice events with my FRIENDS.

You're jealous of everybody. Jealous of Michelle and putting her through more than a year of your meaningless comments, thinking you are oh-so-noble. Yeah I know, people used to hate Michelle so badly and insult her, but now she's different. Almost immune to your pointless inferior comments. I think you're insulting her 'cause you're inferior to her. She has relatively nice-looking friends, and you don't - so get a life.

You have never been a popular icon in our school or the band. In fact you've been hated. You try so hard to get into everyone's good books. But I'm sorry, despite your very persevering methods of getting into them, they always fail you. Aww, how sad -pats. Yeah you tagged nearly every band member in my class, asking them to link you and tag you, like please, they would do so if they want to, so don't try so hard LAH.

I won't get into the superficial insults 'cause that would be plain mean and unforgivable. Yes, you better thank me. SERENE deleted all the tagboard posts on her board that I used to scold her, simply four VERY malicious posts. She has no face already. She's a LOSER.

I had to do this because you insulted Michelle, her church and her Christian faith, and I don't think you should go around insulting people's religion, whether Taoist, Buddhist or whatever other religion. In a general point of view, if I was Buddhist [I AM CHRISTIAN] I wouldn't side with you 'cause you insulted someone's religion which is WRONG in whatever way you put it!

Ahahahaha! I LOVE you so much, because you called Michelle's church mates pieces of shit, it just expresses your inferiority to her and the lack of friends you have! HA! Yeah, and don't think you can win me by sending your BengLian army. I wanna laugh just thinking about it!

Hey you should go repent and surrender your life to God, then you wouldn't feel so inferior to Michelle ah?

I will take down this post in due time, after you've suffered your losing face-ness.

But anyhow - No offence darling.

Call me a bitch! I'd love that!
Some basic information to know.
She is 19 and has a mentality of a 12 year old girl.

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